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Jul 17 12 tweets 4 min read
The @EHRC has issued guidance that “a sex-based occupational requirement that a [job] applicant is a woman…will include women who are recorded female at birth and also transgender women who have obtained a GRC.”

We think this is wrong.

1/12… The EHRC says that when you say, print or broadcast that a job or service is for “women” you must by law mean

(♀️ - 📃)+ (♂️ + 📃)
Female people without a certificate saying male
+ male people with a certificate saying female.

This is nonsense

Jun 14 9 tweets 3 min read
Breaking: @UN_Women says gender-critical activists are an “anti-rights movement” 🧵

@DerryBanShee in @thetimes:

“It’s a sad day when UN Women lectures women’s rights campaigners on the need to include men with transgender identities in our work.”… In an Insta post, UN Women claims that “anti-rights movements” – its deceptive label for sex-based rights campaigners – are on the rise Image
Apr 14 6 tweets 4 min read
Today is a good day to #buyapaper #CassReview

Show your support for the brave journalists who covered the subject before Cass made it less risky to do so, and the editors who stood up against ideological capture

🧵 @ObserverUK #CassReview

Apr 9 12 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: #CassReview @TheCassReview demolishes the basis for the current model of treating gender-distressed children.

@NHSEngland has for too long has given vulnerable children harmful treatments for which there was no evidence base.…
Image #CassReview finds no evidence supporting the use of puberty blockers. She reminds GPs and pharmacists of their responsibilities too.

This is the end of paediatric gender medicine as we know it. Read @SexMattersOrg post.…
Apr 5 7 tweets 4 min read
OUR BIG NEWS: Sex Matters is a charity!… We are a human rights charity.

Our objectives are to :

- Promote human rights where they relate to biological sex
- Advance education about sex and the law
- Promote the sound administration of the law in relation to sex and equality in the law.

Mar 22 23 tweets 6 min read
Update from Maya!

On Monday, I went to an event at University College London, together with Shelley Charlesworth from Transgender Trend. Professor Davina Cooper was presenting on the findings of the Future of Legal Gender research project… Image …which received £750,000 in public funding from the Economic and Social Research Council.
Mar 13 9 tweets 3 min read
Amongst the people whose diligent work raised the alarm on puberty blockers: Sex Matters Board Member Dr Michael Biggs.

He discovered the Tavistock’s trial and started publishing on this in March 2019 with @Transgendertrd Trend.…
Image His research was featured in the first critical article in the press @Telegraph…
Mar 8 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Senior figures across NHS and UK medical bodies disavow WPATH's approach to gender medicine.

#WPATH "Standards of Care" have shaped NHS policy and doctors practice for decades.

@mailonline #WPATHfiles… Now @DHSCgovuk claims '@NHSEngland moved away from WPATH guidelines more than 5 years ago"

@NHSEngland said: "While we are aware of WPATH standards... these do not determine NHS policy."

Scottish Government says @NHSScotland do not have a working relationship with WPATH
Mar 1 8 tweets 3 min read
The BBC’s director of complaints has ruled that Justin Webb broke the BBC’s rules on impartiality when he commented that “trans women” are male.

This is shocking behaviour from the BBC, which is obliged by its charter to be accurate & without bias.

🧵⬇️… Polling has shown that a third of people are confused about what “trans woman” means, so it was helpful and appropriate of Webb to explain. If this is not allowed, people will be confused and potentially misled by BBC news stories.

Feb 2 13 tweets 3 min read
Update from Maya!

This morning I gave a talk to the sixth form at Verulam School in St Albans. This is the second talk I have given at a school (the first one was to South Hampstead High School in London). Update from Maya - picture of Maya Forstater smiling Honestly, these are some of the most nerve-wracking things that I have done. Where do you start telling a story about employment tribunals to children for whom this is all part of the alien world of work? And how many think I am a bigot before I even walk in?
Jan 16 4 tweets 2 min read
NEW REPORT: 84% of Britons support female-only support services for women who are victims of domestic violence but the sector is in turmoil because of lack of clear laws.… 19 sector leaders were interviewed: many would only speak anonymously. They told us that they are under enormous pressure to compromise their services and not to speak up.…
Dec 29, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Our director of advocacy @HJoyceGender did dozens of podcast interviews in 2023 with names both big and small, reaching millions of viewers and listeners around the world. 🧵 As the year winds to a close, curl up with a cuppa and catch up on some of Helen’s best commentary this year.
Nov 10, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
Update from Maya and Helen!

Yesterday, together with Heather Binning from Women’s Rights Network, Standing for Women stewards Aja and DJ Lippy, feminist writer and activist Joan Smith and frontline worker Raquel Rosario Sánchez, we delivered a letter to 10 Downing Street. Maya Forstater and Helen Joyce on Parliament Square with Big Ben and a rainbow in the background, wearing blue Sex Matters T-shirts and holding “anti-women hate campaign” signs Nearly 15,000 women and men have signed the letter, including Dame Jenni Murray, Kathleen Stock OBE, Joan Smith, Karen Ingala Smith, Mara Yamauchi, Stephanie Davies-Arai BEM, Graham Linehan, John Boyne and James Dreyfus. Heather Binning, Aja, DJ Lippy, Maya Forstater, Joan Smith and Raquel Rosario Sánchez walking along Downing Street with a box full of letters.
Oct 7, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Update from Maya!

This week I headed to Edinburgh to watch the hearing in the For Women Scotland case, in which Sex Matters has joined as an intervenor.
🧵1/10 Update from Maya - picture of Maya Forstater smiling The Court of Session is one of the Supreme Courts of Scotland. Around 30 women and a few men sat on the hard benches in the imposing courtroom to hear the three judges wrestle with the question of what “sex” means in the Equality Act.…
Sep 15, 2023 29 tweets 8 min read
Update from Maya!

On Sunday I was in Manchester with Helen Joyce and Sex Matters board members Emma Hilton and Rebecca Bull for a teach-in on the Equality Act and human rights at the People’s History Museum… Update from Maya - picture of Maya Forstater smiling You may have seen the videos on social media, and Helen has written about what happened in her newsletter.

This was a return trip for Sex Matters to the People’s History Museum – the national museum of democracy……
Jul 28, 2023 26 tweets 5 min read
Update from Helen!

I’m still recovering from a lightning trip to Denver last week, to attend the ICONS Women in Sport conference that ran from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd. Update from Helen Image of Helen Joyce with Sharron Davies It started well, with meeting @sharrond62 at the gate in Heathrow; and finished well too, with empty seats around me on the flight back, which meant I could stretch out and get some sleep!
Jul 14, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
We are Sex Matters!

Find out who we are and what we do:
Image Our team!
Jun 19, 2023 17 tweets 13 min read
In case you missed last week's #WestminsterHall debate on the #DefinitionOfSex here are the highlights

#MakeTheEqualityActClear @ranil (North East Hampshire, Conservative) talks about making sure that the Equality Act aligns with reality. He states the law cannot do impossible things and cannot make a man into a woman. This amendment does not take any rights away from anyone else.
Jun 16, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
What a week it has been. It started on Monday at Westminster Hall where around 60 supporters of the petition (mainly women), and three supporters of the counter-petition (mainly men) waited to hear our democratic representatives debate how the Equality Act should define sex, to…… Update from Maya; picture o... We packed into the committee room, and the two somewhat more raucous overflow rooms.…
Jun 13, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
The Minister for Women, Maria Caulfield, noted Parliament's responsibility to constantly review legislation. She said that reference to sex had generally been considered to refer to whether a person is a man or woman in law, rather than to their biological sex or sex at birth.…… Image Joanna Cherry MP stood up to point out that supporter of the first petition were not seeking to define sex in law for the first time, and that it has long been recognised in the common law, referring to Bellinger v Bellinger.
Jun 13, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Anneliese Dodds (Oxford East) (Labour/Co-op) began by describing her party as "the party of the Equality Act" and remarked that it was 13 years since Harriet Harman MP had piloted the landmark legislation through Parliament.

"It is thanks to Labour’s Equality Act that it is…… Image Stephen Doughty (Cardiff South and Penarth) (Labour/Co-op) interrupted to ask if she agreed that the Conservative Party had a wider agenda is to remove all its protections.