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Historically informed socio-political commentary. Documenting the shifting global order. Geopolitics/History/Multipolarity/Economics/Culture
Jan 28 14 tweets 6 min read

🇨🇳 Chinese AI startup DeepSeek has shaken up the tech space the last few days. Their recent AI model competes with industry giants at a fraction of the cost. Let’s break down what just happened - and what this means.

#AnalysisAlert🧵Image 2/ DeepSeek released two significant AI models recently:

• DeepSeek V3: Released on December 26, 2024

• DeepSeek R1: Released on January 20, 2025

– R1 is what is causing the current meltdown in Silicon Valley & Wall StImage
Nov 25, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
1/ ***The Podcast Election: Final Nail in the Legacy Media Coffin***
The mainstream media is officially dead. The shift has occurred and we are now in the post legacy world.

Let us explore how this came to be, and the most recent indicators of this shift 👇

🧵 #AnalysisAlert Image
2/ In our first 🧵 discussing the shift from traditional media into online and social media, we focused on why this shift was happening, how the legacy media lost our trust, how the mainstream media got hijacked by corporate interests, and repeatedly lied or misled the public
Sep 14, 2024 21 tweets 6 min read
(0/20) #AnalysisAlert x #AnalystArchives crossover 

Thread 🧵 from a 2014 essay exploring the question of "Why did Fanon argue for a #violent struggle against #colonialism? Was he right to do so?" Image (1/20) Frantz Fanon’s name rarely appears in mainstream discussions of #decolonisation, overshadowed by figures like Nelson #Mandela and Mahatma #Gandhi. Fanon, however, presented a unique and crucial argument: violent struggle was essential for true liberation from colonialism
Jun 8, 2024 21 tweets 7 min read
(0/20) #AnalysisAlert x #ArmchairArchives crossover –
Excerpts from a 2016 essay on the exploring #US and #Belgian involvement in the assassination of Patrice #Lumumba - #Congolese independence leader, and the first Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of #Congo Image (1/20) The assassination of #Congo's first #democratically #elected PM, Patrice #Lumumba, has long been shrouded in mystery. Evidence points to #US and #Belgian involvement, revealing a mix of #ColdWar #politics and #exploitation Image
Feb 21, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
(1/6)from @thetatvaindia

The External Affairs Minister @DrSJaishankar on Tuesday reaffirmed defence and trade cooperation with #Russia and said that many #Western countries used to supply arms to #Pakistan and not India, adding that the trend has changed in the past decade. Image (2/6) "In terms of inventory, yes, because many #Western countries have long preferred to supply #Pakistan and not #India. But that has changed in the past ten or fifteen years with the #USA, for example, and our new purchases have diversified with the USA, #Russia, #France and #Israel as the main suppliers," he said.
Jan 4, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
(0/15) ‘Will #BRICS expansion set a new agenda for the #GlobalSouth?’ by @matvhein at @dwnews

#Thread summary of article below Image (1/15) #BRICS expands, adding #Egypt, #Ethiopia, #SaudiArabia, #UAE, & #Iran, solidifying its influence as the voice of the #GlobalSouth.

(Video from @africanews)
Nov 30, 2023 23 tweets 10 min read
(1/21) #India now aligns as a staunch supporter of #Israel, extending beyond short-term military & political ties into mainstream sentiment. The Indian position was once staunchly pro-#Palestinian. A sharp contrast with today. Let's explore India's post/colonial perspective
(2/21)The transition to the post-colonial era saw #India as a staunch supporter of #Palestine. India was acutely sensitive to the issue of partition & as a fellow British colony, Indian independence movement leaders were against the establishment of a #Jewish state
Nov 26, 2023 20 tweets 9 min read
(1/19) #AnalysisAlert***21st Century Tribalism*** We are entering a new era of modern tribalism
We have entered an era which will be defined by #polarisation, #tribalism, and social fragmentation. Those who were historically quiet, will now speak.

Source: @VisualCap Image (2/19) Many were quiet about issues #globally while the status quo worked in their favour. Think of these people the same as the bulk of the #Western middle class in the colonial #era.

Source: MacKenzie 1984 Image
Nov 19, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
(1/12) Kwame Ture speaks on #Zionism using Lenin's framework of #Imperialism & #Capitalism

"Mr Lenin had precisely pointed out that all of the world had already been conquered and divided by #colonial powers. There was nowhere else in the world left to be conquered and divided" (2/12)"This is the time when #Zionism comes to rise. Zionism comes to look for a state when everywhere else in the world is already dominated...In order for Mr Hertzl to get a country for Zionist what he did was to attach himself to...#British #Imperialism"
Nov 9, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
(1/11)#AnalysisAlert ***Subversion Media***
Traditional media has been hijacked and has lost public trust. Advances in usergenerated content and the fragmentation of media offered by the internet has accelerated this process. Let us explore the dangers of this new media landscape

(2/11)Though social media has provided suppressed voices with a platform & has accelerated information sharing exponentially–this evolution has its own unique #threats. We have been experiencing the impact of these threats more acutely the past few years & especially the 5 weeks

Nov 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
(1/4) #Resistance is a natural response to #invasion and #occupation. This is no hiding from this root cause. Everything else stems from this core reality. #Violence does not exist in a vacuum.

(Image Source IG: turnlefist) Image (2/4) We condemn any loss of innocent life at any time. We also recognise than when the #occupation kills #native #civilians they do so by dehumanising the other as “animals” or “barbarians” or “uncivilised” as we have seen through out the history of conquest
Oct 31, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
(1/14) #AnalysisAlert ****THE REVOLUTION WILL BE LIVE-STREAMED**** - Check out my piece on social media and its place in modern #warfare. With increasing tensions and a constant stream of information, the role #media plays in #conflict is important to understand.

In the immortal words of legendary poet and musician Gil Scott-Heron,

"The revolution will not be televised"

In the old world, the world of Gil Scott, these words resonated with the minds of the masses globally. In the 70’s these words became an internationally recognised chant of the #oppressed, #colonised, and #proletariat because it rang true and people resonated with the message. This was the reality of the not-so-distant past. This is the world many of us #millennials grew up in. This was our parents and grandparents era, just as it was Gils’ (2/14) This was the era of centralized media, where all that needed to be controlled was a handful of cable channels, the major radio channels, and the few national papers. The strategy for this model of propaganda has been studied ad nauseam, #Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent is a useful and critical outline of the forces of #propaganda. Chomsky has his specific theory that he outlines and mine is based on his essential framework.