Shai Davidai Profile picture
Jewish Israeli. Father. Partner. Zionist. Assistant Professor @Columbia_Biz
Oo Profile picture Susan Vermazen🇺🇸🇺🇦🇳🇮 #fella StandWithUkraine Profile picture Mark Helms Profile picture Robert Goldberg Profile picture Jessica Berman 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇸🇻🇸🇻 Profile picture 28 subscribed
Jun 14 10 tweets 3 min read
Yesterday, I testified in front of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee about antisemitism and support for terrorism at @Columbia and many other American universities.

The members of Congress asked some really thoughtful questions.

Here were my responses:

(a thread) My answer to the question:

What are the main factors that led students to feel emboldened to essentially take over @Columbia's campus?
Jun 6 7 tweets 2 min read
Today, a mob of terrorist supporters came to protest the Hillel at @BaruchCollege.

Hillel is the foundation for Jewish campus life.

The clear antisemitism wasn't the worst of it.

It was the open support for terrorism that did me in.

(a thread) Let's start with the worst of it.

Here's a guy pointing to his PFLP headband and shouting "Long live the PFLP".

The PFLP is a terrorist organization that has killed and injured hundreds of Israeli and American civilians.

This is happening, out in the open, in New York City.
Apr 24 6 tweets 2 min read
Last night, I spent time with the Jewish students @Columbia.

They were willing to be recorded, as long as they are not identified.

Take a listen to all the recordings below.

This is not my story. This is their story.

Please amplify their voices and tell their stories. Recording #2
Apr 24 5 tweets 4 min read
Journalists, I can't speak to all of you, but if I could, this is what I would say:

Within Our Lifetime is the organization whose members beat to pulp a Jewish man in the streets of New York in 2021. Why? Because he was the first Jew they could find. (see below, in the thread)

Guess what Within Our Lifetime used to be called before they changed their name in 2018? Students for Justice in Palestine, NYC. (yes, it's the evidence is in the thread below)

The leader of Within Our Lifetime - Nardeen Kiswani - is a Jew hater who openly support Hamas and the annihilation of Israel. Last Saturday night, she got married. Do you know where? Inside the pro-Hamas illegal encampment at @Columbia. (see below, also in the thread)

Nardeen Kiswani does not have a Columbia ID, yet she is allowed to be on campus. Yet I, a Columbia *professor*, am barred entry because the university cannot guarantee my personal safety from the pro-Hamas mob.

Also, remember those videos of protestors burning the American flag, chanting "down with the U.S.A.", and saying that Bin Laden "did what had to be done"? Do you know who organizer those protests? Within Our Lifetime. (see below, also in the thread).

All the evidence is out there. It's clear as day. You just have to let the world know about this. These are not "peaceful protests" like Rashida Tlaib and the New York Times would have you believe. You have a responsibility for the truth, and it is laid right there for you. @CampusJewHate and I have been documenting this for six months. All you have to do is report it.

And by the way - stop calling these protests pro-Palestine. They are not pro-Palestine, they are pro-Hamas. They even say so themselves. And Hamas doesn't care about the Palestinian people. You know it and I know it.

But don't take it from me. Take it from people like @afalkhatib. Ahmed and I may not agree about everything, but I respect his courage, his humanity, his moral backbone for speak for the Palestinian people and against Hamas.

Palestinian people like Ahmed - who was born and raised in Gaza and lost many family members in this horrible, horrible war - speak for the Palestinian people. Not some radicalized White student from Wisconsin who has no skin in the game and who thinks that buying a keffiyeh on Amazon Prime makes them a liberator.

And if you take even one thing from people like Ahmed, let this be it: can be pro-Palestine AND anti-Hamas. By calling these protestors pro-Palestine, the media does a disservice to all the Palestinians who oppose Hamas and spreads a lie that supporting Palestine requires supporting violence and terrorism.

Start calling it as it is: pro-terror.


And journalists, one more thing:

Please stop treating this like the "Shai Davidai Show." This is not my story. This is OUR story. This is the story of all the Jewish and Israeli students, staff, and faculty at @Columbia and all other U.S. and Canadian universities. Start interviewing them. Ask them how *they* are feeling. Ask them what they've been seeing and hearing on campus. This is the story about how antisemitism and an ideology that glorifies terrorism snaked their way into academia and the illiberal left.

It's all there on my feed. Just scroll back to October 12th and start from there. I know it might take long to go over everything, but please do. Look at how the pro-Hamas professors and a few radical extremists on campus brainwashed latently antisemitic protestors into a terrorist idolizing mob.

(seriously: they have posters of suicide bombers in this illegal encampment on campus. There is nothing peaceful about that)

So, just read all the threads, watch all the videos, and listen to all the speeches. It's all there.

This is the story of what it's like being Jewish at @Columbia.

All you have to do is tell it. About Within Our Lifetime:

They are domestic terrorist threat, and they operate right here, in New York City.

Apr 21 11 tweets 4 min read
This what's happening at @Columbia right now.

I know it's confusing, so let me spell it out for you:

(a) Terrorism is an ideology.
(b) They are openly supporting terror.
(c) They are terrorists.

Terrorists have taken over Columbia University.
The government needs to take over @Columbia.

This is important. Repost if you agree.

(videos below) This is the Chabbad Rabbi (!) and a group of Jewish students being scared off of @Columbia's campus.
Apr 15 11 tweets 3 min read
I've seen and shared many disturbing videos over the past six months, but I've never seen anything like this.

These were the sights today in New York City. Not in Rafah. Not in Kabul. In New York City.

This is domestic terrorism.

(a thread) Protestors waving the yellow and green Hezbollah flag.

Hezbollah is an Iranian-backed foreign terrorist organization based in Lebanon.

And now in New York City.
Apr 7 5 tweets 2 min read
A suspended pro-Hamas student organization at @Columbia makes up a lie about me.

A prominent pro-Hamas organizer at @ColumbiaSSW with thousands of follower retweets the lie.

This is modern day Hitler Youth.

But this Jew will not be scared away.

(see below for the truth) Image Here is a video of the event, taken by a brave Jewish student.

You can clearly see that:
1. I am facing away from the protest
2. I am calling out my colleague, Prof. Joseph "October 7 was awesome" Massad for participating in an unauthorized protest.
Apr 5 4 tweets 2 min read
Nothing to see here.

Just Prof. Joseph Massad (who, on October 8, published an Op-Ed praising the 10/7 Massacre) and a student organizer getting their marching orders during an unauthorized pro-Hamas protest at @Columbia.

Did I say "marching orders"? I meant, "intellectual frameworks of decolonization"Image @Columbia Here's a video of the protest:

Mar 25 36 tweets 10 min read
Today, the heads of Samidoun – an organization that was banned from Germany for its ties with terrorism – held a recruitment event at @Columbia to get more students to join their calls for violence.

(a long, disturbing, yet important thread) Image The recruiting event, hosted by a pro-terror student organization at @Columbia, had speakers from three extremely dangerous organizations:
- Within Our Lifetime (WOL)
- Masar Badil
- Samidoun
Mar 18 23 tweets 3 min read
Hey, want to read about something really fucked-up about @Columbia?

Here's a thread about the utter and complete moral bankruptcy of @Columbia's President and entire leadership Last week, a pro-terror student organization at @Columbia re-posted a call by Hamas for a violent uprising in Israel.

(yes, I know that sounds crazy. that's exactly how bad the President of @Columbia has let things become)

Mar 14 11 tweets 2 min read
For months, I've been speaking out against @Columbia's refusal to deal with pro-terror students organizations on campus.

I thought I've seen it all.

I was wrong.

(a short thread) This post was shared earlier today by a student organization at @Columbia.

It calls for an uprising in Israel.

There is no two ways about this. This is support for terrorism.

But wait, there's more... Image
Mar 11 11 tweets 2 min read
The President of @Columbia is subpoenaed to testify in front of Congress!

I hope she only gets 'yes-or-no' questions, so she can't lie her way out of being held accountable.

Here are some questions that I would personally like her to answer (see thread): Had @Columbia enforced its own rules regarding pro-terror student organizations that broke their suspension terms?

(No it didn't. It still refuses to enforce them)
Mar 7 11 tweets 2 min read
Would you like to learn more about the moral rot at what used to be one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world?

(a short thread) Take a look at the poster below, announcing an event by a student organization at @TeachersCollege (which is part of @Columbia University). Image
Mar 5 14 tweets 3 min read
I can't believe I'm saying this, but antisemitism has hit a new low at @Columbia.

(a slightly long thread, but trust me - it's worth it) Introducing Shellyne Rodriguez - former Manhattan College *professor* who assaulted a @nypost reporter and cameraman with a machete…
Mar 4 10 tweets 2 min read
How it could be that so many Americans students have been radicalized to support terrorism and hate everything the U.S. stands for?

The answer is simple: indoctrination.

Consider this video of Dr. Mohamed Abdou, a Hamas-supporting, Visiting Professor at @Columbia. Students have been conditioned to believe that if they don't understand their professors, then it must be because their professors are smarter than them.

That is a mistake.

Students - don't be fooled. This guy's remarks are complete drivel.
Feb 28 15 tweets 3 min read
Here is an incredible case study of what makes @Columbia such a deeply anti-semitic institution.

(a thread)… By now, you may have heard of Dr. Mohamed Abdou, a Visiting Professor in the notorious Middle East Institute at @Columbia.

(an institute whose website is a real who's-who of the most rabid antisemites at @Columbia).
Feb 27 21 tweets 3 min read
Remember that an anonymous group who published a hate-filled open-letter filled with lies, defamations, and baseless complaints about me to the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (@SPSPnews)?

(a thread) Although their cowardice barred me the right of facing my accusers, their motivation for writing the letter was clear:

They tried to silence a Jewish Israeli who refuses to legitimize support for Hamas on U.S. campuses.
Feb 22 26 tweets 3 min read
The President of @Columbia has been at her job for about 6 months.

Here is what she has to show for it:

Two major lawsuits and a Congressional investigation into @Columbia's refusal to act against antisemitism. Of course, the President of @Columbia doesn't feel the need to address the community about her failings.
Feb 20 24 tweets 3 min read
I get asked many questions about the President of @Columbia University.

(a thread) People keep asking me why the President of @Columbia hasn’t said or done anything to protect the Jewish community.

They ask me about her mindset.

They ask me whether or not she cares.

But I know what they’re really asking me.
Feb 14 13 tweets 4 min read
Yesterday: The U.S. Congress tells @Columbia that it's investigating its refusal to stop antisemitism and pro-terror organizations on campus

Today: *Another* unauthorized protest by a suspended pro-terror organization at @Columbia

(alarming thread with videos and pictures) The pro-Hamas groups on campus are getting bolder and their rhetoric is becoming more violent.

Here, they are shouting that they reject a two-state solution. They want "all of it."

You know who else rejects a two-state solution and wants all of it?

Feb 9 12 tweets 3 min read
Another low for @Columbia.

Today, the Columbia Institute of Global Politics (@ColumbiaIGP ) and Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (@giwps) held an important event about sexual violence:

"Preventing and Addressing Conflict-Related Sexual Violence"

(a thread) Who could object to something like that?

Who wouldn't want to prevent sexual violence?


A Columbia School of Social Work (@ColumbiaSSW) group that, for months, have been using rhetoric justifying the Hamas massacre of October 7 opposed this event Image