Seth Abramson Profile picture
“An unreadable nonsense machine.” —Elon Musk “R*****ed.” —Elon Musk NYT-bestselling journalist/lawyer. 🗣️:;
David Profile picture Sit vis vobiscum Profile picture John Atkins Profile picture klhatter Profile picture Leslie McGrath Profile picture 2795 subscribed
Sep 18 6 tweets 1 min read
Straight talk: the pager attack in Lebanon that Trump friend Netanyahu orchestrated to scuttle peace talks and—it seems, secondarily—prolong a war that hurts Democrats in the United States not only injured thousands of innocents but sure feels like an Israeli *terrorist* attack. And sadly it's working: peace is farther than ever, and American voters are blaming Democrats for a situation that has pretty clearly been gamed out by a regularly coordinating Trump-Netanyahu axis completely indifferent to human life.

Wake up, America! This is a MAGA-IDF joint.
Sep 17 8 tweets 2 min read
Weird that I even need to say this, but the *definition* of a political prosecution is a state Republican pol needlessly *duplicating* an existing prosecution because it's politically advantageous to the leader of his party to do so.

It's *exactly* what MAGAs said they oppose. I'm still trying to locate a single "principle" the MAGA "movement" says it believes in that is actually a *principle*, not a strategic rhetorical device.

If you can find any value that so-called movement holds that remains consistent across all scenarios, please do let me know.
Sep 17 9 tweets 2 min read
Both Trump assassination attempts were real—and tragic.

And provably the work of *Republican* loons.

So when Trump uses them as political chits—to fundraise, to ramp up his years of violent rhetoric—he feeds the delusions of those who call them staged.… The first shooter was a Republican from a Trump-supporting family whose friend group was Trump supporters.

The second would-be shooter was a disaffected Trump fan and Biden critic whose desired 2024 ticket was Ramaswamy/Haley.

This has nothing to do with Dems or their rhetoric.
Sep 16 19 tweets 5 min read
(📢) PROOF: The Trump-Loomer Scandal Has Just Taken An Unbelievably Dark Turn


This report must be read to be believed. The Trump-Loomer scandal isn’t going away, isn’t ultimately about sex, and portends major danger for America ahead. Please RETWEET.…
Image 1/ The people who think the Trump-Loomer scandal is going away do not get it. Even the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump is not going to erase the fact that his closest adviser and possible paramour is now an ardent white supremacist and self-admitted hater of Muslims.
Sep 14 38 tweets 8 min read
(📣) Twelve hours in, this is already the most popular PROOF report from the last year.

Why? Because it's sober and responsible—not gossipy—and people realize there are *major* political implications here.

PROOF: "Is Donald Trump Having An Affair?" (🔗):…
Image 1/ It's not just the fact that presidencies and campaigns have routinely been derailed by affairs in the past, or the fact that Trump is courting evangelicals as someone who has allegedly moved past his years of sin, or the fact that many MAGAs and some independents like Melania.
Sep 14 7 tweets 2 min read
(📢) PROOF: Is Trump Now Having An Affair With Laura Loomer? Here’s Everything We Know


Fully sourced facts only. This report is free with the one-week PROOF trial at the link. I hope you’ll RT this—as there could be major political implications here.…
Image (PS) I have now added a major coda to this report that includes information about Trump and Loomer most do not know (again, all fully sourced and linked to).
Sep 10 99 tweets 20 min read
(📢) LIVE DEBATE THREAD: Tuesday’s debate (ABC, 9PM) may be the only one in the most important POTUS election ever. It also won’t be a debate, shouldn’t be happening, and will harm democracy. A bestselling Trump biographer explains in this thread starting at 7PM.

Please RETWEET. Image @threadreaderapp
Sep 10 38 tweets 9 min read
(📢) PROOF EXCLUSIVE: The Tenet Six Member Who Was Most Active on January 6 Is the Only One No One Is Talking About


This is a saga.

It is long, it builds, and I promise it takes you to places no writing on January 6 has ever gone before. Please RT.…
Image 1/ The reason I am now being sued for $25 million in federal court by Michael Flynn bodyguards is the same reason the House January 6 Committee reached out to me and scores of members of Congress spent 2021 and 2022 reading PROOF: because the key to unlock January 6 is at PROOF.
Sep 8 27 tweets 5 min read
Hi! Actual expert on this subject here. Horowitz's report wasn't an investigation of the accuracy of Steele's dossier but a) how the FBI used it, b) how it handled contrary intel. So anyone using the report as the first, second or last word on the dossier's accuracy is a con man. For instance, there's such a mountain of evidence the very minor Ritz Carlton incident occurred that as an expert I'd assess there to be *no* contrary intel at present.

And Horowitz's report doesn't contradict that—as *it literally didn't set out to look at the evidence at all*.
Sep 6 6 tweets 2 min read
MAGAs whine daily about the criminalization of politics—even as they fantasize about Trump locking up his enemies in 2025.

What we *see* daily is the *politicization of our justice system*. This sentencing was delayed *only* because Trump is a politician.… The message is clear: politicians get special treatment, and *especially* those who try to get their judges, prosecutors, and state witnesses assassinated and aggregate armed mobs at their courthouse (both things Trump has done).

America is in utter disgrace right now.

A nadir.
Sep 6 4 tweets 1 min read
And I am aware of *another* federal district court case in which the MAGA litigants claim they are being guided by Justice Thomas.

Something weird is going on here. Given that Ginni Thomas is unscrupulous and has in the past seemed to pass on sentiments from her husband... well. Image And keep in mind that just prior to January 6 there was a concerted effort by men directly linked to Ginni Thomas to try to get a case before Thomas or Alito for temporary injunctive relief on a one-Justice, Circuit-based basis.

How did they become so confident that would work?
Sep 5 5 tweets 2 min read
Uh... this is basically describing the Twitter feed of Elon Musk ever since he started having private calls with Vladimir Putin...

Now that DOJ has released this document as the playbook for the Russian influence operation on social media, maybe the FBI should talk to Elon Musk? Image I do not mean to suggest Elon Musk is taking money from anyone; obviously he doesn't need to.

What I'm saying is that if we now have the Kremlin Playbook and people regularly in contact with the Kremlin began this election cycle echoing it verbatim, maybe we have a problem here?
Sep 4 15 tweets 5 min read
This is Chris Butler, a cult leader who calls himself God and was just given a TV show by Elon. The show is named after his most powerful worshipper—Tulsi Gabbard—who he had play-act as a leftist to gain political power. She's now openly the fascist he molded her into as a child. Image I wish I'd known she was a cultist who hates Democratic ideals when I was a fan of Bernie years ago. I've since learned she was steeped in misogyny, homophobia, and creepy far-right idolatry as a kid—then strategically *inserted* into the Democratic Party.…
Sep 4 27 tweets 5 min read
BREAKING NEWS: It turns out that Trump and his team didn't just illegally film a campaign commercial at a military cemetery and assault (and then slander) cemetery staff—they also brought Gold Star families to the cemetery explicitly to lie to their faces.… 1/ The purpose of the trip was to film a campaign commercial illegally.
Sep 3 10 tweets 3 min read
As a Musk biographer I said @elonmusk would start weaponizing his lies about what he's doing in Brazil to try to help Trump win here in America—even wrote a report about it at PROOF—and here we go. You won't believe the things this man is willing to do to get his way in November. Image American major media is going to come to a realization of how desperate, dangerous, deceitful, devious, and degenerate Elon Musk is at least 3 to 5 years too late. Americans need to understand right now that Elon Musk and Donald Trump are the two biggest threats to our democracy.
Sep 2 14 tweets 3 min read
Imagine if humans had the ability to recognize obviously evil men

Trump ▪️ Putin ▪️ Flynn ▪️ Musk ▪️ Cruz ▪️ Netanyahu ▪️ Farage ▪️ Bolsonaro ▪️ bin Salman ▪️ el-Sisi ▪️ bin Zayed ▪️ Orbán ▪️ Erdoğan ▪️ Bannon ▪️ Mercer ▪️ Prince ▪️ Posobiec ▪️ A. Jones ▪️C. Thomas ▪️ S. Miller 99% of those working to destroy civil society and ensure humankind does not progress in ethics or grace sincerely hold their retrograde beliefs and are dangerous without being evil

But when someone comes along who clearly just wants to harm humankind we must recognize it quickly
Aug 31 12 tweets 3 min read
(📢) PROOF: A One-Paragraph Summary of the War Between Elon Musk and Brazil


Musk censors Substack on Twitter, so you can be *sure* what’s happening in Brazil has nothing to do with free speech.

It *does* have to do with Elon’s neofascism. Please RT.…
Image (PS) In case it is not already clear, this report is 100% free, as well as succinct. It contains a number of major-media links to substantiate its uncontroversial summary of a dispute that Elon has been lying about here on Twitter every single day. The *truth* of it is harrowing.
Aug 30 13 tweets 5 min read
(📢) Elon’s algo facilitates all the vile slurs sent to me weekly over my curatorial journalism and posts here. But if a feed wants a *tip jar* like Twitter used to have, you must pay Elon first. I’m posting this link instead, for any who may want to tip: (PS) I said before and will say again that I’ll never partner with Elon in any capacity, never pay him in any capacity, never accept what he’s done to Twitter in any capacity by being part of any of his new programs.

Many said that—which is why Elon gave us our blue checks back.
Aug 29 9 tweets 3 min read

QAnon is an ultra-violent domestic terror movement that has killed people.

Trump is posting their slogans on Truth Social.

Read my pinned tweet. He intends violence. It is simple fact: *he intends violence*. And his public recruiting for it has clearly already started.

Aug 28 21 tweets 7 min read
This is terrifying.

And 100% the world MAGAs want for American women if they win.

I know I keep saying there are certain videos that should go viral every day until November, but this is another one powerful enough to earn that position.

Please RETWEET. (PROOF1) SALON: “Republicans Want a Database of Pregnant People—In Many Ways, Abortion Surveillance Is Already Here”

MAGAs will not read the news; they put their Big Important Feelings about reality over... facts.

I am here to help.…
Aug 27 24 tweets 5 min read
(📢) BREAKING NEWS: A 2020 Trump campaign lawyer under investigation for alleged involvement in the MI fake-elector scheme, a lawyer for Michael Flynn and Devin Nunes, and a past lawyer for the NH GOP just subpoenaed Elon for a journalist’s DMs.

Where are the free-speechers now? (MORE) Twitter will be deciding in the next few days whether his fellow Trump endorsees can get the private Twitter messages of a progressive American journalist just by asking for them. If Elon says yes, America immediately understands what this platform has become: a huge trap.