Birdsong Profile picture
Updates for the Signs of Spring groups on DeviantArt and Flickr, along with maybe a few other groups and a few blogs of my own.
Jun 5 11 tweets 2 min read
@FoodPornPhotos As usually done (with "mozzarella" and regular tomato sauce), it is vile. But it doesn't have to be.

There is such a thing as a "white pizza" - no tomatoes or tomato sauce on it. Also, there are cheeses other than a commercial American "mozzarella." @FoodPornPhotos Said product bears little resemblance to the Italian cheese of the same name, anyway, so replacing it won't cost one any authenticity points, if one was worried about those.

Those were all gone, already, so let's just play and have fun.
Sep 26, 2019 25 tweets 15 min read
@BeckSamBar @BonnSci A condescending, dismissive, Band-Aid solution to a discrimination problem. Well done, Becky. 🙄

That's an answer you give to a troubled teen whose friends are being mean to him, not to a grown man who has been held down in inescapable poverty for years or decades. @BeckSamBar @BonnSci I've been wondering where this "heart of darkness" stuff was coming from on social media - the Nazis, the hatemongering MRAs, etc - and I just got my answer, didn't I?
Sep 26, 2019 18 tweets 7 min read
@BeckSamBar I'm in a completely different field, but got the same form letter, many, many times. Meanwhile, the people I know who goofed off in school and partied when they "should have" been studying are all gainfully employed. @BeckSamBar I see you live in Chicago. Just wait until you finally run out of any hope of finding work in your field, go looking for a regular job and run into the word "overqualified," over and over.
Sep 19, 2019 5 tweets 6 min read
@local_reviews @IFTTT @evernote ^ Twitter responded to this last tweet with a prompt locking of @local_reviews, one that has so far lasted over two weeks.

Twitter - the free speech wing of the free speech party. As long as you're a Nazi. For the rest of us, it's kind of iffy. @local_reviews @IFTTT @evernote @IFTTT - Looking at my interface, I can see that you would seem to have fixed one problem, but now we have another.

One of your users reports an issue, and your response to that is to silence him by false flagging his tweets? Really? Is that what happened?