How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, who is participant? is the first SCP-based application, a cross-chain financial protocol built by everFinance. A high-performance crypto payment solution that uses SCP on top of @ArweaveTeam to achieve high TPS, security, and low cost. believe that most crypto activity in the future will take place on L2, which means MEV would exists in L2 and is an underexplored yet highly significant topic and potential issue for anyone interested in scalable DeFi/DAO/NFT applications. Beacon Chain based on the community of Ethereum. They design it to integrate the shutter system as part of Ethereum-like beacon chains. And this will completely abstracted away from the user, and conserving composability. Network is an anti-MEV/front running solution on Ethereum using a DKG and threshold encryption, and built by @bezzenberger - PM@_brainbot. Brainbot technologies has significantly contributed to the core development of the Ethereum project from the very beginning. is a dynamic that allows miners to maximize their profit by determining the order of transactions on a blockchain network to their advantage. This includes arbitrarily reordering, including, or excluding transactions within a block at the expense of users. Shared Validators (SSV), or Distributed Validator Technology (DVT), is the first protocol that encrypts a validator key and splits it into KeyShares. These KeyShares are distributed to non-trusting nodes run by operators, fault-tolerant for Ethereum staking.