Seth Abramson Profile picture
“An unreadable nonsense machine.” —Elon Musk New York Times-bestselling journalist and lawyer. 🗣️:;
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Jul 21 110 tweets 20 min read
(🧵) This thread offers extensive analysis of the historic decision by President Joe Biden—ranked the 14th-best U.S. president ever by nonpartisan historians—not to seek a second term. I approach this analysis as an attorney, political journalist, and Trump biographer. Please RT. Image 1/ Here is the announcement from President Biden. Image
Jul 21 28 tweets 6 min read
(1 of 3) Sixteen years ago, at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, another experimental writer and I—he a novelist, me a poet—concocted a plan to one day write a personal history that would satisfy two conditions at once: (1) be 100% accurate; (2) cause disbelief and possibly even anger. (2 of 3) After Iowa, I added a third requirement: I wanted to write a personal bio that *made a point*: that no matter how much we tell others about ourselves in the digital age, we are always incomprehensible to (and in many ways not even human to) strangers on the internet.
Jul 21 7 tweets 3 min read
(📢) NEW at PROOF: Of All the New Lies He Told in Milwaukee, Trump Disturbingly Saved Most of Them for His Account of The Incident in Pennsylvania


80+ lies in 9 minutes. Read this free report to learn not just the what but the *why*.

Please RETWEET.…
Image (NOTE) I have now updated this report to include information on the possible illegality of the fraudulent Jackson Memo.
Jul 19 14 tweets 3 min read
Nine years into the Trump era and Donald Trump is still getting on TV and lying to our faces about every facet of American life knowing idiots and wishcasters will believe him, his words will be aired live by corporate media, and any factchecking will come after people go to bed. Major media had nine years to figure out how to deny media coverage to people who spread disinformation. It could ban them from its air. It could refuse to carry their words live. It could give 5x the live rebuttal time to those who tell the truth.

And what did it do? *Nothing*.
Jul 18 16 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING NEWS: Physicians Suggest Trump Could Have Undisclosed Brain Trauma in Wake of His Team's Bizarre Refusal to Release Any Information About His Injury or Its Treatment; Doctors Say Even Getting Grazed By a Bullet Can Have Catastrophic Unseen Effects… I cannot imagine voting for someone who might have an undisclosed traumatic brain injury, especially when the person has a decades-long history of doctoring, lying about and hiding their medical records. This is an issue that major media should be expending significant energy on.
Jul 18 9 tweets 2 min read
MAGAs falsely claim the Secret Service wants Trump dead, which is plainly untrue. It's also a *bizarre* claim for MAGAs to embrace, as what do these conspiracy theorists think it would say about what Trump says and does in private—that only the USSS knows of—if it wants him dead? MAGA is such a deranged cult that you have Trump fans insisting that the one group of people who know what he says and does in private—and what sort of danger those words/actions pose to all of us—thinks he needs to be eliminated. And that does *not* give them any pause. Why not?
Jul 17 5 tweets 2 min read
(1/4) With most of major media now firmly on his side—or, at a minimum, categorically opposed to the sitting POTUS—only two people in America have even a chance to defeat Trump. Either Joe Biden, if Americans come to understand why historians rank him among our best presidents... (2/4) ...or Michelle Obama—who’s categorically stated she won’t run for POTUS no matter how desperately her country needs her, and who has a chance against Trump largely due to (a) nostalgia for the Obama years and (b) America apparently deciding only celebrities should be POTUS.
Jul 17 7 tweets 2 min read
Be aware, folks: defend Joe Biden and the seedy underbelly of contemporary major media will come after you.

Literally. I can't believe the Post hires creeps like this. They'll say or do anything for clicks—including compare *actual* journalists to terrorists—and won't apologize or issue corrections when they learn what they wrote is wrong.

This creep Lorenz is now in my comments just *ranting*! Image
Jul 16 7 tweets 2 min read
(1/3) Didn’t expect to come back so soon—but just saw the Washington Post hitpiece from gossip columnist Taylor Lorenz tarring much of the U.S. left as BlueAnon. Lorenz never contacted me, but if she had—or if she’d read anything I’ve written in the last month—she’d know that... (2/3) ...the *only* thing I meant in calling criticism of Joe Biden "not organic" and an "internal [Democratic Party] coup" is (a) corporate media is angry at the Biden administration for not making itself available to the media (something many media outlets have observed)...
Jul 15 4 tweets 1 min read
I wrote a few days ago that if Trump is dead-set on being a dictator, he will pick J.D. Vance for VP.

He has picked J.D. Vance. Vance is a man without morals, ethics, principles, core values, a policy agenda he really cares about or integrity. All he wants is power at any cost.

He is exactly the sort of vacuous ghast Trump needs, and the fact that he and Don Jr. are pals means he is bonded to the family.
Jul 15 11 tweets 2 min read
The only people I want to hear from right now are the imbeciles who harangued the rest of us for criticizing DOJ bringing the stolen documents case in Florida rather than DC Today is a good day to fully understand, with no blinders on whatsoever, that America is *thirsty* for its own destruction

It is by no means ambivalent on the matter
Jul 15 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING (CNN): "[Would-Be Trump Assassin Crooks] had a group of friends who were fairly conservative, some of them would wear Trump hats."

Hard to imagine this being so if he were to the left of Trump. The possibility of a right-of-Trump motive grows.… Remember that this happened just before the solidification of the GOP ticket—which was facing a far-right revolt favoring Michael Flynn as the nominee. Remember too that for every 1 minute any progressive ever spent gaming out Trump's death, MAGA spent 50.…
Jul 14 11 tweets 2 min read
Not sure why I failed to have this on my Horrifying National Tragedy bingo card, but after a 20 year-old registered Republican and gun enthusiast from a rural-red county tried to kill Donald Trump his fans are saying the fault lies with female Secret Service agents, DEI and Biden When kids are murdered by an AR-15 we're told now isn't the time for politics, but as America sat stunned and horrified by the attempted assassination of a major political leader, Trump's campaign rushed to put out a statement that more or less said Vote for Trump Because of This
Jul 14 9 tweets 2 min read
(📣) As the FBI tries to determine why a registered Republican would try to assassinate Donald Trump just days before he names a running mate and makes impossible an entirely new ticket, I suspect they will return to this reporting from around 3 weeks ago.… MORE: Image
Jul 14 4 tweets 1 min read
(🚨) DISINFORMATION ALERT: To distract from the fact that the far-right New York Post has identified a registered Republican as the 20 year-old shooter today, Roger Stone is spreading the lie that two thirty-something leftists were involved. They were not.… (🚨) DISINFORMATION ALERT: So if you hear the names Kennon Hooper or Maxwell Yearick, ignore. It’s part of a MAGA psyop to pin an act confirmed to have been committed by a 20 year-old on two thirty-something activists. This is a disgusting libel but par for the course with Stone.
Jul 13 86 tweets 15 min read
MAJOR BREAKING NEWS (CNN, live on-air): Trump Injured in Incident at Rally in Pennsylvania; Former President Seen Bleeding From Ear As He Was Put Into Vehicle By U.S. Secret Service Agents With Guns Drawn

Stay tuned. This is a developing story. MORE: Media pool said it heard loud bangs before U.S. Secret Service covered Trump and hustled him away.
Jul 13 9 tweets 3 min read
(📣) DOCUMENT: Here's Michael Flynn—who Trump has promised to bring into his administration if elected—under oath before Congress *pleading the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination* to avoid revealing if he even *knows* the man who wrote the Trump Target List, Ivan Raiklin. Image The Trump Target List header says it is intended to go to Elon Musk so Musk can *release to Trump allies private DMs from Trump critics*.

I now have new concerns—given that the other person Flynn refuses to say if he knows (see doc above) is his bodyguard Robert Lewis. This man: Image
Jul 13 10 tweets 2 min read
(📣) MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: The Secret Trumpworld Target List Has Been Leaked and It Is Absolutely Bonkers—a Full-On Nazi Germany-Like Scheme to Eliminate Via Incarceration All Political Opposition to Donald Trump Inside the United States 1/ The names on this list include basically everyone who has ever publicly displeased Trump, including powerful Republicans, powerful Democrats, lifelong civil servants, members of law enforcement...

...this is easily one of the most horrifying documents ever to be published.
Jul 12 5 tweets 1 min read
It's amazing how many people think I defend Joe Biden because I've always been a fan of his.

I didn't vote for Biden in the 2020 primary. He wasn't even my second (or third!) choice.

But like the rest of the world, I watched him become one of the best presidents of my lifetime. The lack of understanding of history—not even history, but just what's happened over the last 36 months—of those who want to throw President Biden in the garbage heap is among the most dispiriting things I have seen online in the last decade, and that is f****** saying something.
Jul 11 5 tweets 1 min read
Rumors abound that major media will soon start posting hitpieces about high-traffic pro-Biden social media feeds to discredit them and make support for the American president seem like conspiracy-theory quackery. Stay tuned.

Media and donors will play hardball until Joe is gone. For what it's worth, my position on all this has not changed. If major media and mega-donors want Joe Biden gone, there is nothing any of the rest of us or even Joe Biden can do to prevent it. Sapping their stamina is the only strategy. If their stamina persists, they *will* win.
Jul 11 4 tweets 2 min read
(📢) Please read and RETWEET this urgent—and free—report.


Corporate media, mega-donors, and a cadre of Democratic lawmakers are lying to America about what’s happening in the White House to an effort to undo an election—a coup that has to be stopped.…
Image Everything you’re seeing now—from the Clooney Letter to why D.L. Hughley (who saw Joe Biden just *before* his foreign trip in June) is defending Joe Biden and attacking the Clooney Letter—is explained in the report above.

Media is pulling an incredibly byzantine bait-and-switch.