Sh. Ammar Khatib Profile picture
Educator | Arabic Linguist | BA in Islamic Studies & Arabic Literature, MA in Qur'anic Sciences | PhD Candidate | Canada
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Jan 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Good thread. I have a few comments:

1. It seems like many non-specialist Muslims believe that these Mushafs were the actual 'Uthmanic Mushafs…this can be corrected gently and I think Marijn did an excellent job of commenting on that part. I also encourage people to follow two giant Muslim scholars of Quranic Manuscripts:
Dr. Ghanim Al-hamad & Dr. Bashir Al-Himyari and also read the books of Dr. M M Al-A’zami.
Oct 30, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
It seems like some people are confused after reading this thread.
I suggest reading the entire original thread for better understanding.

I will clarify a few things here. 1. The Qur'an was revealed in stages:
"˹It is˺ a Quran We have revealed in stages so that you can recite it to people at intervals; We have sent it down little by little".
Qur'an: 17:106
Oct 27, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The history of writing the Qur'an in a few lines (according to the Islamic tradition):

1. The entire Qur'an was written down during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad. However, these writings were unbound and scattered. 2. Those scattered writings were then collected into a master volume called ṣuḥuf during Abu Bakr's caliphate.

3. Making copies of the ṣuḥuf
and make people adhere to one unified text (the 'Uthmanic Mushafs).
This final stage took place during the Caliphate of Uthman.
Jul 24, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
I have been receiving questions about this.
I personally don't agree with this conclusion. Classical scholars are of the opinion that these differences were intended. Thus, they cannot be called "scribal errors". It is true that we see scribal errors in Qur'anic manuscripts all the time. However, we are not talking about some random Qur'anic manuscripts. The 'Uthmanic Mushafs were the official copies of the government. This project was led by the third Khalifah himself.
Feb 7, 2021 26 tweets 6 min read
I was asked by @rashrashii to comment on this thread.
The main topic I will be commenting on is whether or not Ibn Al-Jazari was of the view that Tawatur is a must condition for Qira'at to be accepted. The statements of Ibn Al-Jazari in his book Munjid Al-muqr'in can be contradictory.

Why? let's examine some of his statements in this book which he wrote in his early youth.
Oct 2, 2020 49 tweets 9 min read
I was asked about this thread. I will be commenting on some of the issues mentioned here. 1. We have reports about the companions seemingly criticizing or denying a Qur’anic reading.
The Sahabah were always strict in accepting a reading if they were not familiar with it.
Sep 16, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
I received a question regarding a statement from Dr. Nasser's book (The transmission of the variant readings of the Qur'an).
Shady said that all 10 readers were all deemed weak in Hadith. Image This is wrong. Some of the readers are classified weak in Hadith but certainly not all the readers.
For example, let's take a look at what the Hadith scholars said about Ibn Kathir who is regarded to be reliable, saduq...

تهذيب التهذيب: Image
Sep 13, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
I have several threads on many topics related to Ahruf and Qira'at. I thought it would be better if I have all the links in one place for easy access. 1. The Origins of the Variant Readings of the Qur’an:…
Sep 1, 2020 25 tweets 4 min read
Lately, many people have been bringing up the San'a' palimpsest to prove that the Qur'an wasn't preserved. This "discovery" is supposed to destroy the preservation "myth".

I will be addressing this issue in this thread. 1. Those people are just pointing out that there are variants.

Muslims already know this. No need to keep bringing up this issue.
Aug 30, 2020 52 tweets 9 min read
@PhDniX @AbuSafiyah1 @AverageJoeHamON

I was asked for my feedback on the issue of the preservation of the Qur'an. Image First, I purposely don't comment on everything I read or everything people bring to my attention. Unfortunately, some people don't want to truly have a meaningful conversation.
I will discuss some of the Important points mentioned in the thread.
Aug 28, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
WAS wr, Regarding the readings going back all the way to the Prophet PBUH, we don't have Hadith-style narrations that the Prophet read/taught/approved every single word/variant.
Aug 23, 2020 33 tweets 7 min read
I received some questions regarding the recent interview with Dr. Shady Nasser in which he covered many complex topics related to ahruf, Qira'at. 1. Some listeners were confused regarding the hadiths of the 7 ahruf and the possibility of contradiction with another hadith which was mentioned in the interview. The hadith stated that the Qur'an was revealed in 3 ahruf:
Aug 15, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Why do we still write the word" ʿamr " with wāw at the end?

Arabic scholars stated that the reason the wāw was added is to differentiate between the two words ʿamr and Omar.

See Adab Al-Katib by Ibn Qutaybah; Al-Jumal by Az-Zajjaji; Adab Al-Kuttab by As-Suli ImageImageImage
Jul 4, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
@Hamza33974003 @PhDniX I see.
Regarding the passage you referred to, Sibawayh classified the category of Aswat mushrabah into 3 categories:
1. Among the Aswat mushrabah are those accompanied by Qalaqa when pausing:
ق ط ب ج د
These sounds are all
شديدة مجهورة @Hamza33974003 @PhDniX 2. Aswat mushrabah with
ز ظ ذ ض ر
رخوة مجهورة
According to Sibawayh, this nafkhah is caused by:
لأن هذه الحروف إذا خرجت بصوت الصدر انسل آخره
This part of his statement
انسل آخره
lead to different interpretations among the Arab phoneticians.
Jun 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Interesting argument here.
I have a few comments I would like to add. In Arabic, we do have some cases where we have a meeting of two non-vowelled letters.

For example, the words:
خَوْف - بَيْت
when pausing.

الحروف المقطعة
such as

We also have readings such as فنعما) بسكون العين)
Jun 19, 2020 20 tweets 3 min read
Did the 'Uthmanic mushafs include all the 7 ahruf?

Scholars have differed on this issue. However, the most reasonable and acceptable view is that 'Uthmanic Mushafs didn't include all the 7 ahruf. However, since the 'Uthmanic mushafs were free of supplementary diacritics...etc
the rasm accommodated some other ahruf but definitely not every single harf.
Jun 18, 2020 15 tweets 4 min read
Good discussion here in the wrong thread... Image 1. We do have a few documented reports in the Islamic tradition about the companions seemingly criticizing or denying a Qur’anic reading.
These reports (assuming they're authentic) *are easily* understood to be based on what they were familiar with from the diverse
Jun 17, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
@nahmood1800 @BrotherAlexP
No matter how much evidence we provide, you will still go in circles.
If you open any good book on
علوم القرآن
You will find that scholars have addressed these narrations.
I also talked about the concept of abrogation in my published paper Image @nahmood1800 @BrotherAlexP @abdullahadam For example, Imam Abu Shamah talked about the narration of the verses in Al-'hzab: Image
Jun 17, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
@nahmood1800 @Don_Quixote123 @salyounas Dr. Suheil Laher's Harvard PhD was on Tawatur. It's a good read.

I think @Don_Quixote123
is just listing the opinions of scholars who support
صحة السند
Some scholars like Ar-Razi said that even if some Qira'at are not متواتر , This doesn't negate that the Qur'an is قطعي. @nahmood1800 @Don_Quixote123 @salyounas However, It's important to point out that although early scholars didn't use the terminology of Tawatur, other similar terminologies were used such as
القراءة العامة
قراءة الجمهور

Tawatur عملي
Not necessarily Tawatur based on Isnad.
Jun 14, 2020 26 tweets 4 min read
The recent interview with @YasirQadhi has been going around like wildfire.
I'm receiving many emails regarding the issue of the preservation of the Qur'an.
Thus, I decided to start this thread. Important notes:
1- if you're someone who is here just so that you can question or attack the authenticity of the Qur'an, I respectfully ask you to go "play" somewhere else!
This thread is not meant for this type of discussion.
Jun 4, 2020 35 tweets 7 min read
I will be discussing in this thread the paper by @Safaitic on Sibawayh's ṣād.… In this paper, Al-Jallad suggests that the ṣād we know today is the sound Sibawayh classified it among the "disliked" sounds.
الصاد التي كالسين
This ṣād was not suitable for Qur'an or poetry according to Sibawayh.