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la commedia è finita! overlord @reduxxmag + @reduxxmages. “a powerhouse of bigotry”
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Feb 3 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
so funny that ppl think this because anyone who has actually lived in Canada can tell you it’s the exact opposite.

Canadians have an unrelenting hatred of Americans to the point that "not America" has become THE singular defining cornerstone of Canadian identity.

Ask any Canadian what a Canadian is and some platitude like "we're not American" is bound to be vocalized.

Canadians have no positive identity construct, where they have created an identity based on what they are (because they do not know what they are). They have a negative identity vacuum where the only way they exist is in contrast with what they are not - and the only thing they know for sure they are not is American.

Meanwhile, the average American probably has no idea where Canada even is, let alone cares about it to the point where he would base his entire cultural identity on not being from there. here let me fix it Image
Dec 16, 2024 • 9 tweets • 6 min read
I have made contact with the alleged boyfriend of the Wisconsin shooter.

He has very graciously provided me the full manifesto, which I verified by having him screen record himself opening it from a direct link the shooter sent to him via WhatsApp.

I told him I would do my best to dispel some of the misinformation and present things as truthfully as I was given them, and I will hold myself to that.

- Her boyfriend knew her as Samantha Rupnow.

- She also went by a different name (one which was also feminine), but adopted the name "Samantha" and this was the name her boyfriend says she had on her school identification card.

- She was a student at Abundant Life.

- She was born on November 7, 2009.

- She was born female and was not transgender. Her boyfriend was born male and is not transgender.

- Her manifesto was titled "War Against Humanity."

- Her manifesto is 6 pages long.

- In her manifesto, she spoke about having extremely difficult relationship with her parents, who she referred to as "scum."

- She also claims her family didn't love her or want her, and expresses feeling like the "wrong child" of her family.

- She says she had planned to commit suicide a long time ago, but felt committing a shooting was “better for evolution rather than just one stupid boring suicide.”

- She expresses deep admiration for Pekka Eric Auvinen, Arda Küçükyetim, and Vladislav Roslyakov.

- She offered particular praise for Küçükyetim, who was a Turkish neo-nazi who committed a mass attack in Eskişehir earlier this year, and stated he was an inspiration to her. She calls him “an ultimate saint.”

- She expressed that she got the weapons to commit the attack through "lies, manipulation, and my father's stupidity.”

More to come shortly. I will make some screenshots of the manifesto.

In the interim….

Her boyfriend says the photo that is making the rounds is not how he remembers her, and believes it was somewhat edited “to make her look worse.”

He provided me a photo of her in the same t-shirt and room.Image Here I will include some screenshots of the manifesto.

I am very hesitate to post the whole thing not because the content is graphic in any way but I am worried it will violate the terms of service, and am not intending to do that.

This is page one and page two in full. Image
Aug 31, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
ready to hear something completely insane?

female porn models have realized that trans porn is such an incredible cash cow that they're now pretending to be transgender.

… and the males who identify as women are angry at them for identifying as males who identify as women.
part of the reason they got found out was bc they were too attractive
Aug 10, 2024 • 16 tweets • 12 min read
Almost every judge I’ve identified as being involved in the rapid prosecution and incarceration of individuals who participated in the Southport riots has a history of letting convicted pedophiles walk free with no jail time. 🌞

A short thread on "two-tier" justice: Image JUDGE ANDREW MENARY

Sentenced William Nelson Morgan, 69, to 32 months in prison for refusing to move out of the way of police officers.

Menary previously let a pedophile who collected baby rape videos walk with no jail time because his lawyer said he had "good character." Image
Aug 2, 2024 • 5 tweets • 7 min read
I absolutely despise essay-posting but as the co-owner of the outlet (@ReduxxMag) that broke the news about Khelif and Lin and started this wildfire, I feel compelled to put to bed some of the bullshit surrounding this story.

A rapid-fire FAQ:

1. "L & K are just women with high testosterone!"

Khelif and Lin were never tested for their testosterone levels.

The claims that they were disqualified from the 2023 Women's World Boxing Championship due to simple testosterone abnormalities were made by their respective national sporting bodies, who, obviously, have some motivation to lie here.

2. "L & K have female ID!"

Khelif and Lin are not believed to be transgender, and @ReduxxMag made that VERY clear in our July 28 article.

They are believed to be impacted by a Difference of Sexual Development, in which there is a developmental abnormality in secondary sex characteristics. This is a medical condition which can manifest with children being born with ambiguous or disfigured genitalia. Male children impacted by DSDs are often "assigned female at birth" due to these genital defects, as there is a genuine assumption they are girls.

Thus, their identification documents would be completely irrelevant in this case. As is the fact they were "raised as girls." That's entirely expected for male children with DSDs.

Even more so for male children with DSDs in socially conservative countries.

Is a boy without a penis more likely to be raised as a boy or a girl? Exactly.

3. "The IBA never said they had XY chromosomes!"

On March 25, 2023, IBA President Umar Kremlev said that the boxers disqualified at the championships had XY chromosomes. He said this in a statement to TASS News.

There were only two boxers disqualified at the championships: Lin and Khelif.

4. "But Kremlev could be lying!"

Over the last 72 hours, the IBA has released two separate statements confirming that Khelif and Lin were not subject to testosterone testing, but had instead been subjected to a separate test validated by two independent laboratories.

That test confirmed they were not eligible to compete in women's boxing as per the IBA guidelines.

Crucially, the IBA defines "woman" as "an individual with XX chromosomes." In their guidelines, they also indicate that the gender tests they use to determine if a person is eligible to compete with women is a chromosomal test, not a hormone test.

In their second statement, the IBA condemned the IOC for allowing Khelif and Lin to proceed as they believed it was putting female boxers at risk and that they did not support "boxing between the genders."

5. "Why doesn't the IBA release the test!"

They cannot. It is protected medical information. They would be sued.

Khelif and Lin, however, can agree to have the laboratories release those tests themselves... Why haven't they?

6. "The IBA didn't let L & K appeal their disqualification!"

Yes they did. They have no choice in the matter. The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) is a fully independent tribunal which oversees all disputes in elite athletics. Every athlete has a right to bring a case to the CAS.

Lin did not challenge the disqualification.

Khelif challenged the disqualification but withdrew the appeal before it could proceed through the court.

Please ask yourself why. If they were genuinely female, why would they have chosen to refuse their opportunity to establish that in an irrefutable and legally binding way at a fully independent venue? Literally none of this would have happened had they simply submitted their tests to the CAS.

Buuuut... Consider that all decisions at the CAS are public information. It was through a CAS challenge that the world became aware that Caster Semenya had XY chromosomes, for example.

If Khelif and Lin had proceeded through the CAS, there would have been irrefutable evidence, documented by an independent body, that they were either male or female.

So why? Why did they not want the CAS to examine their tests? Why did they not want this information to be public? I think the reason is obvious.

7. "But the IOC approved their eligibility for 2024!"

The IOC stopped sex testing athletes in 1999. Since then, they have deferred to individual sporting bodies to ensure athletes were eligible.

HOWEVER, for the purposes of the 2024 Paris Olympics, there is no formal oversight body for boxing. This is the first time this ever happened.

As a result, the IOC created an ad-hoc boxing unit to temporarily oversee the boxing competitions in Paris. This unit has no guidelines for gender eligibility, and has apparently just been allowing boxers to compete "as females" if they have female gender markers on their passports/legal documents.

8. "The IBA is corrupt and cannot be trusted!"

The IOC has long had an issue with the IBA because the IBA has refused to disqualify Russian athletes on the basis of their national identity.

Claims of the IBA's "corruption" can basically be summarized to "Russia bad, Russians evil." The IBA has literally no history of bullshitting about the sex of boxers involved and it doesn't benefit them in any kind of way to do so.

9. "The IBA only disqualified L & K because they beat Russian boxers at the 2023 championships!"

No they did not. I started seeing this weird, completely false claim circulating over the last 24 hours.

Khelif beat Thailand's Janjaem Suwannapheng and was set to compete against China's Yang Liu for gold in the Welterweight category.

Lin beat Bulgaria's Svetlana Kamenova Staneva for bronze in the Featherweight category.

They were scheduled to fight no Russian boxers in either one of their categories, and only one Russian boxer won a gold medal in the entire championship (Anastasiia Demurchian, Light Middleweight).

India won the most gold medals (4) at the 2023 Women's Championship. China won the most medals overall (7). Kazakhstan won the second most medals overall (6). Russia only won 3 medals at the championship.

Also worth noting that another Taiwanese boxer, Huang Hsiao-wen, won gold in the Bantamweight category. So for all the Taiwanese mouthpieces claiming Lin's disqualification was just "discrimination against Taiwan"... lol no.

10. "L & K were only singled out because they don't look feminine!"

This idea that Lin and Khelif were singled out for not meeting some "western feminine beauty standard" is atrocious and quite easily refutable when you look at literally any of their competitors, most of whom do not meet that arbitrary standard themselves because boxing is a physically demanding sport for robust people, male or female.

Below is Khadija El-Mardi of Morocco, for example, who likely would be accused of failing to meet this supposed "western feminine beauty standard." El-Mardi won gold in the Heavyweight category at the 2023 World Championships. She is advancing to the quarter-finals in Paris as we speak. She's one of the best female boxers out there.

She is a woman. Her features and tall stature literally do not matter. She is biologically female. Sex testing would return an XX.

Women are adult human females. This is true regardless of their external appearance.

Likewise, men are adult human males. This is true regardless of abnormalities or defects in their secondary sex characteristics.Image To return to point #10 in this post, this appears to now be the narrative that is being manufactured in real time - that Khelif was somehow simply being “punished” for beating a Russian boxer in the 2023 championships.

Note how the AP frames this. They make it seem as though Khelif was disqualified after beating Amineva.

In reality, the AP had to go back TWO MATCHES to find where Khelif had fought a Russian. After besting Amineva, Khelif went on to beat Uzbekistan’s Navbakhor Khamidova, and then Thailand’s Janjaem Suwannapheng. Khelif was disqualified just before facing off against China’s Yang Liu.

No Russian advanced to the finals of this match. The Russian boxer didn’t even came close to it. Disqualifying Khelif wouldn’t have advanced the Russian boxer to a favourable position.

Further, multiple other boxers very easily beat Russian opponents and advanced to win gold without any such problems. Such as Morocco’s Khadija El-Mardi in the heavyweight, who directly beat Russia’s Diana Pyatak for a spot in the gold match that she would ultimately win.

Other Russian boxers were left in the dust in other categories where they didn’t even end up placing at all. Yet no other boxers were “punished” for directly beating these Russian competitors.

It also doesn’t mesh for Lin Yu-Ting, who never matched against a single Russian boxer.

This new narrative they’re inventing is borderline schizophrenic.Image
Sep 20, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
This is why I laugh when tradbros act as though men would stop being sexual degenerates “if only” women stopped (insert behavior here).

A woman posted a modest church outfit and they’re still in the replies saying she’s a whore. On a profound level, men are deeply ashamed of their own sexuality. Why? Because they feel like they are slaves to it in a way women are not.

This is why men have constructed grand theories, philosophies, and even religions dedicated to blaming women for their boners.
Feb 21, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
cool! now do the pelvis. uh oh stinky I’m detecting some obvious and brutally unchangeable anatomical dimorphism
Dec 4, 2022 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Two years ago I provided Twitter comms with a hashtag that was being used to trade child porn on this app.

Despite all the Elon fanfare… it’s as active as ever.

There’s even a photo of a little girl promoting the abuse material she’s “starring” in. It’s been up for 8 days. ImageImage As of *13 minutes ago* there is someone offering pics/vids of babies up to 5 years old, as well as material of mentally handicapped children.

Twitter has had what they needed for years to solve this problem. It wasn’t solved then. It hasn’t yet been solved now.
Dec 2, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
reminder that domestic violence incidents tend to spike after major sporting events sports is fake and gay. it’s just weak men using stronger men as a proxy for the manhood and masculinity they lack.

it is truly the most disgustingly NPC opium-of-the-masses shit.
Nov 8, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
So, as it turns out…

The account which has been impersonating and threatening me recently is run by Synthia China Blast, a trans-identified convict who raped, tortured, and murdered a 13-year-old child.

He is upset I reported on his parole discharge recently for @ReduxxMag. ImageImageImage Blast sent @ReduxxMag an email the other day complaining we had included the rape allegations in our story on him.

Blast was never convicted of rape, but authorities had been the ones to assert the child had been assaulted. The child’s body was too destroyed to collect DNA. Image
Jul 9, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
the two genders: men and people Image The funniest part about this is that it is incomprehensible even by their own bs

They use “people who seek abortions” in order to include females who don’t identify as women. But they use “men” to describe those who wouldn’t need abortions, which would then exclude “trans men”
Jul 4, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
what you said was: "pre-industrial cultures had a diversity of genders"

what I heard was: "men throughout history have always found a way to fuck other men without breaking the rules they themselves created about not fucking other men" “no I’m not gay he’s uhhhhhhh”

*spins wheel*

*throws dart*

“….. being which traverses the realms of the masculine and feminine and therefore isn’t really a man ok”
Jul 3, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
amazing to watch conservatives snap back at ppl saying a 10 year old girl is too young to be forced to give birth with “oH bUt sHe’S olD eNouGh tO cHaNge HeR gEnDeR????”

how about she’s not old enough to do fucking either you fucking fuckfucks gender ideology has contributed to normalizing discourse which makes little girls’ bodies and innocence nothing more than a football to be punted around for political convenience.
May 7, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
qUeEr HuffPo writer tries to HiRe a sEx wOrKeR, can’t find one willing, complains about it in public “what do you mean I don’t get a Respecting Sex Workers discount?”
Dec 7, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
the vast majority of pro-life men think women only get abortions for the same reason men would get abortions if they were women, and that’s being complete whores who don’t want to take responsibility for their own children I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. I believe abortions should be safe, legal, and RARE.

Shitlibs and libfems take abortion related discourse to an extreme frivolousness that does it no justice as the serious decision and medical procedure it needs to be treated as.
Oct 11, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This sociopath bullied a lesbian survivor of corrective rape into apologizing for her “transphobic genital preference.” [1/2]


The survivor deleted her account and replaced it with a grovelling apology to transwomen promising to get therapy to “unlearn” her sexuality.
Aug 16, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
In 1990, a 15-year-girl named Nayirah tearfully testified before the US Human Rights Caucus that Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait were committing horrific atrocities against women and children, and pleaded for global Intervention in Kuwait as a result.

A Thread (1/4) Nayirah, who didn’t give her last name, claimed she had witnessed premature babies being suffocated and left to die, thrown out of their incubators and into mass graves.

Human rights orgs like Amnesty were quick to fully corroborate her stories. (2/4)
May 16, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
A knitted penis for extremely small girls to wear in their pants if their parents believe them to be transgender.

It is intended for girls so young, they demonstrate the product in a diaper. The entire purpose of a prosthetic penises is if a trans identified female has some sort of genital anxiety, they can wear it to alleviate that dysphoria.

WHY would a very small, diaper wearing child have any concerns, anxieties, or even *awareness* of their genitals?????
Mar 26, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
There is a donkey in my menchies claiming that trans people are in 'grave danger in the UK.'

Trans people have a 1 in 200,000 chance of being murdered in the UK. The average person has a 1 in 100,000 chance.

There have been no trans people killed in the UK in the last year. What we have seen in the UK in the last year is:

1) a domestic violence shelter be defunded for having too many programs for biological women,
2) a violent, crazed misogynist be released into the community without an accurate description because transphobia,

(cont below)
Mar 4, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
how PinkNews covered a female inmate getting raped by a sexually violent transwoman inmate


how PinkNews covered a transwoman getting raped by a sexually violent biologically male inmate. In the article on the woman's rape, she was slighted as "anti-trans," her assault was consistently referred to as a "claim" as though it did not happen, and her entire experience was framed as bigotry.

1/2 of the article is then dedicated to how hard transwomen have it in jail.
Mar 3, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Imagine laughing off the rape of an oraguntan to pwn the TERFs lmfao "Pony is an ape" yeah -- she is. She was one that was subject to horrific abuse, and you are telling me she deserves more consideration in her trauma than human beings.

Give me a fuckin break.