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non-conforming misfit
11 subscribers
Jan 26 60 tweets 14 min read
Anatomy of the Pandemic state: Part 4
How EUA was engineered by Dr. Fauci to fuse military-industrial with pharmaceutical-industrial complex and obliterate informed consent under guise of emergency.
Link to full essay at end. Bookmark, share and retweet if you enjoyed it. 1. Unless you were blessed with the good fortune to spend the last four years cocooned in the sweet embrace of a deep coma, you’ve most certainly heard the term “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) repeated ad nauseum by our public health overlords and their mouthpieces in media.
Nov 21, 2024 20 tweets 6 min read
House of Horrors part 2

1. Unless you've been living under a rock (or coma), you've heard about the South Carolina animal lab monkey escape sparking fear and speculation about infectious contagion in surrounding areas.
The CEO just claimed it was intentional sabotage. 2. Alpha Genesis founder and CEO Gregory Westergaard says the release of the monkeys was "an intentional act" by an employee and under active investigation by their company.…
Oct 27, 2024 58 tweets 13 min read
Thread: Anatomy of the Pandemic State, Part 3

The incredible story of how DARPA bet $25 million on a failing pharma company to usher in mRNA vaccines and gave birth to the private sector DARPA that wants to rule the world.

Hold on to your knickers, its going to be a wild ride. 1. The past is prologue, and the only thing history teaches us is that we learn nothing from it.

A few days ago, Bill Gates privately admitted he donated $50 million to Kamala Harris.

Why this is the first post in a thread about mRNA and DARPA will become apparent later. Image
Oct 13, 2024 44 tweets 10 min read
Anatomy of the Pandemic State,
Part 2: Exposing Regulatory Capture and how it fluences every public health decision.
(As always, link to full essay at the end)
If you haven't, check out part one here👇
1. What if I told you the distinction between government and private industry is cosmetically skin-deep, and that there exists an elaborate system constructed for the express purpose of concealing this from you in plain sight? Image
Jun 19, 2024 47 tweets 9 min read
Anatomy of the pandemic state:
The story of how Dr Fauci came to be the most powerful bureaucratic in American history.

(As always, link to exquisitely detailed and impeccably referenced s**stack at the end. Retweet and subscribe if you found it informative.) 1. There’s no pandemic figure as reviled, respected and revered as Dr. Anthony Fauci. People swear by him, or swear at him. But almost nobody stops to think why he came to be the highest paid federal employee earning a paycheck bigger than the president of the America.
Apr 18, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
1. NPR lady's multi-year meltdown indelibly etched on social media is undeniably funny.
What's frightening is that a broad swath of affluents are just as demented and tone deaf. But they keep their inner monologue inner and express themselves by policing thought crimes instead. 2. Most people's belief systems are like vacuous rental spaces.
When you're a child, belief systems are a composite of what your parents think and the social conditioning of school.
Apr 12, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
Just revealed:
1. Anthony Fauci's top U.S. health aide intentionally hid discussions about the origins of COIVD-19 by using his personal Gmail account. 2. Dr. David Morens - Fauci's top aide at the National Institutes of Health - allegedly used his personal Gmail account to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to skirt federal transparency laws and subvert FOIA disclosure.
Mar 10, 2024 34 tweets 9 min read
Thread: "in the name of self-defense"
1. October 2019, a month before COVID, Fauci and former BARDA chief, Rick Bright, mused how a "novel flu" pandemic from China could become the catalyst for replacing old vaccines and rapidly deploying RNA technology.
2. This was just one example of inexplicably weird coincidences that pockmarked the time leading up to the pandemic and slowed not in the least afterwards.
We'll cover some of the more important ones in this thread.
As always, link to the full essay at the end.
Bookmark this.
Jan 20, 2024 37 tweets 8 min read
Have you wondered why vaccine manufacturers enjoy complete immunity from lawsuits?

"The fake 1976 swine flu pandemic: how a presidential election year mass vaccination campaign paved the way for vaccine manufacturer indemnity"

As always, link to full essay at the end. 1. It all began in January 1976. Several soldiers at Fort Dix US Army base in New Jersey fell ill with respiratory symptoms and were diagnosed with flu. The next month, Private David Lewis, who had the symptoms, participated in a five-mile forced march, collapsed and died.
Jan 7, 2024 44 tweets 11 min read
Thread: House of Horrors: An exclusive in-depth exposé of the illegal California biolab.

(This is a companion thread to the one I did a couple of months ago and will add to the facts and findings that hadn't come to light then) 1. It was a crisp December day in 2022. Jesalyn Harper, the only full-time code enforcement officer in Reedley, California was responding to a complaint at a cold-storage warehouse, when she noticed a foul smell and a garden hose sticking out of a wall in the run-down building. Image
Dec 14, 2023 48 tweets 8 min read
History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes – Mark Twain.

Thread: "The Monkey In The Syringe"

(Link to long form essay at the end) Image 1. It was a gorgeous spring afternoon in 1993. Dr. Harvey Pass, one of the world's leading mesothelioma surgeons and chief of thoracic surgery at the National Cancer Institute was working in his lab when Michele Carbone, a pathologist at NCI, strode in with a most unusual request
Dec 2, 2023 32 tweets 7 min read
“History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes” – Mark Twain.

"The deadliest mass vaccination tragedy no one has heard of"

(As always, link to full essay at the end of the thread) 1. The day was Aug. 30, 1954. Bernice Eddy, Ph.D, an American virologist, epidemiologist and a veteran scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, was hard at work assiduously checking batches of the recently synthesized polio vaccine for safety.
Nov 24, 2023 31 tweets 5 min read
The last 3 and 1/2 years have changed people irrevocably.
Some for the better. Others for the worse.
What follows are selected excerpts from my "unified field theory" of the when, the how and the why.
(Link to full essay at the end) Thread
Iatrogenic Shudras: The Birth of COVID Casteism.

1. Iatrogenic (Greek: ἰατρός = doctor + γένεσις = origin)

Shudra, (Sudra or Shoodra, from Sanskrit: Śūdra) were the lowest of the four classes or castes in the ancient Indian social order system circa 1600BC
Nov 19, 2023 31 tweets 6 min read
The time when the WHO and governments the world over changed COVID policy based on science fiction.
(Full essay link at the end)

1. On May 22, 2020—in the thick of the pandemic— a blockbuster paper was published in Lancet, one of the most prestigious Journals in the world. 2. It claimed that hydroxychloroquine, an anti-inflammatory and antimalarial drug promoted by then president Donald Trump and many others as therapy for COVID-19, caused increased risk of death when given to those infected with COVID.
Nov 17, 2023 27 tweets 6 min read
1. Back in December 2022, Code Enforcement Officer Jesalyn Harper noticed a green garden hose sticking out of a hole at facility called Universal Meditech Inc. lab located in Reedley, California.
She notified the owner of the violation. 2. Not content, Harper investigated further.
Further inspection found that the dingy warehouse contained expensive laboratory equipment, manufacturing devices, and what appeared to be medical-grade freezers.
Oct 3, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
1. Thread: Lobotomized medicine

António Egas Moniz (1874–1955) introduced the infamous frontal lobotomy for refractory cases of psychosis. 2. Moniz experimented with the injection of radiopaque dyes into brain arteries, which allowed them to be photographed. His initial attempts used strontium and lithium bromide in three patients. Unfortunately, the experiment failed and one patient died.
Jun 3, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
1. In order to understand the origins of our current dysfunction we must accept the basic premise that the government is a system of gears and levers increasingly actuated by powerful special interest lobbying groups and thus increasingly divorced from interests of the electorate Image 2. The top lobbying group in America is the national association of Realtors.

Total Spending: $84.11 million

Not particularly surprising given that real estate is big business and governments exercise over eminent domain—happening increasingly— is a threat to their livelihood.
Apr 27, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
So much of the unnecessary erosion of trust in our public health apparatus could've been avoided if those at the helm displayed a modicum of humility instead of rushing to spew science-free self-contradictory schizophrenic messages on TV networks evey chance they got.
Thread 1. This is the now (in)famous video of Dr. Anthony Fauci on March 8, 2020
"There's No Reason To Be Walking Around With A Mask"
Apr 20, 2023 26 tweets 8 min read
1. Thread;
Outsourcing The Cure: How Our Dependence On Foreign Manufactured Pharmaceuticals Is Making Us Sick.
According to the US Government's own 2023 report, our pharmaceutical manufacturing sovereignty is on life support. 2. Drug shortages are increasing, lasting longer, and impacting patient care.

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated already lean supply lines and left providers scrambling for alternative drug options
Feb 15, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
1. Ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic, was approved by the FDA in 1987.
At its peak, ciprofloxacin sales crossed 2 billion euros in 2001.
At one point it was one of the most frequently prescribed antibiotics and it remains a critically important lifesaving antibiotic today. 2. On October 4, 2001, the CDC reported the first case of anthrax outbreak. At the beginning of the outbreak, ciprofloxacin was the only agent approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for postexposure prophylaxis.
Feb 13, 2023 26 tweets 6 min read
Thread time:
"The honey pot trap"
I read this story many years ago and was simultaneously fascinated and incredulous at its plausibility
Most people lack even a passing knowledge of this utterly bizarre and fascinating communist spy story.
So hang on tight. It's pretty crazy. 1. It's 1964 and a 20-year-old Bernard Boursicot, a French national, arrived in Peking (current day Beijing), China. It was a small gig, but one that would allow him to live out his travel dreams on the exotic stage of ‘the Orient’.