History इतिहास 🇵🇸🇺🇲🕌⛪🛕🍉 🚀 Profile picture
History and AI. I work in AI and history is my hobby. I fact check the history to fix the colonial narratives using science, mathematics, technology and logic.
History इतिहास 🇵🇸🇺🇲🕌⛪🛕🍉 🚀 Profile picture Anant Saraogi Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jul 9 19 tweets 3 min read
1/ The fabric of colonial Mexican society was woven with threads of racial intermixing and legal restrictions aimed at preserving the social order favored by the Church. This system began in the 16th century, 300 years before Hinduism was blamed for castes! 2/ The intricate caste system (sistema de castas) classified individuals into a complex hierarchy based on racial heritage, with Spaniards at the top and mixed-caste individuals navigating a fluid yet oppressive social landscape.
May 17 10 tweets 3 min read
Finally, I am now able to conclude that it was not James Prinsep who deciphered Brahmi. It was a pandit who read it for Prinsep.

Tablet 1: James mentions a pandit reading it for him. https://archive.org/details/journalofasiatic775asia/page/n95/mode/1up?view=theater&q=pandit Table 4: James again mentioning help from the pandit Image
May 1 13 tweets 3 min read
So much of ignorance. Not even sure where should I start!
#BharatNatyam is #NotMissionaryMustaaafa aattam.

@MinOfCultureGoI needs to fire all who have utter lack of knowledge of Bharathiya Culture.
Read the whole #Thread It started out like this. I first "DM"ed them and when they did not take it down, I publicly busted their myth.
1> Bharat Natyam is not Dasi Attam or Missionary Fetish.
2> They didn't even know they were using picture of Odissi dance till I pointed it out! Image
Apr 22 10 tweets 3 min read
I have stopped doing threads. But this coffee claim needs to be busted.
"Embark on a botanical journey through India's rich coffee heritage. 🌱🇮🇳 The genus Psilanthus, part of the coffee family, boasts seven species native to the region, each with a unique story. #CoffeeHeritage #Psilanthus #India"Image "Psilanthus bengalensis takes the crown for the widest range, thriving from the western to eastern Himalayas. This species is a testament to the adaptability of India's coffee plants. 🏔️ #BotanicalWonder #HimalayanCoffee"
Mar 5 9 tweets 3 min read
True extent of depravity of Kurram Ghazi eulogized as Shah Jehan by Islamic fake historians.

They are getting disrobed today.

The excerpt is from a historical document, "De Laet, De Imperio Magni Mogolis," dated 1631.

It refers to a monarch who, after certain events, wished to be called Sultan Shihab a-Din Muhammad.
This text makes a grave accusation against him, claiming that in addition to being responsible for the deaths of many relatives, he also committed incest.

According to this account, on the day of his coronation and the death of his beloved wife, he took his own daughter by that deceased wife as his wife.

That emperor was Shah Jahan. The wife he took was his daughter Jahanara.

This is from primary source written during his reign.Image Bernier who is considered gold standard by the @incindia fake historians joins this chat.

The OCR is done by me on the Bernier's text.
He drops the hints. Read it yourself. Image
Feb 12 8 tweets 2 min read
Secret history of Rice and Chawal or Rice and Dal.
Why they go together!

Ayurveda and Science answer this question. Small #Thread For Ayrurvedic Answer I refer to this gem from Dr. Lad.

Dr. Lad has a clinic in New Mexico. His book is short, sweet and gives you basics. Image
Feb 11 14 tweets 3 min read
Indian belly fat is not due to Indian food. But it is due to genetics related to famines forced by two external colonizers. A small #Thread with all the scientific data. In the last decade, as we made more scientific advances, scientists have identified 460 loci related to fat distribution. Even though all the loci are not yet completely studied and understood it is now believed that hereditary factors significantly decide the belly fat!
Feb 9 24 tweets 7 min read
This is an important thread. Please bookmark it and share with all. It will be updated with latest information.

We all need to understand the truth.

Also please read the entire thread.

You are seeing satellite image of mosque built by Timur after looting India and taking 1000 craftsmen as prisoners to Samarkand to build world's biggest mosque of his time.Image Name of this mosque is Bibi-Khanym Mosque (Биби Хонум Масжиди)
It is in Samarkand of Uzbekistan. Here is a picture of how it looks today. Majestic isn't it!. But please wait for me to finish. Image
Feb 4 5 tweets 2 min read
Vishnu's footprints (Vishnupada) in the temple that was desecrated to build current day Humayun's tomb.
A page from the history.
This is from the French book written by Gustave Le Bon in 1893. So, the pictures in the book are from that period.
Page 78-79 has description of Humayun's tomb.
And a picture of Vishnu's footprints!

This book was translated to English by David Macrae in 1974 and was published as "World of Ancient India" by Tudor books, NY.

ISBN 139780814805817
ISBN 100814805817

I need people from Delhi to take a color photo of this in current shape and share.
Or confirm if waqf board has destroyed this too.Image Adding additional finds.
Jan 31 10 tweets 5 min read
Further questions.

Please see images.

1. The illegal mosque (west facing) is much smaller than the temple on which illegal kabr has been constructed.
2. Music is haram in Islam
3. Tejo Mahalaya is south facing (Shiva is Dakshina Murthy)
4. Tejo Mahalaya is perfect in every way except these two kabrs which look like they were thrown there to spite the temple. Please note they are completely off centered. Will post actual pictures to show their shoddiness!
5. This is artistic trident with kalash (Hindu symbol) with mango leaves. ( I have already posted close ups)
6. Lotus pool to reflect the dome
7. The dome is inverted lotus.

Tejo Mahalaya needs to be restored as the temple along with all the 80,000 temples.Image
8. Poor workmanship is hallmark of "Mughalai"s. This is a covered-up recess, inside the temple.
Photography now forbidden.
Take X-Ray machines and see what is behind.
And do GPR and bust that stupid "kabr" to be hollow just like they do on Railway station platforms. Image
Nov 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Before I hit bed.
BakhShali Square Root algorithm is accurate, succinct and more efficient than Newton Raphson. Image Kaye's reading in 1929. Manuscript is in Sharada script(I am not sure) If you write the content in Devanagari it is as below. Image
Nov 19, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
#Busting the lies of #Caste in India.

In 1826, East India Company hired artists to paint 35 paintings to depict various trades to raise taxes on trade in India.
I will be updating this thread with all the trades.

1. Knitter - Observe Janeeva Image Knitter Reference: Image
Nov 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
As promised. What I discovered tonight was mind blowing. #Bakhashali manuscript is not just about "zero". It contains problems and solutions which shatter the #MathHistory
@MumukshuSavitri @GemsOfINDOLOGY please amplify Image Since this manuscript was carbon dated to 3rd century CE can we all agree that entire mathematics including Algebra was all lifted straight out of #Hindu Mathematics. Image
Nov 1, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
Alexander #Mythbusting

He died of Pneumothorax due to arrow piercing his lung.

Arrow was fired by one of the tribesmen from the border of current day Multan.

Alexander never reached India.

A thread Image What you are seeing is Alexander getting the arrow as described in history books in 1800.

After the creation of country called Greece, this real history was mothballed.
Oct 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Sep 8, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
#Mythbusting #Colonialism and #CatholicChurch

In India we learnt by rote that one of the best invention from Europe is the Spinning Jenny invented by James Hargrave in 1770

Here I present a carpet from India in 1640 spun on a frame!

Please read the whole thread. Image As Engineer, I can vouch that this carpet is not hand woven but is done on a spinning frame. The reason is repeating pattern. I have a very high resolution image of the carpet so let me zoom in to illustrate. Image
Jun 17, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
When I heard a peculiarly sounding yet familiar mantra in the Hindu temple at Denver my first hunch was why is Panditji pronouncing this way.

Is he trying to stretch the mantra by unnecessarily repeating certain syllables.

So I asked him later.

He explained.

Explosion... .. in my brain!

This is the reason why Sanskrit never changed.

The vedas were never altered for 10s of thousands of years!

I appreciate this method because of additional trainings I received in information theory.

Let me explain the method.
Jun 9, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Hinduism has no religious basis for castes.
Castes are political creation of colonizers.
This is the summary I can put for those who want to understand.
#caste #Casta Hinduism did not have castes till British forcefully clubbed the population into four different castes during 1871 census. This caste system was devised along what was successfully done in Americas between 1500 and 1800 in Mexico.
Jun 6, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
#Casteism has to end.

To end the #Casteism we need to know where it began.

Church sanctioned unimaginable violence against natives during the colonial expansion using Dum Diversas doctrine. To prevent the newly proselytized natives from using same doctrine against the conquistadors church created elaborate system of Casta in the Americas.
Commissioned Casta paintings to keep them as as reference to divide population into various castes.
Jun 6, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This is the picture I took in April 2023.

It is a unique building in Preah Khan Temple complex in Cambodia.

Does it look like Parthenon?

If you look closely you can see so many things.

So let me explain. Image The book Angkor Monuments of the God Kings by J L Cohen has following illustration and says temple is built in 1191. Image
Jun 5, 2023 21 tweets 7 min read
Great archeological site you never heard about. Thank you alma mater @IITKgp for getting this to the light.

I am just documenting various artefacts and their current location.
Chandraketugarh is a 2,500 years old archaeological site located near town of Berachampa, WB Image Please note I am not associated with the research team. India is finally into some serious scientific archeology.
You can follow work by IIT from this link.