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Breaking down ego, mind, timelines, matrix and energy dynamic into words through thought process that's easy to understand for those ready to hear.
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Mar 19, 2024 26 tweets 13 min read
Post that you want to read till the end!
I know I said no more riddles, but what can you do when riddles are begging to be solved. Is the #XRP community ready for a juicy breakdown? This one is a blast and I promise you that. I strongly felt to post this information. Since January 2023 (when all my prediction failed), I stopped solving riddles, because it did not make sense to be attached waiting for a “moon”. There were few times around summer last year when some things did resonate, but again it didn’t play out. The best part is that
Dec 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
This is timeline derived from 13. I believe it's complete now. Colors don't have special meanings besides making it easier to read. There are cycles in which price moves. Green squares marks the "overnight" dates derived from 6 and 7. There are 18 dates all together + 3 dates derived from rest of the numbers. 2/26-2/27 from numbers 2 and 11 (13), 7/12-7/13 and 6/22-6/23 from numbers 3 and 10 (13). You can look in the chart for these dates and you will see how they fit in all of this and how these cycles works. Some of them marks major movements, some
Dec 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
So, half of the pattern played out. Today overnight is the next day on the list. No drop do far. In November, 2nd overnight date meant that bulls took over, but in September, 2nd overnight date meant giant pump. I'll still wait for the dump. I see Japanese bonds are cooking. Riddles warned us that Japano will trigger domino effect. S&P500 looks like identical pattern from the past, just before the big dump. Sun is station for 3 days. 3 days of darkness?

I have no idea what happens tomorrow. Call me crazy, but 0.35$ is too
Dec 12, 2022 55 tweets 30 min read
"Cicada 3301" - Wikipedia - XRP riddles

Since Gregorian calendar didn't work in my "12/7" decode, I was wondering which calendar should I use. Solar? Chinese? Maybe Egyptian? Or perhaps Fiscal?

And then it "clicked".

"I'm gonna make my own calendar."

"So It Begins" PART - 1207 - 1776 - 296
Dec 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Let's look at this in the terms of energy. For so many years, America (West) was "sucking out" energy from the rest of the world. That caused imbalance on the global scale and now, this energy will be "distributed" back to East and other countries. Those "leaders" in America, were using financial system to be "energy vampires". It's not a coincidence that lawsuit against Ripple happened only in America. Wealth transfer means "distributing" back the "stolen" energy and that's one of the reasons why delisting XRP on exchanges happened only in
Dec 8, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
After 2 dates didn't play out, I went to check the Castle Riddle from beginning. I started with flags. 1st question I asked myself was "How do I know that this is Tyrian Purple?" So, to do this as precise as possible, I used "color picker" in Paint to determine RGB code for colors. Once I did that, I converted them to HEX codes. I was playing around, trying to figure out precise name of those colors and then for some reason I decided to put the HEX code in gematria. I found it "crazy" that Gematria numbers of HEX
Nov 12, 2022 91 tweets 24 min read
RIDDLE - "Did you remember in December about November?" - SOLVED (1/23%)

At first, it looked simple and quick, but then it went deeper.

Sharing is caring, so share with others.
🔽🔽🔽 PART 1
I'll decode step by step and then put it all together.

"Did you remember in December about November?"
To remember something from the past, we have to be reminded by the same or similar experience, meaning another dump, similar like in November, incoming in December.
Nov 11, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, I couldn't figure out 1 part of the Riddle. Before I went to sleep, I asked the universe for more information and this is what happened in the dream. Just before I woke up from the dream, I remember telling my sister to buy XRP. She didn't believe me. There was some other girl around as well. She studied economics or something like that. She left after some time, but she left the paper she used in studying. When I looked at the paper, it had a calendar which clearly said that ISO implementation begins in January 2023 and ends in March 2023.
Nov 3, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Just a refresh for XRP community. Phase 8 begins 5th of November. That means destruction of old and bringing in the new. From Phase 8 till "Our Precious" first jump, there is 72 days (711), or in other words, from red to green there is 72 days (711). 14th of February, Christmas gift is not open yet. Other coins are being recycled/burned in the meantime.(2nd jump is 14th of February)

13th of March, Christmas gift is open, meaning first 2 jumps are gift. If they are gift, that means we were gifted an opportunity to reinvest.
Oct 30, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Let me explain how I come to solving the riddles. I was curious about the XRP moon dates and I asked the universe for guidance. I had a dream about Metatron and when I woke up it was clear that it's connection to XRP, so I did a bit of digging. I went for running and as I was running, insights kept coming to me how to solve mr. Pools posts. I solved few and I went exercising. As I was exercising, insights kept coming. Eventually, I end up posting my first solution. I knew the date is correct, but I felt drawn to solve the Pyramid Riddle. Again,
Oct 29, 2022 94 tweets 28 min read
Castle Riddle - SOLVED (1/23%)

This was challenging and is also mind-blowing how perfectly made this Riddle is. I hope you are ready!

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🔽🔽🔽 Image Part 1
In Roman Empire, orpiments was an important item of trade and was used as a medicine in China although it contains arsenic and is highly toxic. It was also used as a fly poison and to poison arrows. Because of its yellow-orange color, it was also a favourite Image
Oct 28, 2022 25 tweets 10 min read
Pyramid Riddle - SOLVED (100%)

Included: XRP moon date, BTC destruction date, USD destruction date, last day to buy XRP.

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🔽🔽🔽 Let's begins with explaining colors first. This applies to Castle Riddle too but I'm gonna repost it there anyway. The difference in colors between Pyramid Riddle and Castle Riddle is that here XRP Pyramid is Blue while in Castle Riddle is Purple.

In Roman Empire
Oct 26, 2022 28 tweets 13 min read
First I wanna thanks to @Stellar17Arya for sharing post from Mr. Pool and I wanna thank @SG11167109 for figuring out the Sirius Ankh anagram! 🙏
Pyramid riddle - SOLVED
Dates of fall of BTC and USD - SOLVED
Take popcorns! 😁

@Stellar17Arya @SG11167109 Part 1
Thinking man travels East.
Mr. Pool gave us number 1776.
In 1776, Edward Gibbon published his first volume of his "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". It's funny that they is saying "history" because PRESENT creates PAST and FUTURE. Remember mr. Pools
Oct 25, 2022 22 tweets 12 min read
XRP moon date - SOLVED

Part 1
So, it begun after I had a dream. I dreamt a guy who held the information about "moon date". I "stole" it from him and I remembere a Metatron Tarot card. I went researching and this is what I found. Metatron's symbol looks like Merkaba Light Vehicle Metatron is one of the 13 Archangels. He is the Guardian of Tree of Life which in Celtic symbolism looks exactly like Ripple's logo. Exodus 24:10f. F=5=23 --> 24/1/23 == 33/1/23 == 15/1/23 == 6/1/23
In the Book of Exodus, Israelites leaves slavery. Yahweh gives them 10
Oct 22, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
External battles of "good" and "bad" are just a projections of internal battle of the collective consciousness. First we awaken to the battle outside ourselves and then we awaken to the battle within ourselves a.k.a. spiritual war. After we get our first awakening, it's easy to Image get distracted with the theatre happening outside ourselves. Outside theatre can justify our feeling of the battle between "good" and "bad" that's happening within ourselves, so we don't look within. By design, every experience is neutral. We perceive it as "good" or "bad"