3 of my priorty bills passed Senate today w/ broad bipartisan margins. Two of these bills help Oregonians access affordable prescription drugs. One makes important clarifications about the rights of disabled Oregonians. #orpol
SB 558 was introduced because of my constituent Sean. He has private insurance, but Oregon Health Plan is his secondary insruance. His Rx costs are high & his primary insurance required he fill his rx at a mail in pharmacy that didn't accept OHP. #orpol
Apr 14, 2021 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
University Boards of Trustees have gotten a lot of attention lately given the debacle w/ @OregonState former President F King Alexander, concerns regarding a discrimination lawsuit against the acting president & dismissive treatment of survivors at BOT meeting. #orpol#Beavers
This Board is composed of good people who have made some missteps. Recently, the @OregonState Faculty Senate cast a vote of no confidence and the majority of that Faculty Senate called for the resignation of Board members. #orpol#Beavers
May 29, 2019 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
The for profit industry that warehouses vulnerable kids for cash stretches to the other side of the Atlantic. Oregon is not alone. These kids need help now. seekingalpha.com/article/426699…#orpol
BBC footage documenting dehumanizing abuse at for-profits may be shocking, but not unusual. Thousands of US kids, including from OR, are in these places. They face same type of ridicule, abuse, & humiliation. They have fractured bones, stapled heads & broken spirits to prove it