Sean Parnell Profile picture
Combat Veteran, NYT Best Selling Author, Husband, Father, Leader & 🎙️host of Battleground LIVE 🎙️🇺🇸 Unapologetically American
Feb 24, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
.@PolitiFact & @AmySherman1 tried to fact check me on Instagram.
I knew they would. They walked right into this. Here is the post. Let me show you how this is all propaganda. Image Here is her email to me. You can see by her questions that she’s already prejudged the issue.
Loose references to her reading the news & asking the Dem Secretary of State about it, who I guess she took uncritically at his word. Image
Nov 12, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
When I was leading soldiers in combat, it was never about me. It was about protecting my troops. I felt a sacred obligation to protect their lives.
Today I feel a similar obligation to safeguard every vote cast in this election - whether those votes were cast for me or not. This election is no longer about who wins & who loses. It’s much bigger than that. It’s about preserving the institutions that have allowed this nation to endure for over two centuries.
Jun 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read

We are currently being inundated with phone calls about voting precincts not having any Republican ballots on hand and some people being told to come back later. We are asking you to please email us, rather than call, with the following information:

Mar 21, 2020 16 tweets 3 min read

I’ve spent the last 48 hours talking to small businesses here in Western PA. Some feedback from these discussions will follow. They feel that House & Senate are taking too long to get them relief. Speed is critical right now & urgent action is needed to preserve them. Keeping people healthy AND employed during this crisis should be the focus.
Feb 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m grateful for @realDonaldTrump & his administration’s efforts in support of a peace deal in Afghanistan. We’ve been at war there my entire adult life. Americans have been bleeding the ground red for nearly two decades with no end in sight.
This deal was long overdue. But I’m uneasy b/c I know the enemy. It’s important to understand that “The Taliban” are not a monolithic force. There are many factions, & our enemy goes by many different names.
While it may not be “The Taliban” who sow discord, & break the peace, other groups & factions will.
Feb 21, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Siraj Haqqani is a violent extremist & what he says in this article cannot be trusted.
My platoon fought the Haqqani Network for 485 days. They bombed schools, kidnapped & tortured children. Targeted civilians. They terrorized the Afghan people.… If it were up to us, we would have never fired our weapons in Afghanistan. We were content to help the Afghan people. We built schools & wells. Brought food & water to them. Coloring books & blankets for children.
Siraj knew this, but attacked us every single day anyway.
Jan 11, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Since I announced this incredible Fraternal Order of Police endorsement the far left has called us every name in the book.
A local “journalist” insulted our personal lives & families.
My opponent’s family even scoffed, essentially saying their endorsement didn’t matter. Obviously this behavior is reprehensible, but I wanted to share something about one of the men in this photo.
He’s standing to my right. He’s the father of a beautiful special needs child. He’s also a full time police officer.
Jan 8, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I understand covering the death of Soleimani.
But live streaming the guy’s funeral in his hometown is bridge too far, & does a grave disservice to our men & women in uniform who were killed by him.
Their funerals were not covered like this. Ever wonder why veterans struggle so much when they come home? Or why many vets feel so isolated?
Coverage like this certainly plays into that feeling of isolation for many of us.
The idea that America, at a fundamental level, doesn’t understand the threats we face in battle.
Dec 16, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: @realDonaldTrump has used the power of his office to:
- give 17B to the European Deterrence Initiative , which opposes Russian aggression in Europe (compared to 5B under Obama’s second term)
- Unleash US energy, which loosened Russian geopolitical influence in Europe - implemented numerous sanctions against Russia as punishment for misconduct
- expel 60 Russian Intelligence officers from the US
- closed multiple Russian consulates in the US
- approve the US sale of lethal weapons to Ukraine as a kinetic defense against Russian aggression
Oct 21, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
We bleed the ground red for our allies, & give them millions in aid & weapons, only to be treated like this when we finally leave.
If you find yourself blaming President Trump 100% for this, check yourself.
He inherited this mess from President Obama & is trying to fix it. There’s nothing easy about strategic decisions like this. The decision to deploy US troops is a sacred one. As a commander, you’re ultimately deciding what’s worth dying for. How many American lives is Syria worth?
Oct 10, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
The situation in Syria is a nightmare. @realDonaldTrump inherited this nightmare, & had no great options. He campaigned on defeating ISIS & exiting that conflict. He’s now fulfilled those promises.
Doesn’t make the situation with the Kurds any easier to stomach. These types of leadership decisions often have no perfect outcome. As most of us are seeing now, the burden of command is indeed a heavy one.
Life & death hangs in the balance with each and every decision.
Nov 18, 2017 14 tweets 3 min read
(1) Had a great meeting with the VA Secretary yesterday. The good news? Shulkin is a good man that cares about helping our nation’s vets. He agrees that the VA needs significant reform. (2) Lots of good things happening. Shulkin has made the VA far more transparent. Examples: the VA is publishing wait times publicly for the first time. He’s shrinking the VAs footprint by doing away w/under utilized facilities.