Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 Attorney, Author, Gladiator Profile picture of LICENSED TO LIE-Exposing Corruption #DOJ & ConvictionMachine/ Attorney 500+ federal appeals/ Freed @GenFlynn / #USA
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Feb 21 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
New 🧵In 2010 Dominion bought Premier/Diebold--which had quite the history.
#ElectionIntegrity Dominion voting systems press release of May 2010 announcing purchase of Premier Election Solutions Diebold had a wide-open back door through which people could manipulate the results of the election. Apparently, this was widely known at the time--around the 2004 election. Image
Feb 15 • 17 tweets • 8 min read
This is the beginning of a thread that may take me a while to finish. If you’re still thinking the corruption in our government--or our voting systems--is a Left or Right issue you are mistaken. The more you dig, the more you realize cheating has been rampant in the #Uniparty for decades. Let’s take a little history lesson…Graphic of cards showing we are all in on letting chips fall where they may Most of you are probably not old enough to remember, but in 2000, George W. Bush was elected President in a remarkably close race, decided ultimately by the Supreme Court following a major controversy over "hanging chads" on punched paper ballots by Sequoia voting systems--later bought by Smartmatic.
Jan 31 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
#Breaking: The State Bar of Texas LOST again. The Board of Disciplinary Appeals has just flat-out dismissed the #SBOT’s second attempt to disbar me. The Texas Bar has relentlessly attacked me for 4 years in two separate cases now, and we have defeated them at every turn. What will it take to stop this lawfare and political abuse of power? Here’s Bloomberg’s report on it. I spoke with the reporter after they dismissed the case from the bench.…
Jan 17 • 7 tweets • 9 min read
To Begin Healing the Nation,
Trump47 Must Pardon ALL J6 Defendants

By Sidney Powell
Does anyone remember Civil War history—you know the atrocious war between the states that led to brothers killing brothers and much of the South being burned down in four years of horrors? More than 600,000 lives were lost—the most tragic war in American history. That was an insurrection.
Nonetheless, on Christmas Day 1868, President Andrew Johnson, following Lincoln, “extended unconditionally, and without reservation … a full pardon and amnesty for the offence [sic] of treason against the United States, or of adhering to their enemies during the late Civil War, with restoration of all rights, privileges, and immunities under the Constitution and the laws.” He pardoned every soldier who had fought for the South, and he did it to close that ugly chapter of American history and heal our nation.
We have endured a decade of double standards and lawfare that has left an ugly jagged scar on the face of Justice and rended the constitutional fabric of this country. Each of our three pillars of government has failed us. We have weathered years of the Democrats’ lies, smears, and illegal schemes against the Trump administration, culminating in a stolen election in 2020 and prosecutions of Trump and many conservatives while Democrats proceeded as they pleased.
For those with prior doubts, the 2024 election numbers make plain the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump and the real voters. Our country has survived a coup and years of hell because of it. We have witnessed the rapid and wrongful deterioration of every aspect of our government and culture. We were forced to watch as our cities and businesses were burned and looted by real and violent riots caused by Black Lives Matter and Antifa—with few, if any, actions by the government to enforce the law. In the last two years especially, we have learned much about the government misconduct that permeated every aspect of the prosecutions of the January 6 defendants—beginning before they even arrived at the Capitol. The double standards we have witnessed over the last decade are glaring and disgusting. Blatant injustices have annihilated public trust in our institutions. Here are just a dozen reasons why full pardons should be issued:Image 1. The January 6 “insurrection” narrative was planned and executed by the Left. Government infiltrators of various organizations began planning and inciting it from the time President Trump suggested a rally on January 6, 2021. It was promoted, agitated, and mishandled by FBI agents and informants through it all. Days before the event, the FBI was trying to enlist people to engage in facially innocent acts that could be used against them in hyped-up “right wing conspiracy” charges. Dozens of agents and provocateurs were at the Capitol to stir it all up and to spur it on. Gallows featured in as many pictures as possible were not built by American citizens, but more likely by agents of the FBI.
2. D.C. and Congress refused help from the National Guard. President Trump offered “10,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. Capitol. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser declined Trump’s offer—the Left did not want the National Guard protecting the Capitol. The mere presence of ten thousand soldiers—fellow citizens—would have served as a strong deterrent to any problem that might have arisen.
3. Law enforcement fired into the crowd first and attacked innocents. In many instances, they were grossly—if not criminally—aggressive. They shot tear gas cannisters behind the crowd, forcing them up the steps. They provoked the crowd by assaulting peaceful protesters with rubber bullets and mace. Unarmed veteran Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. Remarkably, Byrd was later promoted, given a $37,000 retention bonus, assisted with fund-raising $160,000, and remains unpunished in any way.
4. Law enforcement failed to enforce the law at the time. Perpetrators of a crime should be arrested when they are committing it in the presence of uniformed law enforcement officers. The act of arrest makes clear the seriousness of the conduct and deters others. But the goal was not to stop it, but rather, to foment something they could label an “insurrection.” In furtherance of their set-up, to crush all Trump supporters, they knowingly let actions considered illegal to proceed fully without any intervention. Worse, officers even invited people into the Capitol, gave them fist bumps, and gave tours. Under no circumstances should the conduct of those invited in have been deemed criminal. These actions enforced the belief of most of the people who entered the Capitol that they had done nothing wrong.