Shabbos Kestenbaum Profile picture
American Jewish activist
Jeff Profile picture Scott Biller Profile picture 4 subscribed
May 14 5 tweets 1 min read
The Harvard encampment has just ended. Do you want to see Harvard’s antisemitism in real time? Harvard has agreed with almost all of their demands. I’ve never been this disillusioned than this morning. 🧵1/5 Image The encampment espoused near daily antisemitism, harassed and followed Jews, called for the violent destruction of the Jewish state, and violated school policy.
Mar 28 6 tweets 2 min read
Harvard Law School Student Government will be violating its own constitution to vote on a secretive+rushed BDS resolution accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing”+”genocide.” The elected student reps removed all their names from public website to avoid any accountability. Cowards. Image The same Harvard Law School Student Government has not passed any resolution condemning the terrorist group Hamas, the targeting of Jewish civilians on 10/07, sexual violence against women, or the continued holding of U.S. hostages in Gaza.
Mar 20 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵 on Professor Shaul Magid. I know Professor Magid personally and had the pleasure of taking his classes. While his views on Zionism differ from mine, he has *always* argued for the legitimacy of the existence of the state of Israel. His critique of Zionism is what he calls "counter Zionism,” not a rejection of the state of Israel but an analysis of whether Zionism continues to be the best ideological foundation for the continued flourishing of the state of Israel in the future.