Senator Angelique Ashby Profile picture
CA State Senator for Sac., Asst. Maj Leader, Biz. Prof & Econ Dev Chair. Alum UC Davis & McGeorge Law. Mom of 3. Comment Policy
Feb 24, 2023 8 tweets 6 min read
#DYK that on this day in 1854, #Sacramento became the California State Capitol? #SD8

Check out this 🧵courtesy of #TeamAshby and
@AlexCVassar at @CAStateLibrary Image Other cities in #California that have served as capitals are:

Monterey (1774-1849)
San Jose (1849-1851)
Vallejo (1852-1853)
Benicia (1853-1854)
San Francisco (1862)

Of course, here in #SD8, Sacramento is our favorite! Image