Blue Planet Society Profile picture
Global pressure group campaigning to protect the world’s ocean. Registered CIC 14162403 🐟
May 3 6 tweets 3 min read
🦈White sharks in South Africa 🇿🇦have all but disappeared from their hotspots. Why?

18 of 21 white sharks tagged since 2019 have disappeared. Nearly 90% in under 4 years. Where have they gone?

🧵 from this research:

& article:…… White sharks are being killed:

🦈 28 (average) white sharks were killed yearly by drumlines & shark nets (between 1978 & 2018).

🪝 40 (conservative estimate) white sharks killed per year (2008 - 2019) by the Demersal shark longline fishery.…
Sep 12, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
This is horrific.

A huge pod of white-sided dolphins have been brutally slaughtered in the Faroe Islands this evening.

Read more here… Image Hideously cruel, possibly unsustainable, irresponsible.

Read more here… 📷 Palli Ásbjørnsson Justesen Image
Feb 23, 2019 4 tweets 5 min read
5 wildlife-killing balloons in every free @ComicRelief fundraising pack + option to buy more. Plastic pollution on a monumental scale and an embarrassing lack of environmental awareness from an organisation that should know better… #RedFaceDay #RedNoseDay There must be dozens of celebrities that campaign for the environment and fund-raise for @comicrelief. Somebody please have a word about the balloons. @LennyHenry @ferrifrump @JuliaBradbury @ChrisGPackham @BillOddie @Dawn_French #balloonsblow
Dec 27, 2018 27 tweets 22 min read
Let's hit Japan hard and make them rethink their decision to leave the IWC and resume whaling. Join us in protesting the @RugbyWC_2019 and @Tokyo2020. 💥🐋 @iwc_int @rugbyworldcup @Olympics @rugbyworldcupjp @japan @JapanGov @JPN_PMO @AbeShinzo