Sean DeLaney Profile picture
Executive Performance Coach for CEO's, Investors, Pro Athletes Author: When Life Begins to Whisper & Masterpiece in Progress What Got You There Podcast host 🎤
Jan 10, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
What can we learn about achieving excellence from the greatest swimmer @MichaelPhelps & swim coach @coach_bowman of all time?

Coach Bowman's coaching philosophy can be distilled as follows:

Set your goals high. Work conscientiously, every day, to achieve them. Coach Bowman often cited Earl Nightingale's advice after Nightingale studied the most successful people of all time and revealed one common truth:

"They make a habit of doing things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do."

Simple but so true!
Jan 9, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE conversations on @WhatGotYouThere with Olympic Gold medalist @ApoloOhno ⛸🥇 is out now!

Here are my top 🔟takeaways… 1. Intentionality is a Foundational Pillar for Success

Going into workouts Apolo asked:
Why am I here?
What is this training session?
Why am I doing it?
And then what is this and how does this relate to the overall long-term goal?
Jan 8, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The question is NOT “What’s in it for me?”

The question we should be asking is “How can I help?

“The first question:‘If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But the good Samaritan reversed the question: ‘If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?” The word Hero comes from the Greek word hērōs, "hero" -literally "protector" or "defender.

What Plutarch taught them is this: Heroes care. True heroism, as the ancients understood, isn’t about strength, or boldness, or even courage. It’s about compassion. Image
Jan 12, 2020 25 tweets 8 min read
🎙NEW @WhatGotYouThere EPISODE with @rabois!

⚡️Spotting Undiscovered Talent
⚡️Learning Through Osmosis
⚡️Lesson from @peterthiel
⚡️Favorite Books
⚡️Most impressive thing he's seen this year

Listen 👇 Image Some key takeaways and quotes from Keith

For full show notes by @podcastnotes 👇…