Marc and Bernie Profile picture
Multiple business owner, father of three. #harmreduction advocate. Living with the coolest dog, ever. #LLAP
Jun 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Last week I helped someone who had never smoked to start vaping at 3mg, while helping a couple of her friends to quit smoking. She failed to mention that she's been diagnosed w ADHD. Her experience is worth noting. 1/x Leaving the shop vaping, she noticed immediately that her ability to focus while driving was improved. She then noticed that for the rest of the evening, she felt better than she ever has, but the big shock was the next morning. 2/x
Mar 1, 2020 17 tweets 6 min read
Consider both state/federal government want to tax a life-saving smoking cessation method after collecting BILLIONS in smoking revenue, not using it to combat smoking and thus failing to do so. Government penalizing smokers for overcoming government failure. This must not stand. In last week's hearing, @SenAricNesbitt responded to your propsed vaping tax with his starting point at zero%, as a rule, @jimananich. I commend that, in general, but this proposed tax is different. You propose taxing someone for saving their own life.
Oct 3, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
.@joerogan What about 46 states and the fed pushing 480,000 Americans like cattle through a lifetime of smoking and dying to fund BILLIONS in 1998 Master Settlement Agreement payments to themselves, while insuring the only cessation methods are failures, by banning vaping? I'm telling you brother, this story makes Bob Lazar's seem like a boring day and unlike his, the proof is right out in the open. Google "1998 MSA and state tobacco bonds", then strap the fuck in. Vaping is under attack in state after state and by the feds NOW to protect this $$