Shreya Pattar Profile picture
The LinkedIn Girl. Writer, Public Speaker, Creator, Business Owner. Writes about everything. Sharing my learnings as I live them.
4 subscribers
Mar 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Just came across this tweet and:

Personal training is ONE thing ChatGPT cannot replace.


Because personal training is NOT about the result first.

It’s about 2 things:

1 - Accountability
2 - Relationship building Image 1 - Accountability

Having someone waiting for you in the gym everyday - that creates unbeatable accountability.

PERSONAL training involves accountability that is:

> Customised
> Experience-based
> Requires personalised feedback (esp visual feedback in this case).
Mar 23, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
Here is the truth:

You got too comfortable.
You slowed down.
You f*cked up.

You're dragging yourself down.

But you can still fix things.

Here is how to do a HARD reset for your dying freelance career in 2023: Most freelancers start off with a high:

Clear goals & roadmap,
Consistent action taken.

They start making progress and seeing results, and it all seems too easy.

But then they stop doing things that got them there in the first place.

If this is you, time to do a HARD RESET:
Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
I have discovered Russian songs and I’m addicted 😤 The vibe is unmatched I don’t use Spotify, don’t have a playlist link

Sharing a screenshot of some songs on the list 🙂 Image
Feb 27, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
7 Principles to Freelance with More Mental Peace

These principles have been applied by 1000s of my students.

Here are some of my best tips: 1. Principle of Mastery

The first and most important way to feel more mentally at “peace” as a freelancer is to be great at what you do.

Practice your core skills & master them.

Now you can deliver excellent results

Without worrying about your clients leaving you.
Feb 24, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
My 15yo sister will be giving her 10th grade board exams starting next week.

She’s texted me so much in the last month - at odd hours - saying “Can you just talk to me for a bit?”

The pressure is real. And admist all this pressure, here are some things I want her to know: 1 -

I know your textbooks may make you feel otherwise at times, but you are smart, intelligent, and you are putting in the work when it matters most.

Even if now doesn’t feel like “your moment”, good things are bound to happen for you.

You’re doing good, kid.
Feb 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is despicable. Some 18-19 year old college fresher who made an honest mistake has to now live with this extreme mockery from a comedian with millions of followers. Nothing cool or funny about this. Only shameful that taunting a student equals humour and viral content. This is a rude, inconsiderate and self-centred response. Above all: It was impulsive.

It took barely 7 mins for this guy to read the email, come up with a snarky response and send it out. (And then almost immediately screenshot it of course.)
Jan 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Main issue I see with teenagers these days is a severe lack of gratitude. Kids are so engrossed in their own world (mostly online), that they see any responsibility expected from them to signify a lack of freedom, extending also to feeling oppressed and misunderstood. There is no gratitude for anything or anyone, mainly because there is no awareness or recognition of effort made by their families, teachers and close ones. Everything is about them first, which I find social media encourages every time it promotes “put yourself first.”
Nov 21, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
9 unusual book habits and "rules" my Dad follows:

1. His go-to gift is a book. Be it his daughters, a friend, a child in our family, a neighbour; anyone; a mandatory gift is a book. He also writes a message on the first page of the book along with the date to personalise it. 2. Avoid the cliché bestsellers. Unless you find a book in the bestseller that genuinely interests you, that could be your list of books to NOT read. Because bestsellers are rarely best-written books.
Nov 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
When I was 5 yrs old, I had a pair of black & pink Barbie boots. I loved them so much that I didn’t take them off for weeks! In fact my mom regularly reminds me that for the longest time, I even wore them to bed hahaha! After so many years, that wholesome feeling is back ✨☺️🚙 Image I think after a point, you just “grow up” so much that you lose the starry-eyed affection towards things. Having such feelings isn’t materialism. It’s a celebration.

A celebration of something you’ve done, achieved, completed, bought, worked towards… everything.
Nov 12, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
You may not realise this but old Disney movies taught you more than enough physiognomy. Even as a kid, you instantly knew which character made you feel unsettled; which one gave off a strange vibe. It’s all in their appearance; it’s all in their eyes… When it comes to people, it is wise to judge a book by its cover. And often this judgment isn’t about making random assumptions about people. Rather it is about how they make you FEEL.

The judgment isn’t your brain as much as it is your gut; your intuition. Listen to it.
Sep 19, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
This week marks 4 years of my first post on LinkedIn [which garnered 1.5M views and turned me from a no-income college student into a freelancer.]

Over the last 4 years, here are 17 concepts I have introduced [and aimed to make mainstream] in the (Indian) freelancing space: All these concepts may seem obvious to you now... However, when I started freelancing in 2018, none of these were common.

In fact, people would be shocked when I wrote about these concepts!

So the obviousness is only a good sign of the changes in the freelancing industry...
Sep 8, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Full-time yr 1: ₹50k per month
Full-time yr 2: ₹60k per month
Full-time yr 3: ₹70k per month

(^ I’m overestimating here)

Freelancing yr 1: ₹15k per month
Freelancing yr 2: ₹1 Lac per month
Freelancing yr 3: ₹1.5 Lac per month per client

(^ I’m underestimating) The logical and rational thinking here is the POTENTIAL.

Yes, you'll likely earn more initially in a job compared to as a freelancer. But your career and financial growth in a job are fixed...
Sep 2, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
Every piece of content creation advice I could come up with in 15 minutes, after creating content online for 47 months:

1. Never give up your values and principles for content creation. No amount of followers, likes, comments or even money is worth giving these up. 2. Content creation is a habit. Build the habit.

3. Experiment with your niche.

4. Experiment, yet pick a niche ASAP.

5. You can have a different niche for each platform you're on.

6. Find your own style of content creation and turn it into your brand.
Sep 1, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The "secret" to the best month has literally been the ‘wholesome August challenge’ I’d shared last month:

Mini-thread… In August, I made up my mind to get out of my slump. Put in the work in ALL aspects possible:

- Posting content intentionally
- Being active with inbound DMs (I don't do much outreach anyway)
- Consuming the right kind of content
- Hiring people (& making quick firing decisions)
Aug 29, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
Your English Crash Course - The Taylor Swift Edition

Learn 14 figures of speech through these lyrics by Taylor Swift. A Thread: 1. ALLITERATION - Repetition of the beginning sounds of neighbouring words.

Everyday example: “I’m busy as a bee!”

Taylor Swift example:
Aug 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I have a good idea for a fun, educational thread but the willpower to do all the research for it… 🫠🫠🫠 Anyway... we do what we gotta do. Thread coming out in a couple of hours :)
Aug 26, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Every piece of writing advice I could come up with in 15 minutes, after writing for 10+ years:

1. Write like you talk, but edit like every single word will cost you $5 2. Stop researching as you write

3. Stop spellchecking as you write

4. Stop editing as you write

5. Sit down to write every day regardless of your mood

6. 30 minutes a day is all you need to improve your writing
Aug 15, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
From feeling excruciating, stabbing menstrual cramps & not being able to get out of bed for days,

to not feeling an inch of pain anymore…

How I overcame menstrual pain and won back 5 days of my life every month, without any medicines.

[A doctor may never tell you this]

🧵 Menstrual pain is not normal.

Yes, I say this as someone who suffered from cramps for years,

Who couldn’t get out of bed for the first few days,

Who took 3 painkillers every single month.

And it boiled my blood when my parents said that fixing the pain was in my control…
Aug 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Hiring: LinkedIn Writers

> Work directly with me
> Create LinkedIn posts for 1 or more clients
> May or may not include profile management/ engagement

You must have experience in this + be coachable and open to feedback.

Interested? Please fill out the form in the tweet below. Please fill this form:
Aug 9, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
The fear of self-investment:

For newbies, when it comes to financial (especially stock market & crypto) investment, one of our main concern is the uncertainty of rate of returns.

I think the same happens for investing in oneself too...

[A Thread] In stock market and crypto-related investment, the fear is about the uncertainty of when returns may come, and the uncertainty of protection of principal.

(We have no guarantee that we won’t even lose the amount of money we have invested, let alone guarantee a positive RoI.)
Aug 5, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
A comprehensive list of the tools (free and paid) I use as an agency owner/ writer for:

Publishing content
Writing content
Lead gen
Misc. For publishing content:

ConvertKit (newsletter)
Gumroad (info-products)
HypeFury (schedule tweets)