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Sacred whispers to remind you on your way. Psychology and dream weaving. DM for spiritual counselling and dream interpretation. Instagram @seekcindyofficial_
Oct 31, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A past lover can become attached to you even several years after the two of you were together through simply wondering, ‘Who really was he/she? What was the truth with them? How much did he/she actually lie to me? And why did they lie to me? We can never look over or gloss over the significant impact or trauma that can be had upon people who opened their heart + innocence entirely to us + were shattered in the loss of that innocence or their belief in others.

Several years later, these individuals may still be tugging on our energy wondering, why truly did happen back then?
Nov 25, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Numerologically, this week represents changing structures in your business, finance or community goals. (22) represents bridging a unique business into the physical dimension whilst 28 lends itself to unlearning the financial/karmic errors & beliefs of the family template.. It’s a great way to develop new affirmation surrounding your worth, value & your capability. The one who once thought they were too sensitive or too fragmented to have a global or worldwide business, learns that the secret is in their ability to navigate balance.
Nov 25, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Submitting to or for a man like ‘Da baby’ is the quickest way for you to understand why not every masculine counterpart is deserving of submission. Submission is reserved for men who have strong leadership qualities. This differs from somebody who has a lot of money. Ofcourse one would assume that a large sum of money equates to great leadership & vice versa: but there can be great leadership in the absence of a large sum of money. And there can be a large sum of money in the absence of great leadership (especially if the masculine has
Nov 23, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
The mother decides whether the siblings are close or not... based on whether she teaches them to love each other through the way she loves them, or whether she chooses to teach separation consciousness, by loving them separately & differently... Separationist consciousness is also usually born of the mother. If she regularly pitted the siblings together or enjoyed favouritism for the way it centred her? You’re far more likely to be the outcast of the group or struggle making connections with others later in life.
Dec 16, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
I’m so thankful for my friends. I don’t ever feel alone anymore. And that’s not even cause we speak everyday. It’s just cause their energy just lives in my heart like that. Once abandonment consciousness leaves? Love always stays. Abandonment consciousness will try to rob you of so many things. The feeling & experience of being loved (even if people try, your fear will repel them), as well as security that leads to reciprocity. If you don’t think someone will stay? You won’t be willing to create a space.
Dec 15, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I really don’t know how women can be about this sugar daddy life. I tried to use a mf for money once & the first time he took too long to get me something, I was like ‘ok I’m out’ lmao. Patience, I can have for someone I’m attracted to. But when I’m not? Whewww chyl. If I don’t find you attractive (physically or energetically), every little thing you do is gonna piss me tf off. You already piss me tf off. Sounds nice in theory... but not built for it lmao
Dec 15, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
If I’m dealing with somebody who has bouts of paranoia, I need them to promise me that they can get it together, or else unfortunately? They have to leave my life. Paranoia is dangerous & sickly. If you think I could hurt you? Then you will eventually hurt me.. I only deal with closed boarders now. Things I can count on. People who can form a protective force field around me. Nothing can penetrate the auric field we make together. That’s what a tribe is for. Be that, or I cannot truly relax..
Dec 15, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Without a consistent, healthy & functional connection to the mother, it’s imperative for the feminine to have another woman who has been taught how to self nurture, that one can (loosely) model their inner feminine after. There are ways to raise your inner child. The wounded inner feminine presents an inner child who constantly seeks & searches for reassurance, love & validation from outsiders.
Dec 15, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
Some people during the healing journey will be called to put down the sacred herb (marijuana), whilst others on their healing journey will be called to pick up the herb. Different facets of healing require different experimentations. You’ll know what to do based on your alignment Those called to pick up the herb? Will usually be being asked by spirit to explore as well as expand the boarders of their mind, tap into child like wondrous curiosity & also explore some shadow work without the filter of the egoic mind.
Oct 21, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
Stay away from people who punish you for things that happened to them long before you were even in their life. Signs to watch out for
- Unhealthy obsession with the past, including past people & past events, usually revealed to you very on through meeting them.
Oct 21, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
I prefer not to build extensive rapport or even relationships w/ people who ‘don’t trust anyone’. More often than not, the reason that they cannot trust others is because they do not trust themselves & fear that others are also like them. It’s toxic, traumatising & arduous. Nobody has time to be trying to prove themselves to anyone or enduring a series of psychological tests & trials, only to be pulled into an isolated web of their world where it’s just you & them anyway because ‘nobody else can be trusted’. Please, bye.
Oct 21, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I think it’s important with what’s happening in Nigeria to establish that we are embarking upon a generational turn over that has no space nor regard for the colonial ways of the past. And yes, as much as people say that it’s an in house problem, the harsh reality is that all of the problems in & between west African nations have been structurally created & nurtured by the west. For this reason, it is counterproductive to ask the same western nations who thrive as well as benefit (through neo & modern colonialism), from the state of disenfranchisement
Oct 21, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
A woman who does not trust her own inner self, is heavily advised against any type of ‘submission’to the masculine, because whilst she lacks inner guardian-ship,any type of submission is likely to be or become abusive & rooted in control.This isn’t submission,it’s indoctrination On discussing the nuances & our love/hate relationship with submission as the divine feminine, it’s important to discuss the fact that yes, at certain stages in life/development, submission is & CAN be a cancer to women, literally & figuratively.
Apr 1, 2020 9 tweets 1 min read
So many highly sensitive or gifted people are taught/programmed to minimise themselves or downplay their confidence from youth because they’ve been exposed to attack through envy, usually by those closest to them. They begin to develop a belief system that overt humility (Suppression) serves as a means for protection.
Apr 25, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
Women really stay going back to have sex with a man who cannot/does not give them orgasms. For what purpose? To seem as the sweet, humble woman who doesn’t expect too much? Because you’re void of choice? Sounds trash. Can’t relate. Why do we as a society act like sex is this weird sport that men are supposed to dominate & officiate.
Women are not walking/talking masturbation factories. If you’re not fully enjoying & experiencing sex as a woman, you’re literally one of those sex robots.
Jan 15, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
Learning to deal with confrontation is a healthy part of mental & emotional health & sends a message to the other parts of yourself that you are unwilling to compromise your own happiness, respect or profitability for another. Confrontation is a natural part of life & those who seek to avoid it are also those less likely to take risks that will benefit their life, shy away from adversity, develop people pleasing habits & for the most part are willing to put up with a mediocre life for means of comfort.
Jan 12, 2019 8 tweets 1 min read
Women rarely ever ‘just leave’.
Before a woman leaves her partner, she’s usually translated to them MULTIPLE times exactly what she’s unhappy about, exactly what’s wrong with the relationship & exactly how things can be fixed.
When all falls on death ears,
Yes she will leave. And no, it won’t ever be random.
Sep 1, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
The reason many marriages/relationships fail, is because one or both parties is still unknowingly attached by umbilical cord to parent or family.
There is a reason that in scripture it says a man & woman must leave their family & join as one.
This isn’t to be underestimated. This does NOT mean abandon your family.
This does NOT mean forsake your family.
This does NOT mean that you should forget you have a family.
This does NOT mean you should not be there for family members should they need you or your help.
Never, as this too is sinful..
Aug 20, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
A past life is not only a life that is experienced after physical death, in a new earthly incarnation.
A past life can be as simple as the life you used to live before you awakened.
The friends that you had. The beliefs that you held, the smallness you turned into a home. When we talk about past life karma or past life residue, this can also be remnants of the trauma & the disbelief left over from your experiences with manipulative people.
Apr 10, 2018 20 tweets 4 min read
Having toxic parents or a toxic family is more challenging than those with relatively functional families can imagine. Nothing is ever a simple conversation. Almost everything is riddled with passive aggression, subliminals, trauma & projection. These individuals usually tend to grow up as highly paranoid individuals (believing that everyone is speaking in code), or they obsessively look for hidden meaning behind what others are saying. Even if there is no gain/benefit in understanding.
Sep 25, 2017 5 tweets 1 min read
Women have this way of captivating a mans heart, emotions & life, & we know it.. This is why it can often create a very difficult dynamic when there is another woman in the picture. His own mother, a daughter that may not