Siân Louise Profile picture
Working Class Woman. In that order. Not your case study. Header image is a coach load (of those happy to be on the pic) of Notts women for #MillionWomenRise
Dec 12, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Thread 1/many. On Owen Jones, his disdain for working class women while stealing the places we should be in media, his neoliberal core, and his faux radical position as nothing more than a whipping boy for the "compassionate conservatives" who also quite hate women. First off this is an in community spirit of "queer siblinghood" chat. Therefore if you come for me using his attraction to men as a shield for his misogyny I'll tell you to suck your mother. NB i am not your mum. Likewise if you cuss him out for liking men I'll cuss you out.
Nov 7, 2018 20 tweets 4 min read
Cis: a female exploration. This is a thread designed to build a bridge not dig a trench. Please read along, by all means add your experiences.
First the accepted definition in gender politics "on the side of" denoting a somewhat comfortable match between ones sexed body & gender This is developing to a "it just means *not* trans" stance to include women who are uncomfortable with gender &/or uncomfortable with their sexed body under the "cis woman" umbrella.
Oct 23, 2017 11 tweets 1 min read
Trans politics & inclusive feminism is the epitome of give an inch, take a mile cheeky fuckery. Trans women are transwomen. Not good enough I resect everyone's right to self organise. Trans people can but also women can. Not good enough.
Ok trans women are women. Not good enough.