How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App if an increase in their tolerance for that thing transfers over to an increased tolerance for doing other hard things. Generally, it does not. Sometimes, the opposite happens. this in groups because this lessens their feeling of individual agency, which is also exciting. right for years in Nrx circles, and Paleo ones before that. Given this, I don't think it's justified to conclude that Sailer being part Jewish is the cause of him holding these views. Also, the antisemitic attacks from Groypers on Sailer recently have obviously been bad."It didn't do anything to transmission". Destiny points out that this is false because it reduced the rates of transmission. Peterson then seemingly completely abandons his original claim, that vaccine's don't influence transmission, and moves to the claim that the government... implies some negative things about Hanania. First, three examples of my own changes. encouraging men to lie to their wives about how attractive they are as they get older. I've spoken to some women about this, and seen others talk about it, and many express that they would feel a sense of worthlessness knowing that their husband didn't think they were hot... poverty correlates with crime in studies that measure psychology. For instance, in this paper IQ and impulsivity predicted crime while, after controlling for these sorts of variables, parental socio-economic status did not., the worst marked neighborhoods on the maps redlining was based on were 15% black and 85% white. Black people were rare in neighborhoods marked as safe to give loans in, but the relationship between neighborhood racial composition and loan rating was extremely weak... with respect to taxes, Hanania looks at changes in the top marginal tax rate which is a misleading metric of taxes on the rich. Looking at effective tax rates over a longer time horizon makes clear this too is a conservative (or libertarian) loss.