Jon Silpayamanant โจนาทาน ศิลปยามานันท์ | Mae Mai Profile picture
Intercultural & Southeast Asian Music Researcher, Composer, Educator. Founder @SawPeep Intercultural Orchestra. Host BBC "World of Classical." he/him 🖤 🩶🤍💜
Jan 18, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read
Normalize not centering Western Chord labels in Music Theory. In quintal harmony, it'd be a C2; In a quartal one it's a D5/2; not sus chords at all. Parallel seconds (and ninths) are way common in Eastern Orthodox traditions.… "The notations of znamenny polyphony require a special approach to their transcription; but when correctly read the music of the ‘scores’ abounds in harsh sonorities in the form of extended parallel seconds & fifths.”

Brazhnikov, qtd in Swan "Russian Music & its Sources..." p45
Jan 13, 2023 32 tweets 15 min read
Apparently there were organs on planes.

"An organ was installed on a Northwest Stratocruiser in the 1950s through an arrangement with local musician Swanee Swanson. The organists received free flights to New York and other East Coast destinations."…
Image Page 43 of "Northwest Airlines: The First Eighty Years"…
Aug 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Welsh Harp tablature from the *Robert ap Huw manuscript* (1613). The manuscript is the oldest extant source of primarily Late Medieval eisteddfod repertory that dates to 1340-1500 and was compiled by Robert ap Huw (c.1580-1665).… Short segment on the *Robert ap Huw manuscript* in Rhodri McDonagh's wonderful "Welsh Trad Music | A Beginner's Guide" video (cued up to that segment below). The whole vid is worth a watch and is only 24 minutes.

Aug 3, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
One of the things I love about Georgian Harmony is that it's based on what's essentially close to a functionally 7TET/EDO collection of pitches. Many global harmonic systems are built on different tuning systems than those in what's typically referred to as Western harmony. The above image from Malkhaz Erkvanidze's "On Georgian Scale System" pg. 181…
Aug 3, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Just looking the bi/polymusical course offerings at Thai Universities (sample below) in a Dissertation from 1998.

"Undergraduate Piano Pedagogy Course Offerings in Thai Universities" Chindarat Charoenwongse. University of Oklahoma.… Image Bi/polymusical education ecosystems are far more common outside of Europe and North America.

Aug 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Latest update to the <Solo Keyboard Repertoire - Southeast Asian Composers> resource. Added about another 50 or so pieces by (primarily) Vietnamese/Vietnamese diasporan composers.

I'm barely scratching the surface of solo keyboard rep here, folks.… I think it's easy to underestimate the size and diversity of SE Asia (hence why I added a new second paragraph to the doc). For example, Indonesia alone has a population of nearly 275 million: the 4th most populous country in the World. About 231 million Indonesians are Muslim. Image
May 12, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Finally getting a chance to read this and the intro piece "American Music and Racial Fantasy, Past and Present" is so excellent & lays out the backdrop for what I call the <Perpetually Foreign Music> idea & how Raceface Minstrelsy shapes current Anglo/American popular musics. This, especially: "Dismantling the Black-white binary requires us to locate our discussion of music and race in the period prior to 1900" (pg. 573) though I'd argue we should extend this into discussion of race/music today & how the Black-white binaries create other...
Dec 19, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
Classical Music ≠ Notated Music or Composed Music

This follows up on the "Classical Music ≠ Concert Music" thread since we now have mature concert music traditions globally that use notation regularly in their Indigenous or hybridized composition traditions. What counts as notation is also highly variable and different notations have different universal AND a context-dependent aspects per Bhagwati's <Notational Perspective>.

Dec 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Classical Music ≠ Concert Music

Here's a thread of 120+ orchestras in global concert music traditions, many of which wouldn't be considered "classical music." These also have similar ensembles (chamber, choral) & genres (opera, ballet) found in CM.

It was something I mentioned in another thread, but felt like it needed to be reiterated. Seems like so many of the alternative names/phrases for classical music still creates an exceptionalism standard for what we'd otherwise call classical music.

Dec 4, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Bless their hearts. I guess this is a natural consequence of colonial harmony.

"Three systems of harmony"… Colonial harmony is basically the result of treating a small sample of global harmonic traditions as Universal and Neutral.

Dec 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Yellowface is well and alive. 🤮 Ugh
Dec 3, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Oof! I do love long titles for presentations! 😂

"When Heterophony Becomes Polyphony: Two Ways of Looking at Multipart Music on a Continuum and how that Influences Composition and Performance Practice." But I'm really looking forward to this as I'll be framing it from the standpoint of creating inclusive pedagogies by highlighting Heterophony/Polyphony as types of musical practices embodied as variations across cultures. Similar to what I describe here:
Dec 3, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
If I have to read another essentialist description of West African music being drumming music, it will be too soon. Probably a good place to put this.…
Dec 2, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Dec 2, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
When you're researching 16th c. music prebends of Olivença and the Diocese of Ceuta and get distracted by mention of Japanese slaves in Portugal and start going down that rabbit hole... 😬… This helps give a lot of context to the Mardijkers of Batavia, many of whom were descended from Portuguese slaves and went on to form slave orchestras in Batavia.

Nov 28, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
Yeah, can we stop acting as if *key signatures* unambiguously designate a scale/mode (or even a *key*, for that matter); or that they haven't been used outside of diatonic musics for, like, centuries in some cases? Image Key signatures only unambiguously designate the collection of pitches used in a piece or a section of a piece. How they are used or arranged determines what scale/mode/maqam/rag/qenet/thang/etc. is being used.
Jun 30, 2021 57 tweets 16 min read
Did you know?

Music Theory exists outside of the West?

Follow for more music theory tips! Did you know?

Harmony/Polyphony exists outside of the West?

Follow for more music theory tips!

Jun 26, 2021 23 tweets 7 min read
Even more underrated is what your frame or theory says is there and how your choice of theory shapes what you assume to be there. One of my favorite examples is gravity. We have three main theories that describe what it is, and what the universe is like, very differently:

1) classical mechanics
2) Relativity
3) quantum gravity
Jun 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Just won a banhu (板胡) on an auction. Might have to learn some bangzi tunes now. I mean, sure I’d love to play Wang Danhong’s “Red Sorghum” (紅高粱) or something, but that ain’t going to happen anytime soon! 🤣

Here’s Shen Cheng (banhu) performing it with the Hsinchu Youth Chinese Orchestra of Taiwan.

Jun 18, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
I wonder if my music career would have been different if I'd had opportunities like this or an environment that didn't encourage assimilation and hiding of non-white ethnic heritages!

UCLA Summer World Music Intensive Online for High School students… Image There are more and more diverse music education programs emerging recently that aren’t so WAM and WPM centric, but these music education ecosystems take time and resources to build.…
Jun 16, 2021 26 tweets 10 min read
Reading Dr. Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje's "The (Mis)Representation of African American Music: The Role of the Fiddle" again because it's so good and I can't wait for her book on African American Fiddling to come out.

#CiteBlackWomen… Image And part of that highlighted quote: "rural-based musical traditions continued to be ignored because researchers tended to be music historians who relied almost exclusively on print or sound materials for analyses." rings so true in light of the Decolonizing DAW discussion.