Sharky Laguana Profile picture
CEO @Bandago & @GoCampago, volunteer: SF Homeless Oversight Commission, musician @creeperlagoon, dad, husband, optimist
Feb 13, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
🧵Anatomy Of A Smear
A few weeks ago I was startled to read a local candidate for office, Trevor Chandler, was *not* a public school teacher.
I was startled because the last time I had spoken to him he was headed home from teaching at a school. What on earth was this about? Image Just a couple days before this same poster had been credited with getting a staffer in the DA's office fired. So was there something to this claim too?…
Sep 20, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
San Francisco has the highest rate of smash-and-grab auto burglaries in the country.
There is a hearing on this tomorrow. I wasn't invited to this hearing, but I've worked on this issue for years. So, in an effort to be helpful, here's how I would tackle this problem: - Get COIT to allow drones to track cars committing thefts so citizens aren't put at risk in chases
- utilize projectile GPS trackers () on vehicles observed committing…
Nov 16, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Just learning that Bird, the e-scooter company, filed a statement with the SEC on Monday saying that financial statements for the past 2.5 years should “no longer be relied upon,” and there is "substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern." The root of the issue: they let riders run up negative balances on e-wallets, and recorded those rides as "revenue", despite lack of payment.
Recording as revenue isn't super problematic in and of itself, but if balances remained unpaid, should have been charged off as bad debt.
Aug 13, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
🧵This November San Francisco voters will be asked to vote on a measure that will raise taxes on e-commerce sellers in order to fund a Universal Basic Income program.
I would LOVE to see a UBI program piloted in SF, but unfortunately I cannot support this measure. Here's why: First of all, here's a link to the tax measure so you can read it for yourselves:…
Oct 19, 2021 18 tweets 5 min read
🧵This is a project I've been working on for a while. Here's why I think (and the Mayor, and the DA, and SFPD think) this initiative can help.… First of all, just to set the stage - I started working on crime issues after my own stolen van pulled in front of me on the highway. I went home and tweeted about it, and 8 months later Governor Brown signed a state law that resulted from my experience.…
Feb 13, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
My wife has been volunteering for public school stuff for over a decade. She recruited Seth (she’s chair of the PAC), and is quoted in this piece. As public school parents we are, like most SFUSD parents in SF, so deeply frustrated.… One thing that completely mystifies me: why is reopening not the *first* item on the agenda every meeting? Why are you making parents wait for seven hours before getting to the issue that matters most to them?
Dec 6, 2020 12 tweets 4 min read
I just had the most amazing movie experience of my life. Image We drove out to Bolinas for a drive-in showing of Nomadland, the new Frances McDormand film. She was using it as a fundraiser to build affordable housing in Bolinas.
Here she is directing cars into the lot: Image
Jul 28, 2020 40 tweets 9 min read
When I moved to SF I was homeless. Slept under park benches. My first “home” was a room @ Civic Center Hotel. I eventually got a job, & was the night clerk for 5 years. Saw a lot of crazy stuff.
My memory is ~88 rooms?
I am very happy to see this transformed into *500* units. The phone system was a 50’s switchboard, and I’d manually patch the calls to the rooms. There were 3 phone lines for the 120+ people who lived there. On busy nights I’d struggle to keep up and residents wanted to kill me. Not hyperbole btw, they literally threatened to kill me.
Feb 9, 2018 37 tweets 8 min read
Ok a little thread about crime in SF and why it’s so incredibly frustrating for the people who live here.

(Hopefully @LondonBreed will help? I know she cares a lot about this issue, hope she reads this thread) @hknightsf might be interested too. Last month a lady named Linda rented a van from us for a few days. It was due back on January 31st. It didn’t come back. Instead, the next day, a guy we’ve never heard of called and asked to extend the rental... a month! This isn’t normal.