Senator Ron Johnson Profile picture
Proud to serve Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate.
17 subscribers
Jul 21, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
🚨Preliminary findings in my investigation into the attempted assassination of President Trump: Image 1) Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to local special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and sniper teams the morning of July 13, 2024; Image
Aug 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Take time to listen to President Eisenhower’s 15-minute-long farewell address.

Here are 4 clips of what he warned us about that have all come true. Amazingly prescient. WARNING: The grave implications of the rise of the Military Industrial Complex.

RESULT: Endless wars and misery.
Jan 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
.@chucktodd did not want to hear about Hunter Biden’s wrongdoings.

Here's a list of violations that the biased news media continues to ignore⬇️ 1. Tax crimes: Federal agents investigating Hunter Biden have gathered what they believe is sufficient evidence to charge him with tax crimes related to his income from various business ventures, including overseas.…
May 26, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
This is a garbage story, produced by the @journalsentinel for DC Democrats which ignores many of the facts my team provided.

It is a coordinated smear tactic and Wisconsinites are smart enough to see through it. Here’s the truth: I have never been reimbursed for travel to visit family in Florida, although the story leaves the impression that I have.

Per Senate rules, Senators can be reimbursed for travel back to official business in D.C.

This is precisely what happened.
Nov 13, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
For the 5th time this year, @YouTube is censoring me from telling you the truth.

This time they don't want you to hear 3.5 hours of stories from doctors, scientists and the vaccine injured.

At least you can still watch it for yourself on @rumblevideo… .@YouTube's censorship started in February when it removed 2 videos on my channel that featured the sworn testimony of Dr. Pierre Kory in front of my Senate committee Dec. 8, 2020.…
Jul 28, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Why does .@CNN have such a hard time reporting the truth?

I relayed all of these facts to CNN prior to @AC360 but they of course did not air any of it.

I have always and will continue to thank @CapitolPolice for their service and express my strong support for law enforcement. Line officers did an exemplary job protecting members of Congress and I commend them for their heroism.
May 13, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
I wanted to ask @SecMayorkas whether he was aware that human traffickers sell children to adults so they can exploit our asylum laws by posing as a family unit. I wanted to ask @SecMayorkas: was he aware we heard testimony under my chairmanship that a child was sold for $84?…
Apr 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The @washingtonpost article left out a few key facts: Andrii Telizhenko, the Democrats’ personification of Russian disinformation, met with Obama administration officials, and worked for a Democrat lobbying firm. Why did @washingtonpost not inform readers of Telizhenko’s Democrat connections? See Section 9…
Apr 29, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
100 Days of Division: Biden gives up on ‘unity’ during his first 100 days.… 100 Days of Media Collusion: Washington Post shuts down presidential fact-checking database after 100 days of Biden.…
Apr 26, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
It is unfortunate that @sbauerAP and @TomBeaumont decided not to include the Joseph Project in their latest attempt to push a false narrative. Since 2015, the Joseph Project has played a pivotal role in communities throughout Wisconsin, making the connection between people who are genuinely seeking opportunity and the job opportunities that exist around the state.
Mar 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Last night 2,900 apprehensions in the 56 mile Rio Grande Valley border area. 300 KNOWN “got aways.” With CBO overwhelmed, no one knows how many total “got aways.” 40,000 KNOWN “got aways” in the Tucson Sector in the last two months.
Mar 23, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
The @NYTimes’ smear piece makes a central accusation: That I am “helping to diminish confidence in American institutions at a perilous moment.” As evidence, reporter @ReidEpstein repeats a falsehood.… .@NYTimes claims that I “read into the record an account from a far-right website attributing the violence to ‘agents-provocateurs’ and ‘fake Trump protesters.’” The last part is factually untrue, and the paper knows it.
Mar 22, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
One of the weirdest parts of the @NYTimes’ smear job on me was reporter @ReidEpstein claiming I “offered a false history of Greenland,” then quibbling about the origin of a name. 1/9… In the interview, it was clear @ReidEpstein was building a narrative about “disinformation.” I called him on it, demanding he cite any. He backpedaled, saying I mentioned in 2010 how Greenland used to be green. Here’s the transcript of what I replied:
Mar 12, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Does @joebiden wants us to continue living in a state of fear? This pandemic could have been defeated months ago & tens of thousands of lives saved if courageous frontline doctors and early treatment had not been censored and silenced as we awaited a vaccine.
Jan 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Democrats can’t have it both ways: an unconstitutional impeachment trial & Senate confirmation of the Biden admin’s national security team. They need to choose between being vindictive or staffing the administration to keep the nation safe. What will it be: revenge or security? I believe an impeachment trial of a former president is unconstitutional and would set a very dangerous precedent. There is no provision in the Constitution for holding such a trial over a former president who is now a private citizen. Where would we get the authority to do so?
Oct 23, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
.@JoeBiden lied — again.

Last night he said that Hunter did not make money from China. My and @ChuckGrassley report found otherwise.… Page 78 of my and @ChuckGrassley report: On Aug. 4, 2017, CEFC Infrastructure Investment (US) LLC, a subsidiary of Ye Jianming’s CEFC China Energy Company that listed Gongwen Dong as its director, sent Hunter Biden’s law firm, Owasco, a payment for $100,000.
Oct 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Hunter Biden’s business partner Devon Archer is now a convicted felon. New emails from an independent source show he & co-conspirators planned to “put some honey” from this scheme “in Hunter’s pocket.” Isn’t it time reporters ask @JoeBiden a few questions?… .@joebiden Why did you meet with Devon in the White House on April 16, 2014 - 5 days before you traveled to Ukraine, 6 days before Devon joined Burisma’s board, and 28 days before Hunter joined Burisma’s board?…
Aug 31, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
It is a sad state of affairs when @GovEvers asks the president of the United States to stay out of Wisconsin. Throughout this rolling tragedy, I’ve pleaded for calm but also for political leadership that provides the resolve and manpower to end the rioting and allow the safe reopening of downtown Kenosha.
Aug 17, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
The reaction to my series of tweets regarding @JoeBiden and Hunter’s glaring Ukrainian conflict of interest on Friday and Saturday is interesting. To paraphrase Jack Nicholson in “A Few Good Men,” it looks like some people simply can’t handle the truth. The truth is, VP Biden and Hunter were involved in conduct that created a real quandary for U.S. and Ukrainian officials who wanted to fight corruption.
Aug 15, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
The timeline of @JoeBiden and Hunter’s multimillion-dollar Ukrainian conflict of interest is revealing. Only two months after revolution to rid Ukraine of corruption, Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer, meets VP Biden at White House. Doesn’t that seem a little odd? (1) Five days later, on April 21, 2014, VP Biden travels to Ukraine and news reports describe him as the “public face of the administration’s handling of Ukraine” (2)
Aug 14, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
My investigations into multiple corruptions during the Obama administration have been ongoing for years. I didn’t target @JoeBiden, his actions and glaring conflict of interest yielding millions of dollars for Hunter from a corrupt Ukrainian gas business demanded scrutiny. Two months after Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity - a revolution against corruption - Hunter seized a multimillion-dollar opportunity available to him because his last name was Biden.