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Mar 17 • 15 tweets • 7 min read
10 MIND TRICKS "Bad Boys" Use To Get Any Girl

-Female Psychology Thread- Image 1. Willingness to walk away:

Many of you deal with difficult women. She says “No, I don't know”, but you're still there, trying to look after her, trying to prove to her that you're worth it.

No. If she's difficult, you walk away. You walk away. I don't care if she's attractive or has something else to do.

You walk away, and I'm telling you, it's going to work out to your advantage.

The fact that you're willing to walk away will lead her to think, "Wait, doesn't he think I deserve to be treated like a princess?

Doesn't he think I'm worthy of his time and money?" No, we don't see that today, because sometimes you lose all respect for yourself.

You lose your pride, and I ask you, “Where's your pride?” The woman talks like a crazy person, acts like a crazy person, and you're still there.

No. Have a little respect for yourself. Who does she think she is?

What amazes me is that she's not even your girlfriend! She's someone you just met.

Why are you so thirsty for someone you don't even know and who's already showing you she's difficult?

Maybe you like dealing with difficult women, I don't know.

But step away and watch how she pursues you. You have to be willing to let go and walk away.
Mar 14 • 17 tweets • 8 min read
She left you on read?

Master the Art of Flirty Texting & Make Her Crave You

• THREAD - Image 1. Women respond to emotion, not logic

Most guys text like accountants—straight facts, zero excitement.

Bad plan.

Women crave feelings. Your texts should:
✅ Spark curiosity
✅ Stir emotions
✅ Build anticipation

❌ “What’s your favorite movie?”
✅ “What movie wrecks you emotionally every time?”

The second one taps into her feelings, making her engage on a deeper level.
Mar 13 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
7 Fantasies Women Will NEVER Tell You

- THREAD - Image 1) She wants to be dominated

It's in her DNA. A woman wants to be dominated by the man she loves and respects.

It's not a question of culture, education or modernity. It's biological. Since the dawn of time, women have been attracted to powerful men, capable of imposing their will and guiding them.

She wants to feel that power within four walls. She wants you to take her, to possess her, to make her lose control.

If you can offer her the most intense experience of her life, she'll come back again and again, completely submissive to your desire.
Mar 9 • 20 tweets • 7 min read
How to Make Her Regret Ignoring You

The Art of Reverse Psychology

- Female Psychology Thread - Image 1. The Power of Composure

She starts ignoring you…

Most guys panic, double-text, or act like they just lost oxygen.

Big mistake.

Instead, you stay calm, unbothered, and completely in control—like a king on his throne.

When you don’t react emotionally, she starts wondering: “Why isn’t he chasing me?”

Suddenly, the roles flip. She’s the one thinking about you.

Because nothing is more powerful than a man who refuses to be moved by a woman’s games.
Mar 6 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
Most men chase women and get ignored.

Flip the script—make her chase you.

Girls will chase you like CHOCOLATE if you master these 10 strong habits.

- Female Psychology Thread - Image The #1 Mistake That Keeps You Losing With Women

You treat every woman like she’s your last chance at love.

You cling. You chase. You overinvest.

And then you wonder why she pulls away.

This is the scarcity mindset—the belief that women are rare and you have to hold on for dear life.

Real men don’t operate like this. They know options exist. They move with abundance.

Missed out on a girl? Who cares. There are millions more.

The men who win don’t beg or mourn. They keep their head up, their eyes forward, and let the right women come to them.

Start thinking like a man who chooses, not chases.
Feb 19 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
Dark Facts about women you WON’T be able to Digest:

1.Women don’t care about a man’s age or looks. Image 2. For women, respect takes a backseat to attention and reputation.

A woman will twist reality, bend the truth, and even betray her own values if it means protecting her image.

She thrives on being desired, noticed, talked about.

And when that attention fades? She’ll do whatever it takes to bring it back—whether through beauty, drama, or deception.

It’s not about truth. It’s about perception.
Feb 15 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
15 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬 of The Dating Market For Men:

(Don't be fooled)

1) Apart from sex, women have NOTHING to offer a man. Image 2) Marriage is a trap for men.

She gets your name, your resources, and the law on her side.

You get pressure, obligations, and the risk of losing everything if she walks away.

She can leave whenever she wants—and take half.

If there’s nothing in it for you, why play the game?
Feb 14 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
The Art of Sex:

1. When she tells you "I don't do this often", it's a lie.

-Special Valentine's Day Thread- Image 2.  Women suppress sex before getting out of a relationship

3. The more first times you have with a woman, the more she'll think about you.

4. Women don't like to talk openly about sex

5. Don't settle for just one sexual position, try new things.
Feb 12 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Men who get pvssy consistently, always follow these 8 dating rules:

1. S*x first, love later: Image Love is comfort—it’s warmth, safety, and familiarity.

Sex is tension—it’s excitement, mystery, and raw desire.

A woman doesn’t obsess over a man because he makes her feel “safe.” She craves the pull of attraction, the edge of uncertainty, and the spark of seduction.

She thinks about you when she wants you, not when she loves you.

It’s sexual tension that makes her restless, not romance.
Feb 10 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
10 Types of Women You Should NEVER Marry

(Staying Single is a BLESSING compared to tying the knot with one of these)

1. NEVER marry or DATE a SINGLE M0THER. Image Single mothers are looking for help raising her kid, NOT love.

Dating a woman who expects financial help is not dating.

Marrying or dating a Single Mother is a one-way ticket to Disaster.

It's not even an investment, she’s using you.

Avoid them at ALL Cost no matter the Story.
Feb 4 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
10 WEAKnesses & Truths about Women.

If you don’t understand these, don’t be surprised when SHE LEAVES YOU for a man who does.

-Female Psychology Thread-

1. Women aren't weak, they just like to look weak. Image They like to be carefree and unrestrained.

It's because they have an innate understanding of what life is all about. They want to flow with you, but you're trying to control them.

Don't judge, just notice and keep it to yourself.
Feb 3 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
7 Conversation Starters That Attract ALL Women

-Female Psychology Thread- Image With these openers, you can approach anyone, and they’re likely to respond.

Some women can be a bit challenging and may give you a hard time, but watch how they react with these.

They’ll be like, “Okay, I’ll talk to you!” For example, let’s say you meet a woman named Monica—just kidding! Anyway, here’s the first opener.

1. The Direct Opener:

This one is risky, but when it works, it works amazingly well. It’s straightforward:

You approach her wherever she is—on the street, in a coffee shop, at a party, at a restaurant (preferably when she’s alone)—and say, “Hey, I know this is random, but I thought you were really cute and wanted to meet you.”

It’s direct, no beating around the bush.

I’m telling you, most guys don’t do this. If a guy approached a woman like this, she’d appreciate it.

First, you’re giving a compliment—she’ll likely say, “Thank you.” Plus, you’re showing you’re aware of the social awkwardness of the moment, which is attractive because it’s not creepy; it’s genuine.

It’s creepy when someone doesn’t understand that they’re coming across oddly.

When you go up to her, be confident and present yourself with masculine energy.

Say, “Hey, I know this is random, but I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you.”

Be direct, avoid unnecessary pauses, and deliver with certainty. She’ll know you’re interested, not just making conversation.

Women like this approach because it’s rare—many guys act shy or indirect.

If you get a positive response, great! If not, just walk away. Smile confidently, though; don’t give off a negative vibe.
Feb 2 • 12 tweets • 7 min read
Men run on logic. Women run on EMOTIONS.

If you want to be successful with women, you need to understand how to trigger the RIGHT emotions.

Here are 7 ways to do it:

1. Get other women Image Women are naturally competitive with each other.

Watch how a ‘7’ looks at a ‘9’—that glare isn’t just judgment, it’s jealousy.

She sees what she wishes she had.

Use this to your advantage. Surround yourself with attractive women, and you’ll notice others gravitating toward you.

Women want what other women already desire.

When you’re taken, they chase.

When you’re alone, they ignore.
Feb 1 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
9 Dark Psychological Tricks To Control ANY Woman's Mind

-Female Psychology Thread- Image 1. A persistent presence

Have you ever wondered how to give a woman the impression that you're always there, even when you're not?

This may seem a little off-topic, but follow me. I'm not talking about being clingy, but about creating a psychological imprint of your presence so deep that she can't help but feel attached.

This obscure psychological tactic involves creating a pervasive sense of your presence.

You need to condition her environment so that it constantly reminds her of your presence.

• Leave a hoodie or small item at her place.
• Wear a distinct scent she’ll associate with you.
• Share songs that will remind her of you.

The aim is for her to begin to feel your absence as a palpable void she's desperate to fill.

This will force her to redouble her efforts to get your attention, and that, my man, is not just control, it's psychological domination.
Jan 28 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
8 Conversation Starters That Attract ALL Women

• Female Psychology Thread - Image 1. The Situational Opener

Start with what’s happening right in front of you.

At a party:
“Wow, this place is so packed! Did they hand out free drinks or something?”

At a concert:
“These guys are insane—are they always this good live?”

Situational openers feel natural, easy, and don’t put pressure on either of you.

It shows you’re observant and tuned into your surroundings, which women find very attractive.

This is the conversational equivalent of casually opening a door rather than forcing it.
Jan 26 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
Dark Facts about women you WON’T be able to Digest:

1. Women don’t care about a man’s age or looks. Image 2. For women, respect takes a backseat to attention and reputation.

A woman will sacrifice almost anything to protect her image.

And when it comes to attention? She’ll go to any length to keep the spotlight on herself.
Jan 25 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
10 Ways to DESTROY Women's Egos Instantly

1. NEVER go down like a PUPPY Image NEVER eat a woman pussy!

This one’s tough, but it works.

When you do that, you’re giving her validation. You’re making it seem like something special—like she’s different from the rest.

A woman with an inflated ego is used to men trying to please her. By holding back, you’re flipping the script. She’ll think, “Wait, why isn’t he trying to please me? Does he not want me?”

You’re playing it cool, showing her that you are the one she has to work for, not the other way around. It makes her chase, and that’s exactly what you want.
Jan 24 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
15 Critical MISTAKES that will Ruin your Chances with Women (and your Life!)

1. NEVER date a Single Mother Image Single mothers are fun to play with, but only if you’re looking for a short-term game.

She’s got the moves and experience to keep you coming back—but don’t forget, you’ll never be her forever man.

But she'll never pass on your lineage.

Single mothers are looking for HELP raising her kid, NOT love.

Dating a woman who expects financial help is not dating.

That’s why marrying or dating a Single Mother is a one-way ticket to Disaster.


It's not even an investment, she’s using you.

You'll never really be in her heart; the father of her children will be, and you'll be raising another man's children.

Be a man, not HER boy.
Jan 22 • 16 tweets • 5 min read
What girls NEVER want you to Know.

-The Dark Side of Female Nature- Image 1. Every woman becomes her most playful, childlike self around the man she truly loves. It’s how you know her heart is yours.

2. Women often fall for the man who gives them the least attention. The chase makes the prize irresistible.
Jan 21 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
How to PUNISH a woman the right way | Reverse Psychology

Read this, bookmark it, and watch the MAGIC happen.

- Female Psychology Thread - Image 1.Create addiction and take away

To truly create an emotional addiction, master the Push-Pull technique.

Get close to her—tease her, compliment her, make her feel like she’s the center of your attention, but also keep her on edge. Stir up just enough chaos so she can’t predict what you’ll do next. Let her feel special, but don’t give her everything she craves.

Then, after a week or two of building that emotional connection, pull back completely. Treat her like she doesn’t even exist. Stop texting, stop initiating plans, and act like she’s invisible.

For example, if she reaches out, don’t respond for hours or even days. When you do, keep your responses cold, distant, and brief—nothing that indicates you’re as invested as she is.

This will throw her world off balance. She’ll wonder what happened, why you went silent, and what she did wrong. The emptiness you leave will gnaw at her.

She’ll begin to crave your attention, your validation, your presence—and she won’t be able to get it out of her head. The emotional chaos you’ve created will keep her hooked, and soon enough, she’ll be begging for the connection she once had, desperate to win back what she feels slipping away.
Jan 20 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
Feminine Women don’t like feminine Men.

In fact, they HATE it.

Here are 12 things feminine men do that you should NOT do

1. CROSSING YOUR LEGS WHILE SITTING Image Open up. Take space. Sit Like a King, Not a Princess.

Don’t sit with crossed legs.

When you cross your legs, it shows you are afraid to be vulnerable.

Your body language is closed and you're scared like a little girl.

Women sit like this because they have no balls.