Sean Carleton Profile picture
Settler historian/Indigenous Studies professor. Author: Lessons in Legitimacy (2022); Co-editor: Dissenting Traditions (2021); Co-founder @GHC_Comics.
Lennonchelsea Profile picture JoAnne Jarvis Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 22 25 tweets 8 min read
Next week is the 3rd anniversary of the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc's announcement re: potential unmarked graves at the Kamloops residential school, and the flurry of residential school denialism has already started. So, here's a 🧵with receipts and resources to hold space for truth. Image First, residential school denialism is *not* the denial that the IRS system existed but the attempt to twist, distort, or misrepresent basic facts to shake public confidence in truth and reconciliation to protect the colonial status quo. Here's a primer:…
May 4 9 tweets 3 min read
The National Post's new residential school denialism just dropped. Since it's a weekend oped in a national newspaper, I'll explain why this kind of denialism (complaining about the so-called "blood libel" re: IRS unmarked graves) needs to be directly confronted. Here's a🧵 Image First, the NP has offered a platform to residential school denialism for years, which, to be clear is not the denial of the IRS system’s existence, but the attempt to twist/misrepresent facts to shake public confidence in truth and reconciliation. See:…
Apr 17 12 tweets 2 min read
I engage a lot with Fanon’s work, but had never read A Dying Colonialism until this week. I’m glad I took the time to sit with this book, about Algeria as a French settler colony and the liberation struggle there that started in 1954. Here are some thoughts 🧵 Image What's interesting is that, after 130 years of colonialism, Fanon offers thoughts about the dying, the withering of settler colonial power in Algeria. There's greater relevance of his ideas today, in the context of the global reckoning with histories of colonialism/slavery.
Jan 25 15 tweets 5 min read
What do all of these four people have in common? Answer: they all engage/promote residential school denialism. Here's a 🧵with the receipts. Image First, residential school denialism is not the denial of the Indian Residential School system’s existence, but rather the rejection or misrepresentation of basic facts about residential schooling to undermine truth and reconciliation efforts. Learn more:…
Oct 11, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
New publication 🚨 Reid Gerbrandt and I are pleased to release "Debunking the 'Mass Grave Hoax': A Report on Media Coverage and Residential School Denialism in Canada." Read the full report on @CHRRmanitoba's website: . Here's a 🧵on our key findings:…
Image Many people — in Canada and internationally, especially on the far-right — are accepting and promoting a “mass grave hoax” narrative that casts doubt on the searches for missing children and unmarked burials being undertaken by First Nations across Canada.
Oct 3, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
As folks put away their orange shirts, let's talk about what we can do all year round to help put truth before reconciliation. Listening and learning from Survivors remains the key, but settlers learning how to identify and confront IRS denialism is also part of the "climb"🧵 Image At the Ottawa #NDTR event on Saturday, the @NCTR_UM called on Canadians to confront the growing trend of IRS denialism but in ways that would not allow denialists to hijack the day. Following the NCTR's lead, I held off on dealing with denialism until now:…
Apr 20, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
The shíshálh Nation says ground-penetrating radar has identified what are believed to be 40 unmarked graves of children on or near the site of the former St. Augustine's Residential School. As an IRS historian, here is more information about the school:… The school, also known as the Sechelt Indian Residential School, was run by the Catholic Church between 1904 and 1975 on the sunshine coast in British Columbia: Image
Apr 19, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🚨APRIL FREE BOOK DRAW 🚨Another month, another draw to win a *free* copy of my new book, Lessons in Legitimacy: Colonialism, Capitalism, and the Rise of State Schooling in BC. To be entered, simply comment below, send me a DM, or contact me through my website (link in bio). Image The deadline to enter for April's draw is this Sunday, April 23. I’ll contact the winner and send the book in the mail asap.
Apr 2, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I've had a lot of requests to share some free and accessible resources that folks can use to help identify and confront the growing phenomenon of residential school denialism as they see it, so here is a 🧵 Back in 2019, Murray Sinclair argued that residential school denialists posed the "biggest barrier to reconciliation" in Canada:…
Feb 6, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Thanks to the overwhelming majority of Twitter users who challenged the Dorchester Review's residential school denialism, a disclaimer is now been attached to the post highlighting the "extensive historical and firsthand evidence" debunking this claim. Here's a🧵 Image Quickly, denialists deliberately seek to twist or misrepresent basic IRS facts to undermine public confidence in truth and reconciliation. Daniel Heath Justice and I have written this easy to read primer:…
Oct 29, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
The Government of Canada unanimously passed a motion on Thursday to recognize residential schooling as genocide. Unsurprisingly, the National Post published an oped today by Chris Dummitt debating the definition of genocide. Here's a thread on how this kind of denialism works🧵: Debating the definition of genocide and trying to narrow it to exclude Canada's IRS system, despite evidence to the contrary, is the #1 denialist talking point Daniel Heath Justice and I outlined in this primer on identifying IRS denialism:…
Oct 20, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
Alberta's new premier, Danielle Smith, has faced a lot of criticism for her ignorant and incorrect statements about Russia's war in Ukraine and the pandemic, and she's since apologized. But she also needs to be challenged on her promotion of residential school denialism, a 🧵: Image The image above was shared with me, and it is verified from Smith's Locals page, a creator platform popular on the right. It was created by Dave Rubin when Jordan Peterson left Patreon re: free speech issues. Subscribers can view content for free, but you must pay to comment.
Oct 20, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Can someone please verify this post, shared with me, is officially from Danielle Smith's Locals page (looks to be from - possibly 7 July 2022). This is textbook residential school denialism, which she has previously distanced herself from within the UCP. #DanielleSmith #Abpoli Regardless, @ArchaeoMapper and I have already refuted the claims made above:…
Oct 18, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
I'm very honoured to have won the @CHEA_ACHE Best Article Prize for a piece I published in the @HistEdSocUK journal on Indigenous children attending public schools in British Columbia, 1872-1925. Thanks to my peers for the recognition! #histed ImageImage Here is the article if you are interested:…. If you don't have access through your academic/public library, hit me up and I will get you access.
Oct 18, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Historian of schooling here: efforts to rebuff anti-racist education are driven by the desire to protect the power/profits of white supremacy in settler capitalist societies like Canada. Treating racism as a bad apple - rather than a systemic problem - protects that system. Schooling has *never* been just about teaching "literacy, numeracy, and be skills and knowledge based." Never. It has always been, at core, also a tool of socioeconomic legitimization and colonial world-making, as I argue in this @ConversationCA piece:…
Sep 27, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read
Here's a thread about residential school denialism, using this example 🧵 The thread will deal with difficult subject matter, so here is a resource list for those wanting to reach out for emotional support: IRSSS CRISIS LINE: 1.800.721.0066; 24hr National IRS Crisis - 1.866.925.4419; Hope for Wellness - 1.855.242.3310
Sep 13, 2022 21 tweets 6 min read
Now that Pierre Poilievre is officially the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, let's examine his and the CPC's recent connections to residential school denialism, a thread🧵: Former leader, Erin O'Toole, was caught on camera in 2019 coaching right-wing students on how to use residential school denialism to score cheap political points. He argued that the goal of IRS was to "provide education" (it was forced assimilation):…
Sep 12, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
Since the Queen's death, there's been an uptick in people sharing the conspiracy theory that QEII disappeared 10 children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School during a trip in 1964. As an historian concerned with IRS misinformation and denialism, here's a 🧵debunking it: The main goals of this thread: 1. to debunk the conspiracy theory; 2. to suggest why people might be drawn to it; and 3. to explain why the sharing of this misinformation can fuel IRS denialism and further impede truth and reconciliation efforts.
Jul 13, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
Today is the deadline to submit a claim for the Indian Day School class action. In support of Survivors who are sharing their truth, here is a 🧵about the history and ongoing legacy of the IDS system, based on @jacksonpind and I's recent piece:… Most don’t realize that Canada’s system of “Indian education” was not limited to residential schools. It also included a network of nearly 700 federally funded and church-run Indian Day Schools, which were attended by an estimated 200,000 Indigenous people between 1870 and 2000.
Jul 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Today is the 32nd anniversary of the start of the Siege of Kanehsatake, or the so-called Oka Crisis. Here is @EllenGabriel1 and I's #RememberResistRedraw poster about the Legacy of ‘Oka’ and the future of Indigenous resistance: Image You can read the full write up, by Ellen and I here:…
May 26, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Since Terry Glavin goes out of his way to say that his most recent piece is not "residential school denialism," let me quickly explain why it is. A thread on residential school denialism 🧵: To start, residential school denialism is NOT, as Daniel Heath Justice and I have explained, the outright denial of the Indian Residential School (IRS) system’s existence. It is, rather, an attempt to misrepresent basic IRS facts/info to undermine truth and reconciliation.