Brian Cryptfright 🪦🦇🎃 Profile picture
Feb 21, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
I think Ted Lasso, in part, is built around this change in the way people consume and understand media. People think that if they like or are interested in a character it is an explicit endorsement of that character's behavior. So for people who define themselves by the media that they consume they want to be congratulated for likeing Ted Lasso.

Ted Lasso ergo sum similis.
Feb 20, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
Preparing to close long-standing gap in my film watching history.

*presses play on Ghost Ship* Oh my god.
Apr 6, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
There is a trope that exists within film criticism where critics are loathe to call horror brilliant or insightful. They NEED for it to be something else because the idea that horror can be excellent is abhorrent. It is also, thankfully, a view which is on the decline. Elle Hunt's tweet and the response to it are more about why Twitter is bad than any kind of revelatory truth about foundational understanding of horror or science fiction. Twitter trains users to seek an echo chamber and then offers them hostile users and content instead.