Deborah A. Skousen Profile picture
In late 1980s early 1990s I attended meetngs in Mi where plans were made to build illegal settlements beyond the Green Line. Max Fisher Alfred Taubman involved.
Mary 💉💉💉I stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 13, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Tennessee was also the target of the Romney Russian Crime Syndicate. "The MAGA-loving religious sect that worships with AR-15s has purchased a 130-acre property on a mountain in eastern Tennessee."……
Oct 12, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
@SenatorRomney it is a typical thing for your family to be behind putting property in forclose isn't it and have ppl lose assets. You, Scott Romney, and Samuel Jan Skouesn teamed up to do the same to my home, so I would lose all marital assets. (next tweet, Mitt) 2. It is pretty strange, @SenatorRomney it appears my mom's property ended up in a tax sell too. I question why it wasn't sold by the trustee of her trust when she died a few years ago. Another plan to defraud the person she left the property to, Mitt?
Oct 12, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Dan Gilbert, of course. Gilbert business partner of Mormon Jay Penske's on Jay. Gilbert, the best bud of Mormon Scott Romney. Scott fleeced a Mich Indian tribe out the GreekTown Casino so Gilbert could buy it for a song and dance. "Robb Report is a joint venture between Rockbridge Growth Equity ( Dan Gilbert) and Penske Media Corporation (PMC) (Jay Penske), which owns entertainment heavy-hitters like Variety, Rolling Stone, and Deadline."…
Sep 9, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1. If you are 39 and under you may not recall this - your parents may. A little on who I am. In 1997, I became the poster child for parental rights, the story hit national & international headlines 2. An intentionally falsified police report was arranged by my former husband, his Russia business buddy linked to the Kremlin, a Michigan State Trooper is best friends with (Mi) GOP Congressman Dick Chrysler, ( a Romney buddy) within a month of my return from Nagano, Japan.
Sep 7, 2021 20 tweets 6 min read
Remember this? And Moons son Hyung was involved with Jan 6th insurrection.. Think are US Reps are compromised?… "Scavo introduced the next speaker — a man dressed in a camouflage-patterned suit and tie and wearing a crown of bullets, with a gold-plated AR-15 rifle slung over his shoulder. It was Pastor Hyung Jin "Sean" Moon,"
Apr 6, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
@SenatorRomney interesting your longtime friend and political ally is also tied to Mark Skousen's longtime friend and associate former Putin advisor Andrei Illarionov and Barbara Kolm - for those who don't Mark is Cleon Skousen's nephew, Mitt loves Cleon & studied under Cleon. so, so interesting @SenatorRomney ,
Apr 5, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
whoa, @SenatorRomney so many of your Skousen family buddies are Russian tied. Mark Skousen, Russian asset Samuel Jan Skousen, the list goes on... not to mention, aggressive mean, abusive Jay Payne Skousen and his malicious, jealous wife Jan R Skousen Russian ties. @SenatorRomney how did Jay obtain a 1M$ home & maintain it, since Jay hasn't worked a lick since the late 1990s, how could he afford to send his kids to college? Image
Apr 5, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
1. Karin Kneissl,***** the former Austrian foreign minister and member of the right-wing populist Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), who Putin danced with when he attended her wedding in 2018, also contributes to RT DE.… 2. More ties, Dr. Barbara Kolm and Karin Kneissl. Dr. Barbara Kolm is a Mark Skousen ally.
Feb 12, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
What is the objective?
1. Trump is Mormon connected since Mormon Stephen Hyde joined Trump’s organization.
2. One year after Hyde begins working for Trump, Trump is in Moscow, being tapped by Russian intelligence. 3. Stephen Hyde had previously worked for Steven Wynn in Nevada. Wynn worked with Ronna Romney McDaniel at the RNC
4. Trump calls for a rally in D.C.
5. Mormon Rep Andy Biggs meets with Ali Alexander to plan rally
Feb 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1. The Lincoln Project is out of Utah. Schmidt will vote for Mitt then straight Democratic ticket. Schmidt now running on a Democratic ticket against Mike Lee (R). This is the infiltration of the democratic ticket to beef up Mitt's position in DC… Kind of like what is going on in Cheney and heavily Mormon-influenced Wyo. Rep. Paul Gosa who aligned with Mormon Andy Biggs and Ali Alexander behind DC insurrection. Gosa's parents are staunch Wyo GOP & his brother was head of Wyo. Democrats - Cheney -Bush -Romney deception
Feb 1, 2021 4 tweets 4 min read
@ABC @ABCWorldNews @wxyzdetroit is there a reason to highlight Weaver's affiliation with McCain, yet hide his association with Jon Huntsman and Mitt Romney. Still, covering for the Romney crime syndicate? @ABC @ABCWorldNews @wxyzdetroit A strong Mormon influence on Disney, the bonds are tight, sadly so. Disney didn't have Catholic Night, or Christian Night, Buddist Night, Muslim Night, American Indian Night, etc., on Mormon Night…
Jan 31, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
Mormon "Richard Mack has served in a wide variety of roles over the course of his nearly 20 career in law enforcement, which began in Provo, Utah" Mack founder of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, board member of Oath Keepers 😱… "Mack began his career with the Provo Police Department as a parking enforcement cadet while attending BYU." As a note, Brigham Young University has a systemic history of covering up sexual abuse and blaming the victims.
Jan 15, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
1. MORMON Rep. Andy Biggs, chair of the Freedom Caucus!!! Every Mormon politician first places a phone call Mormon Church leader in Salt Lake City before they do anything in DC, no matter what state they may be represented in Washington D.C. ( new thread) Image 2. Video Features Former U.S. Sen Smith (R-Ore.) Mormon Sen. Smith states his Mormon temple recommend is more important than his (US) voting certificate (rights). Smith's mother is a Udall. Smith also states he called Mormon leaders in SLC on how to vote
Dec 15, 2017 5 tweets 2 min read
Well, well isn’t this the cats meow of cats meows construction billionaire John Rakolta, a corrupt Romney in-law and Michigan Mormon Church member and RNC chair Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel’s uncle big contributor to Paul Manafort tied super pac.… Fake News that their is a breach between Trump and Mitt Romney. As I have said many, many times both are totally Russian compromised.