Billy Bragg Profile picture
Everyone knows who the women are.
Feb 9 5 tweets 2 min read
What radicalised me?

Possibly nothing more than this post and the replies she received.

This is corrective rape. Image Not one reply acknowledged she was a lesbian trying to make herself have sex with a man. Image
Aug 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Imagine you could have your status as a parent questioned, even have your child removed from your care, for not affirming their desire for a lobotomy.

Imagine that those who promote lobotomy as necessary for your child were being advised by men who write pornographic stories about children being lobotomised.

Imagine the state, the medical establishment, academia, charities, big business, all supporting this & saying that it is your child's destiny to have a lobotomy. That to not give your child a lobotomy is tantamount to killing them.

And that any fears, concerns, worries, or doubts you may have are merely signs of your bigotry & it is you which needs therapy, not your child.

This is just a fraction of the scandal that is gender identity ideology.…
Aug 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
What is "trans"?

To me, now, trans is purely an in group identity. Political, religious, cultural.

There is nothing beyond the declaration of a trans identity, beyond the individual stating that they place themselves within the in group, which makes someone trans today. This is the direct result of work done by self-declared trans rights activist who have pushed for Self ID across the globe and in every circumstance (people are who they say they are), and the demedicalization of cross-sex identities (trans is not a mental illness).
Mar 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"First, her feet were plunged into hot water and her toenails clipped short. Then the feet were massaged and oiled before all the toes, except the big toes, were broken and bound flat against the sole, making a triangle shape. Sometimes “excess” flesh was cut away or encouraged to rot. The girls were forced to walk long distances in order to hasten the breaking of their arches. Over time the wrappings became tighter and the shoes smaller as the heel and sole were crushed together.
Mar 25, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read

I am not a hairstyle
I am not a dress
I am not make up
I am not breasts.
I am not a vulva
I am not a waist
I am not a smell
I am not a taste.
I am not periods
I’m not even birth
I don’t need their approval
To know my worth. I am not a saint
I am not a whore
I am just female
I need nothing more.
I am not a hormone level
I am not a hobbled man
Just like Rachel’s not black
Cos she got a fucking tan.