His company, Relativity Space, is worth $4.2 billion and launches fully 3-D printed rockets into space.
His origin story is awesome:
- Interns at Blue Origin where he pitches them on fully 3-D printing rockets
- They say “nice R&D” but don’t do anything with the project / idea
- Quits to start his own company at 25 years old
Here's what he had to say...
If you don't know who Reid Hoffman is...
1. Creator of LinkedIn (sold for $20 billion+) 2. Early investor in Facebook & AirBnB 3. Wicked good settlers of catan player
He's a legend in silicon valley.
So I wanted to know. What does he think about crypto & web3?
Jul 30, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Side Hustle Saturday:
Create a speaker booking agency for social media stars.
(aka - how the "Washington Speaker Bureau" makes $100M+ a year)
Events are always looking for speakers to headline their events.
Speakers = make event feel more legit + help sell tix
BUT getting in touch w/ famous people is hard.
Jul 28, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
I have a new hero and her name is Sarah Moore.
• Under 30 years old
• Had no money, no experience. Biggest asset was her car (a RAV4)
• Spent 1 year hunting through 100,000+ businesses to find ONE to buy
• Bought a $20M+ business called “Eggcartons.com”, all debt
Sarah goes to Harvard.
Decides she wants to buy a business. Creates a private equity fund (PE)
• her "office" was the school library.
• her "fund" was non-existent as she had no money
• her "analysts" were 50+ interns she found on Craigslist
Jul 25, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
My f*cked up management style:
1 - There is an imaginary "Trust #" above everyone's head
it goes 0 to 100.
0 = no trust
70+ = you try hard, sometimes
80+ = you try hard, but usually don't succeed
90+ = you try hard, & usually succeed
100 = I trust you with my life
A winning team = a team I trust.
by default, I trust (everyone starts at 85).
you go up/down from there.
TRUST: 1/ will you act selfishly if given the chance? 2/ will you try hard? 3/ do you have the skills to pull it off? 4/ can you accurately explain"how X is going"?
Jul 18, 2022 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Behind the scenes with Peter Levels (the guy who makes $2.7M/year, with 1 employee and 0 f*cks given)
1. He's hilarious 2. He makes ~$3M/yr with 90% profit 3. Owns almost nothing (1 bag) 4. Has 1 employee
Here's how he does it
He has 4 businesses, all around the idea of working remotely
1/ we planned to give away $25K to people building in web3 from @MilkRoadDaily
Then companies like @thirdweb_ and @calm jumped in and the pool has grown to $50K+ !
Apr 15, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Let's try an experiment. We just got a wire for $25K to sponsor @MilkRoadDaily - and I want to give it all away.
Web3 is full of speculators, not enough builders.
So let's give $25K to builders. Not an investment. Just free money. No strings attached.
here's how it works:
1/ Anyone can apply to get a grant.
2/ Let's call it "Milk Money", because, ofc
3/ Each builder gets 1 ETH to fund 1 month of building
4/ You can build anything, whatever itch you have to scratch. It can be big, small, weird. Your choice.
5/ Only rule, you must ship it.
Apr 14, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Listened to a bit of the Fast guys interview. One obvious thing he’s trying to finesse:
- company ran out of money suddenly
- why not lower burn?
- “80% of burn was people costs”
- funding market “shat itself”
Nah dude. Be honest. Here’s what the honest answer is:
1/ we couldn’t raise money because we had shitty traction
(Reported having ONLY $600k revenue, EVEN WITH 400+ employees and $150m+ raised and tons of press)
Apr 7, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
⌛ 24-hour recap of what's going on in Web3:
#1 - Facebook is reportedly working on a new token called Zuck Bucks.
ZuckBucks by Meta.
If I worked at FB - I'm walking straight to the IT desk and handing in my badge/laptop if these rumors are true
#2 - @FrancisSuarez revealed the new Bitcoin Bull statue in Miami at the Bitcoin conference.
* 3000 lbs
* has laser eyes
* took 30 people half a year to build
* Mayor Suarez has absolute cannons for arms