Sean Durns Profile picture
FP analyst: @dcexaminer @Jerusalem_Post @TheNatlInterest @Newsweek @realDailyWire @DailyCaller @NewYorkSun @NRO @mosaicmag @WashTimes @FoxNews @FreeBeacon
Mar 26, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Hi Katie, as I noted in this thread, editorials from leading periodicals such as @washingtonpost @nytimes and others did condemn it. Further, the UN Security Council put forward a resolution condemning it which the US supported
Details about this can be found in Francine Klagsbrun’s bio of Golda Meir, as well as Daniel Gordis’s book on Israel entitled “A Nation Reborn.”
Dec 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
In thousands of words on the lack of a Palestinian state this clown car of an article by @IgnatiusPost entirely omits that Palestinian leaders have rejected numerous offers for a Palestinian state if it meant living in peace w Israel—more than 3 offers in last 2 decades.Pathetic Image Ignatius even spends a bit of time talking about the U.S.-backed Palestinian Authority Security Forces, omitting that they’ve participated in terror attacks. Also entirely omits that the PA itself pays tax deductible salaries to those who murder and maim Jews.
Nov 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
There’s a long & documented history of UN buildings being used by Hamas to store weapons and launch attacks. An internal UN investigation noted as much after evidence of Hamas using UN buildings during the 2014 war surfaced.Further, UNRWA has been caught w Hamas on payroll.…
Nov 7, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
I’d like to make a few points about this excellent @NRO op-ed highlighting how @washingtonpost continues to treat Hamas, a genocidal US-designated terror group, as if they were a credible source. This is a 🧵 and I hope that @jehld @JeffBezos &other top Post staff are paying attn Numerous outlets have, if belatedly, acknowledged that the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry is not a credible source. The Post, however, has not.
Nov 5, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
In 2014, a France24 reporter dared to note that Hamas was firing rockets from a kindergarden. He dared to do so live, when his Hamas minders&fixers couldnt stop him. Hamas showed up to his hotel, seized him, and held him in the basement of their headquarters in Shifa Hospital. You have to be remarkably stupid to think that the news you get from Hamas-ruled Gaza isn't tightly controlled. Fixers are approved by Hamas, which had facilities/shared office space with the AP. Reporting is closely monitored. Reporters have even admitted as much when they leave
Aug 1, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
It's been several days now since Hamas brutally repressed Palestinians protesting in Gaza. And @washingtonpost has yet to file a single story on the incident. So far, all they've done is reprint an @AP dispatch.…
Jul 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Today @washingtonpost ran this front page, above the fold, story on Israel’s counterterrorist raid in Jenin. Front page, numerous pictures, a thousand plus words *and not a single mention of the Palestinian Authority that is responsible for combatting terror in Jenin* Remarkable The Post has run no fewer than three front page stories on the Jenin operation in the last week or so. I literally can’t remember the last time that the Post ran a front page story on the PA. Not in the 8 1/2 years that I’ve been monitoring it.
Feb 5, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
The US currently has 5 prime defense contractors—down from 51 three decades ago.A recent study found that in the event of a Sino-American conflict over Taiwan we would run out of key munitions in *less* than a week.The Sec of Navy &Deputy SoD have warned that our DIB is in crisis A Feb 2022 Pentagon report concurred. All of this is to say nothing of the obvious: the invasion of Ukraine itself is a sign that the US has lost deterrence in Europe. Ample warnings that were losing it in the Indo-Pacific as well.
Jan 20, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
The Goshen Massacre and the Specter of Cartel Spillover Into the US… A few broad comments on this, as someone who grew up not far from the border and whose father was a narcotics officer:
Sep 23, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I’m the very opposite of an optimist but I’m getting the impression that what’s going on in Iran is quite different from the previous protest movements of the last dozen or so years. It is impossible to overstate the seismic disaster that was, and is, the Islamic Revolution. Aside from the human rights aspect, from a purely geopolitical standpoint it completely shifted the ground in the Middle East and, for that matter, the world.
Sep 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵 I’d only add the following: the majority of modern wars, with notable exceptions like the Wars of German unification, are wars of attrition. One could easily argue that both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had effectively lost years before they accepted it. In fact, both Japan and Germany arguably lost once they were at war with industrialized powers whose war making capabilities they lacked the ability to destroy. Victory was unlikely, if not impossible, by 42/43 onwards. Yet the war ground on.
Jan 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
My grandparents were married in the Pittsburgh synagogue where the October 2018 massacre took place. My retired grandfather attended the synagogue in Tucson that was vandalized w a swastika. And my uncle attended the synagogue in Texas where the hostage crisis is now unfolding. My family is about as secular and as “Americanized” as can be imagined. Yet antisemitism has still managed to touch us in 2022–eight decades after most of my family was slaughtered in the Shoah.
Aug 8, 2021 17 tweets 6 min read
I’ve read it, thanks. Ditto for your book on Salameh. Indeed, I’ve published hundreds of articles on the conflict. Please read this piece—you might learn some complicated history… You can also start here…
May 15, 2021 23 tweets 5 min read
Efforts to achieve a two-state solution date back to the 1930s—ten years before Israel’s recreation—and the Peel Report. Each have been rejected, out of hand, by Palestinian leaders who consider all of Israel to be a “settlement.” Their media and textbooks say as much Jewish social and political equality is what they consider to be an “occupation.”
May 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Many of those deaths are from 1. Hamas’s documented use of human shields 2. Rockets fired from Gaza that have fallen short. I’m sorry that there aren’t more dead Jews for you Shadi, but Israel made the decision to invest in and protect its people—unlike Palestinian leaders…
May 14, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Tlaib and Omar tried to go on a trip sponsored by an org that claims Jews consume Christian blood. This *fact* has been known for years now. Will reporters covering finally note it? @mikedebonis @NiallStanage @Rho_Co… The planned trip also included meetings w an NGO w terror links. Despite all of this, Tlaib was granted entry.…
May 12, 2021 14 tweets 4 min read
More than 600 rockets fired into Israel last night alone. All fired from a genocidal terrorist group. No other nation would tolerate that. Israel could flatten Gaza in an afternoon if it so chose. So spare me the false claims of "disproportionate use of force" Palestinians have been offered a state on at least six occasions. They've declined every single one. Israel even withdrew unilaterally from Gaza. The response? The election of a terror group that calls for Israel's destruction and which *immediately* began launching rockets
May 11, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Interesting to note, yet again, that so many of the I/P analysts who have spent decades pushing for failed policies—policies which, in many respects, brought us to where we are today—are incapable of learning from their failures. *analysts and organizations
May 11, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
After reading this tweet I recommend immediately going to the account of @imshin and checking out #TheGazaYouDontSee It turns out that what Hamas shows and allows naive Western journalists to see is, um, not the whole truth and maybe,just maybe, part of their propaganda/disinformation ops
May 11, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Avi is, of course, correct. I’ve written about this quite a bit, including here… And here…
May 10, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Hi Colin, Palestinian Arabs have been murdering Jews long before the 1967 Six Day War—indeed before Israel was recreated in 1948. Also: Jews are indigenous to the land & Israeli Arabs have greater political rights than the Palestinians ruled by the Palestinian Authority & Hamas A genocidal US-designated terrorist group is raining rockets down on the world’s sole Jewish state but ppl like Colin know whose to blame: the Jews (of course). Bravo, Colin! Well done! You tell those Jews that they deserve those rockets