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#Doctor_in_training💊💉 • Crypto Educator •MemeLord💯 • Infograpghics • Whiteboard explainer videographer 🗿Meme it till you make it🌻 @chelseafc 💙
Nov 7, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
What makes @solana transactions so fast and so cheap is a mechanism called “PROOF OF HISTORY” (PoH).
SOLANA is designed to be able to process over 50k transactions per second (TPS); TPS is the number of transactions executed per second. it can be calculated based on @solana how many transactions are executed over a certain duration of the test and then calculate it for a second.
E.g. if user X executes 6 transactions every minute, then the TPS would be 6 transactions/60 sec = 0.10 TPS. This is also means that if userX is able to complete 6
Nov 6, 2021 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
The Metaverse is a digital universe, a new virtual society with no borders, giving the option for billions of people to exist almost exclusively online.
It could be imagined as the Internet with large virtual city to be explored by means of avatars; Image @SolDate_org where, users can pay using digital currencies and where smart contracts establish links between integrated services (movies, music, video games, learning: all kinds of things are potentially part of the metaverse) and users.