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Just here for fandom stuff Note: If you harass people over fictional characters (or in general really) you can take that energy elsewhere it isn't welcome here
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Oct 16, 2024 47 tweets 9 min read
Au where jc *does* just choose to shut wwx up in the xuanwu cave by pulling him in and planting one on him

It works very well. It leaves wwx a shy blushing mess and lwj an angsty one.

The other disciples: 🤯😱 🫣 Idk if this is better with og jc, or timetravelled jc who came back to that moment and knew that wwx liked men so, what the hell this seemed like the best course of action
Oct 1, 2024 31 tweets 6 min read
I want sy to fail at speaking like an immortal with a brain fart that changes the way everyone sees sqq. Ie. he tries to say 'this venerable one' and makes a mistake and says 'this vulnerable one' (does this work in chinese, idk but in my au it does lol).
Cue everyone pitying him He doesn't know why ppl are reacting to him like this, but just seeing the 'cold and haughty sqq' call himself vulnerable in that same tone... it seemed like he was trying to deny it by making it sound ridiculous which furthered the belief that he was just in denial about himself
Oct 1, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
I want a fic (that someone else has written) where young qi-ge and xiao-jiu fell through a hole in the narrative and landed up in mdzs world, except they don't know it and they think they found a random town...but the town is yunmeng and jc finds these two street kids with serious potential and recruits them to his sect.

Cue Ymj disciples sj and yq who can't believe their luck that an immortal master thought they had potential and didn't know they were 'slaves' and recruited them.

But why did nobody here seem to have ever heard of cqm or hh etc?
Aug 20, 2024 140 tweets 25 min read
I have this jiuplane thought of poor sj!sqq being the one to actually get without a cure and sqh telling him he actually knows of a cure, only it's something that is hard to access and something he doubted sqq would want anyway... Sqq would tell him to spit it out and sqh would nervously start to say dual cultivation with a heavenly demon, but before he could get to the heavenly demon part sj would interrupt him.
"Ha dual cultivation. I suppose Shang-shidi is about the be the one to offer to administer
Aug 18, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
A fic I want to write but don't have the energy to atm
Soulmate Au where everyone is born with a mark. It's white if they're not born yet, black if they're dead and various shades when you meet.
Sj is born with his...different and everyone thinks this means he's evil or that he doesn't have a soulmate.
You see he was born with the most beautiful iridescent green. Of course it shifts in tone and shade but it's undeniably green.
Yet, it isn't a complete soulmark.
If you've met your other half it doesn't just become colourful but there are other signs.
Aug 12, 2024 154 tweets 27 min read
I want sqh to end up having little bby sqq in his care and never wanting to let him go. Hugging him and squishing him and tickling him to make him laugh and playing with his little fingers and toes.
Everyone is confused why sqh is calling the baby sqq his son.
Yqy is jealous But because he was away from the mountain when sqq became a baby and sqh was the one who took charge of taking care of him, bby sqq is now bonded to sqh and he cant just take him away to care for him himself.. he has to visit like a divorced dad
Aug 5, 2024 112 tweets 19 min read
obsessed with the idea of pidw!sqq going back in time to kill xiao-jiu bcuz if he never existed to begin with yqy wouldn't have died and lbh couldn't use him as an excuse to destroy the world and well, he'd be doing xiao-jiu a favour too ending his miserable life.. only instead of managing to kill the boy he ends up wifing him up instead

Xiao-jiu doesn't know who he is, he just looks at him admiringly when the cultivator stops him from talking to wu yanzi... he thinks that this immortal master looked way more legit than the one who was trying to tempt
Jul 27, 2024 163 tweets 28 min read
I want sqh to argue with the system about his poor scum villain never getting the chance to fix his own mistakes and get a better life (cuz sqh *tried* to help him okay? why was the system ok with replacing him instead of just letting him do the work himself?) bcuz he was tired of watching yqy make sad moon eyes at the 'happy / happily married sqq who didn't remember his qi-ge'

The plot was over and the protag got his happy ending, but sqh's story had always meant to be about cycles, and it was unfair that lbh had the chance to be better but sj didn't
Jul 27, 2024 17 tweets 3 min read
Mbj would fail at atticwifing sqh simply bcuz cang qiong can't run without him and yqy would be forced to go 'request' him back nicely... of course yqy had to be tricked by bingge to be killed so.. his power is unfathomable and mbj ends up with no choice but to sulkily let sqh go I.e. he gets a serious beatdown from yqy and begrudgingly lets sqh go but now has a crisis bcuz by demon laws this means he needs to submit to yqy and how can a servant be of two masters?
Maybe he requests yqy to fight binghe to solve his divided loyalties once and for all
Jul 25, 2024 36 tweets 8 min read
I want airplane to take cucumber bro's existence as the opportunity he never got to ogle sqq and pat himself on the back bcuz he knew his characters would all be hot and sexy and he was right! He couldn't stare when sqq was sqq (he was scary!) but now that he is sy? Free game! OG sqq has male related trauma as well so even if sqh wasn't scared of him (and of being discovered consorting with demons by him cuz he knew he made sqq suspicious), he wouldn't openly ogle him to make him uncomfortable..but cucumber bro? He'll be staring him up & down like 😏
Jul 23, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I want sqh and lbh to swap bodies for some reason which results in sy having a major epiphany and an unwelcome awakening bcuz sqh's behaviour is exactly like lbh's except he says cucumber bro instead of shizun (in the same exact whiny tone too) and sy is struggling bcuz if he didn't know it was sqh in there and wasn't being called a dif name... he wouldn't even know it wasn't lbh and what does that mean for him then?!

When sqh is back in his own body sy does not know how to act around him bcuz now he's unwillingly attracted
Jul 23, 2024 123 tweets 23 min read
Modern au featuring divorced jfm + yzy, jfm being the oblivious neglectful dad he is + his favoritism, and wwx stealing jc's bf leading to jfm posting on AITA for his reaction to it
Based on another reddit story (sorry wwx you get be an ass in this one)

AITA for telling my son to forgive his stepbrother for what happened in the past?

First I must give some backstory so you can understand the family dynamics.
My first wife and I divorced years ago and we both got married to other people. It was an arranged marriage and we never
Jul 17, 2024 433 tweets >60 min read
I've changed my mind, I like this as TianCheng 😏

Bingge left his world behind to find his own 'nice' shizun and has never found out about his origins or that tlj is still sealed under that mountain.. so without him the world moves on and heals but there are no demons left because eventually there wasn't enough energy to sustain the remaining ones and even cultivators became more like nobles, with sects being family based rather than talent based.... the merging of the realms left irreparable damage after all and so the original way of things was
Apr 28, 2024 31 tweets 6 min read
What if the town that young mbj was abandoned in was the same town that yqy and sj grew up in, and yqy, while on his way to tell sj that he was going to join cqm and to see if he could get sj out, bumped into a cold, trembling little ball of a demon who had found his way to the edge of the qiu estate and was hiding from the mean humans that were chasing him.
Yqy being the bleeding heart he is couldn't help but feel the need to placate the child bcuz nobody had ever looked at him with that much fear and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.
Apr 25, 2024 36 tweets 7 min read
Hm I thought about a pied piper-esque shen jiu au where his music was so melancholy but so relatable to women that it drew them to him like flies.
Of course bcuz he'd never played his own compositions for anyone but his shizun before nobody knew this.. until he went on a mission one day soon after becoming peak lord.
The town wanted help finding their missing womenfolk. Sj went with his disciples and he was letting them search as a learning exercise while he supervised.
He sat in the middle of a clearing and started playing while waiting... and before
Apr 11, 2024 522 tweets >60 min read
There's a reddit story I saw about a couple who broke up bcuz the wife had an emergency c-section & the husband wasn't in the room & later claimed he felt no bond with the baby bcuz of this & abandoned them both even when his dad called bullshit..&rencheng with ex zhancheng au XD Jc meimei who is forced to go back to her parents house to live bcuz her husband lwj blew up their marriage with the most ridiculous reasoning

One day they were happily married and planning for their baby and the next she went into labour but had additional complications which
Mar 21, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
Ok but AU where after the Guanyin Temple when LQR shows up with the other cultivators after Fairy brings them for help he asks lxc what's going on and gets no answer of course cuz lxc is going thru it.. and he next goes to find jc to ask but sees the wound bleeding on his chest and drops his Lan behaviour at that moment to almost run to him, shocking everyone when he presses his hand to jc's wound to pass qi and worriedly fuss over him.

Then even more shocking, SL Jiang drops his head onto Lqr's shoulder looking exhausted.

"A-Ren, let's go home."
Mar 20, 2024 59 tweets 11 min read
Okay but I want a jiuyuan fic where sy transmigrates into lbh and despite hating on the scum villain, he can't help but have a massive crush on him, that he isn't aware is a crush of course
SY: you're so good looking and talented and smart and perf-- *cough* why are u so mean? Cuz donghua sy literally watches sqq's face in the mirror and scolds him like this

So what if he was lbh and not sqq?
Mar 10, 2024 68 tweets 13 min read
Part 2 of the Qijiu lizard reconciliation au - The arrival of baby makes Mamajiu

"What did you say?"

"Ah yes, so we need to inform the rest of the peak lords that our esteemed shixiongs will be taking a longer period of seclusion bcuz the baby is born."
Mqf sighed and rubbed his temples.

Why did their shixiongs do this to them?

There were multiple concerns right now, giving mqf a headache.
Sep 24, 2023 54 tweets 10 min read
Random chengjiu/jiucheng thought but what if shen jiu became chenqing... like when the weapon was created and formed a 'spirit' the spirit was shen jiu ( sv or pidw idk) and that's why it worked so well for wwx's resentment fueled cultivation...then for years he was taken care of by jc, kept in meticulous condition.... chenqing, formerly shen qingqiu, was privy to all of jc's rambling / musings etc.
Chenqing knew everything... things that jc would say when he had too much wine and admitted things to what he thought was just an inanimate object that was
Sep 9, 2023 99 tweets 19 min read
Liujiu au where before their fateful fight at cqm's tournament, lqg did the thing lqg does and went on a night hunt but just charged at whatever he was hunting without considering his surroundings so he got sex pollened but bcuz he's lqg he doesn't recognise that this happened to questions, he would give the sob story about how the OPM's fall hadn't killed him immediately, but he had hit his head and thought that lbh was sxy, who lbh learned was apparently his mother! That *he* was the baby between tlj and sxy and the OPM knew and pulled him in with him