Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu Profile picture
Author of This Is Why I Resist https://t.co/9BN46sMeDd Lawyer, Political & Women's Rights Activist, Founder @WILPublication, Wife & Mum to 3 girls.
Sandra Jo Streeter Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 26, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
Women like #AmyCooper weaponized their 'whiteness' for centuries to Maim/Kill/Deny black people life & liberty.

Her action isn't 'abhorrent' its EVIL. Listen to her fake shriek & fear. This got African Americans lynched & its why she called the cops.

She's a Karen.

RACIST. .@FTI_US the ONLY action you must take swiftly & unequivocally is to FIRE #AmyCooper. Period.

She tried to get #christiancooper killed by the cops. She deliberately lied as you can see from the video to accuse him of a crime he didn't commit.