Sean Casten Profile picture
US Rep, IL-06. Engineer. Former CEO. Dad. Husband. Born at 326 ppm. Official tweets @RepCasten. Also: SeanCasten at Mastodon & Bluesky, SeanTCasten on Threads
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Oct 1 21 tweets 6 min read
Let's talk US immigration policy. As JD Vance admits to lying so he can gin up the xenophobes and the @HouseGOP keeps bringing bills to the floor that claim to solve imaginary problems, we've got to understand the real data, and real issues. Thread: 1. First, the idea that immigrants are prone to criminality has ALWAYS been used to argue against immigration and has never been true. Immigrants - especially undocumented ones - are consistently vastly more law-abiding than the general population.…

Sep 22 19 tweets 5 min read
I promised I'd say more about this. We need to talk about the financial regulation portions Trump's Project 2025 and why they are inimical to capitalism, free markets and would destroy the US economy. Thread: 1. Prebuttal to everyone about to chime in with "Trump said he's not associated with it!" I don't know how to break this to you but Trump is a liar. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 356,782 times, shame on me. It's his people writing policies for him. Move along.
Sep 21 9 tweets 3 min read
I am often critical of the @HouseGOP for their incompetence, absence of any abiding moral compass and hostility to democracy. But this week, they deserve praise for their nationwide message discipline during “anti-woke week”. Thread: 1. The floor agenda this week was dedicated to “anti-wokeism”. The purpose was to explain to the world why they support companies right to discriminate, ignore climate science and embrace bad governance - and own the media cycle. Did they ever.…
Sep 12 17 tweets 5 min read
OK, Trump got his ass kicked by Harris this week. That’s great but it’s time to move on. Specifically, to the huge national security / malign actor interference risk that Donald John presents as early as a week from tomorrow. Thread: 1. A man who owes lots of money to lawyers and adjudicated civil fines could soon be able to start selling some or all of his 114M shares in a company that is a trainwreck as a stock but still massively overvalued.…
Aug 29 8 tweets 2 min read
Short thread about Arlington National Cemetery and official visits: Every year I've been in Congress, @RepCartwright has led a bipartisan trip to Arlington National Cemetery around Memorial Day. ANC staff does a fantastic job taking us to a few graves, sharing their stories and valor. One year it was to the oldest WW1 vet and they read stories of his enlistment (he lied about his age) and secret to a long life "when you think you're about to die, don't".
Jul 26 7 tweets 2 min read
Trump’s Project 2025 has some VERY creepy surveillance ideas about women’s pregnancies. Read this passage carefully (from page 455 of their plan). Image 1. “Abortion surveillance” is not a thing - but they’d like it to be. The job of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is not to surveil. To suggest otherwise is some serious Orwellian creepiness.
Jul 24 13 tweets 4 min read
I want to quickly highlight a completely bonkers part of Trump's Project 2025 agenda relating to your salary and faith. You have to see this stuff in text to understand the degree to which these extreme MAGA types want to control your life. 1. First, they would eliminate overtime pay. You want to work the night shift to make more money? Too bad. Do you think your boss should pay you more if they make you work longer? Too bad.
Jul 6 18 tweets 5 min read
Let’s talk a bit about Project 2025, the really unpopular guidebook to destroy American democracy that the Koch brothers, Leonard Leo, the Heritage Foundation and lots of Trumpified wing nuts are pushing - but Trump claims to know nothing about. 1. First, read this. Trump of course is lying. But it is a tell that even he knows this is toxic and doesn’t want you to know he’s involved.…
Jul 5 12 tweets 2 min read
A few brief thoughts after walking in two parades yesterday, speaking at one Independence Day kickoff, seeing some fireworks and chatting with a whole lot of patriotic friends and neighbors: 1. Americans are fundamentally good people. The media noise can distract from all that. Don't let it. The best way to be hopeful about our future always has been and will always be to go talk to a stranger.
Jul 1 9 tweets 2 min read
Multiple midwest towns are currently being asked to renew a long term contract to buy power from a coal plant in downstate IL. They should reject. It is an attempt to prop up a power plant by trying to take advantage of small communities. Thread:… 1. First, coal isn't economic and it's getting worse. Our power grid consistently dispatches zero-marginal cost renewables ahead of coal. Locking into coal for the next decades makes no more sense than locking into your landline. It's yesterday's technology. Image
May 24 16 tweets 3 min read
This week the House voted to prevent DC from allowing non-citizens to vote. I opposed the bill. It was a pure gotcha vote from the majority, but the issues it raises are so interesting that I thought worth a thread this morning. Read along if you want to nerd out with me! 1. First, if this bill were to become law it would have no bearing outside of DC municipal elections. Voting yes or no is basically a question of whether you think Congress should constrain who votes for school board in a single specific municipality.
May 14 15 tweets 3 min read
I’m glad to see the new FERC transmission rule. But let’s be clear: it is a tiny step in the right direction - and Christie’s objection highlights why it is so hard to do what needs to be done. Short thread:… 1. First the good. More clarity on cost structures, better alignment between those who benefit from new transmission and those who pay for new transmission, more coordination with states, encouraging dynamic line ratings and other grid-enhancing tech. That’s all to be applauded.
May 2 9 tweets 2 min read
A brief word on yesterday’s so-called anti-semitism vote. Procedurally, it didn’t matter. But as a legal matter it would have been completely impracticable if it did. I voted no, and while I understand why others voted yes, it’s worth a bit of detail: 1. If you are a person who wants nuance and depth, read @stevesheffey’s great summary here. If you’re a TL;DR type, read on.…
Apr 11 11 tweets 2 min read
This is the kind of nonsense that happens when you replace a political party with a clown show. Let’s unpack this a bit: Image 1. FISA is a bill that was created in the aftermath of 9/11 to allow our intelligence agencies to better monitor communications from bad guys even if they are communicating on new communication networks and/or with US nationals. It was in place through the Trump administration.
Mar 18 5 tweets 2 min read
The presumptive @GOP nominee for President is desperate for $464M (and counting) which he cannot personally access. That fact alone makes him a massive national security risk; any foreign adversary seeking to buy a President knows the price. We already lack clarity on what security was provided for the $91M bond he posted in response to the E. Jean Carroll case. That is already a plenty BFD. A guy who wants your trust and wants to be President should disclose his liabilities.…
Mar 14 14 tweets 3 min read
OK so let’s talk about the TikTok vote today. Because the amount of woefully misinformed calls and social media outreach over the last two days PROVES that we had a problem. Thread: 1. 1st, we DID NOT BAN” TikTok today. We voted to require Bytedance to sell TikTok if TikTok is going to continue to operate in the US. Bytedance is heavily influenced by the Chinese Communist Party, and does not share how they use your data, or how they promote content you see.
Jan 24 16 tweets 4 min read
This clip in Politico this morning is a good reminder that for at least a generation, Washington has never really worked when the @GOP was in charge. Let's review, shall we? Image 1. First, just look at who they pick for Speaker of the House - 2nd in line to the Presidency. The current guy is supported by hate groups and white nationalists.…
Jan 13 12 tweets 2 min read
I'm proud of @GovPritzker for doing this. And cannot believe the inhumanity of @GregAbbott_TX that he made this necessary. There is no religious or moral framework I am aware of that curses the stranger in need. But that is exactly what Abbott would have us do. Thread: 1. First, understand that the migrants being sent to IL and elsewhere are not "illegal". They have come here seeking asylum, have had their applications reviewed and are awaiting adjudication. During that period, they are free to travel around the country.
Jan 6 23 tweets 4 min read
On this fourth anniversary of January 6th, let's have a brief discussion about the Constitution, architecture and what we collectively have to do to make sure 1/6 never happens again. Thread: 1. First, the Constitution. We talk about 3 co-equal branches, but the legislative branch was arguably the most important in our founders vision. Article 1 is the longest section of the Constitution. It's the only one directly elected by the people.
Dec 21, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Anyone up for a nerdy #energytwitter thread on the Inflation Reduction Act, tax equity markets and international bank capital requirements? Because like Dylan, I'm about to spit hot fire. Thread: 1. So the Inflation Reduction Act - the biggest climate bill ever passed by any government ever is largely a tax incentive bill. Incentives vary by tech but the basic structure is that if you invest $100 in a qualifying project, you'll get some percentage back in lower taxes.
Dec 16, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
This week @RepMikeLevin and I introduced the Clean Electricity Transmission Acceleration Act (CETAA) to debottleneck clean energy deployment and fundamentally re-think US energy policy with 74 (!) original cosponsors. Here's why we're so excited about it. Thread: 1. First, here's a good explainer on the bill.…