Sean Ryan Profile picture
Professional Trader and CEO of @PredictingAlpha Generating alpha since '95
Sep 13, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
1/11 Had a very candid and eye opening conversation with @AgustinLebron3 about trading, decision making and how retail traders should approach the space.

Watch it here:

Here's some of the topics and lessons we discussed (thread) -> 2/ Trading, poker, etc... people interested in one of these fields are often interested in the others. Why?
They all involve:

1) being able to think analytically about decisions and

2) an ability to make decisions with incomplete information (with lots of money on the line)
Mar 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 Looking at $TGT earnings. At first glance, the market implied move looks low relative to what happens around Target earnings. 5.3% implied, 7.69% average.. 2/4 And looking at my strategy analyzer, buying vol going into earnings has been pretty solid returns over the last couple of years. If you bought a straddle going into $TGT earnings you'd return about 200% on risk in 3 years. BUT..