Alex Martin Profile picture
Creator of #SidewalkScienceCenter (@SidewalkSci) advocating science literacy & engagement in public spaces. Math teacher. Science-fiction author.
Nov 4, 2020 44 tweets 2 min read
9 million registered voters in PA.

6 million have been counted.

Let's safely assume 2 million left to count.

Gap has dropped from 700,000 to 469,000 just this morning. The trend favors Biden. 464,000
Aug 11, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
(1/) THREAD: As a futuristic science-fiction author who attempts to maintain scientific realism within my books, I tend do calculations and twist some physics equations into my books, both real and sci-fi.

So, here's the planetary data of the main character's homeworld, Undil! (2/) In the first draft, way back in 2013, Undil had forests & lakes & plentiful life. But that didn't fit the image I ended up having for the "modern" planet, and soon Undil transformed into a world largely inspired by some of Earth's own iconic desert landscapes.
Jul 16, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Part of the reason the pandemic is so bad in US is because people who are never involved with scientific method are seeing Science unfold in real-time. Errors, evidence, & changing methodology happen 100%, but in public eye, seen as "they have no idea what they're talking about." Transparency on this scale backfires bc in nearly all other circumstances, science is opaque & mostly provided to public eye through 2nd-3rd sources. People only see end result, not a process, so anything less than perfect is automatically labeled "deceptive" and "backtracking."