Shveta શ્વેતા 💖 Profile picture
Desi mythopoetess. Author of Nebula Award finalist STAR DAUGHTER! Next up: THE DREAM RUNNERS (2022). Update posts by @paperbackjedi, magical social media maven.
Sep 10, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
A gentle reminder that what an author owes you is their best work. That's it. I get the pull of parasocial relationships and how social media's accessibility makes people feel like they know an author and so are entitled to private info, but no. No more than we are to yours.💖 I'm open about certain aspects of my life and things that have happened to me because I feel moved to speak about them in the name of creating change/letting people know they're not alone--but what and how I share is something I think deeply about first.
Jan 8, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Some advice for those looking for agents: you know how people say no agent is better than a bad one? They're right, and I want to talk about what you SHOULD be holding out for (my wonderful agent is @beth_phelan). Writers, you deserve all of what I'm about to say.

A thread. 1/? 1. You should never feel like you have to be afraid to get in touch with your agent. I feel perfectly safe reaching out to Beth about anything; in fact, we had a check-in call this morning. I always come away feeling like she's on my side, as she should be, as my advocate. 2/?