NeuroPsychoPhD Profile picture
Neuroscientist, Psychologist, Columnist. This page expresses the views of its moderator, separate from any organizations or publications. Florida State ‘01
Dec 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
6 months ago psychologists Seth D. Norrholm, PhD, Alan D. Blotcky, PhD published an analysis of multiple mass shooting incidents and the people behind them.
Their article was appropriately titled “Most Mass Shooters are Terrorists, Not Mentally Ill.” 1/2 Opening their article w a quote fm Greg Abbott claiming, “Anybody who shoots someone else has a mental health challenge,” they came right out and called BS on these pathetic excuses offered by politicians who are, themselves, inciting terrorism. 2/2…
Feb 11, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The 15 GOP Senators who couldn’t be bothered to stay in the room, should lose their ability to vote... Or, better yet, don’t come back in.
It’s a 2/3 vote of the Senators in the room.
Jan 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
What was sarcasm last week is true now.

The cowardly ⁦@SenateGOP⁩ position is
“he didn’t kill *that many people...”… The winds of change are quickly colliding with the persistent stench of COWARDICE that is the Republican party
Jan 20, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Biden started Step 1 before he was even inaugurated

1. Establish and annually hold a national day of remembrance starting in 2021 for all those who will have lost their lives or loved ones.

COVID-19′s psychological tsunami
-… 2. Create a permanent memorial on the Natl Mall for those lost & affected by COVID-19 so that we never forget lives lost & sociopolitical factors that led to such a tragic loss of life – exceeding wars, domestic & foreign terrorist attacks, & school shootings many x over.
Jan 18, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Like something out of a Tom Clancy post apocalyptic video game...

@UbisoftImage Image
Jan 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read

You think he’s finished? “He said he’d be different”

Abuse victim credo
Dec 18, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Could we have predicted a Trump Presidency would see the worst public health crisis and worst cyberattack in US history *at the same time*?

YES. Four years ago tomorrow:

“To put it another way, a former reality TV show host with a checkered business past is going to have access to our military capabilities without any evaluation, vetting, or training.”
Dec 11, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
A neuroscientist explains how to vaccinate against the long-term psychological effects of COVID-19

New from @SethN12… 7 critical steps for dealing with long-term psych effects of Trump/COVID-19 crises:

1. Hold a national day of remembrance soon after Inauguration Day for all those who were lost and will be lost.
Oct 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Thread: What happens when the extreme Narcissist is confronted with “irrefutable evidence” against the fantasy life he has created?

At times, the narcissist will be inescapably confronted with the fact that the fantastical world they have invented is not reality-based. 1/4 This may occur when practical circumstances (e.g., arrest, conviction, incarceration, or financial ruin) prevent even a modicum of the desired fantasy state from remaining 2/4
Oct 5, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
In the last 2 weeks we have called Donald Trump:
- a physical and psychological abuser
- guilty of second degree murder
- a psychopath

This is why 👇👇👇…
Feb 26, 2020 12 tweets 1 min read
Trump right out of the gate with ambiguous, non-specific language about the great steps they’ve taken... Trumpy word salad:

“carefully” “strongly” “we’ve done a great job” “tremendous success”
“highly regarded specialist”
Nov 21, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
What happens when the extreme Narcissist is confronted w “irrefutable evidence” against the fantasy life he created?

the narcissistic individual will be inescapably confronted w the fact that the fantastical world they have invented & in which they live is not reality-based. 1/4 This may occur when practical circumstances (e.g., arrest, conviction, incarceration, or financial ruin) prevent even a modicum of the desired fantasy state)