SmileyGnome Profile picture
Cypherpunk focused on ₿uilding a New Economic Foundation since 2013. Studying Artificial Intelligence. Liberty or Death. Freedom Maximalist.
Jul 16 11 tweets 5 min read
I created a new God Mode System prompt called the “Prompt Engineer” and am amazed by my first results using @AskVenice

I asked it to surprise me with an image prompt. Here are the examples:

The prompt engineer, system prompt, and the prompt it suprised me with that created the above images:

Jul 14 13 tweets 4 min read
EO 11110 amended EO 10289, which was authority Treasury had in section 9 of the act of June 19, 1934, c. 674, 48 Stat. 1181 (31 U.S.C. 448a).

JFK transfered power to treasury (office of FED), to coin silver and certificates should the need arise, but halted sales of silver.

This power was held by the presidency and the EO was essentially for issuance of collectibles from US Mint etc.

JFK was a Fabian socialist and a HUGE proponent of the Federal Reserve system.

You could argue, he was probably the most friendly President to the FED.

Jun 20 21 tweets 17 min read
With @AskVenice AI you have lots of image styles you can work with.

This thread will provide 76 examples of each style using prompt “a decentralized AI”:

3D Model

3D Model
Analog Film

Oct 17, 2022 12 tweets 9 min read
Took a trip to Acadia National Park and Mount Washington with my wife. The fog on island was thick
Sep 19, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
@persekiotojas1 1) he didn’t start coding tritium until 2018 so that’s a lie.
2) the liabilities I created for the project was accountability of finances. No need to pay millions of dollars to execs and scammers who can’t even tell you what a blockchain is. No money for cube sats. Unsustainable. @persekiotojas1 3) there was no extortion. We were promised pay, told to quit our jobs to work on project, which we did. Never saw any money. Even paid for my own ticket to nexus conference ans never reimbursed while $100ks was just given away and millions mismanaged. Those digital assets…
Sep 18, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone.

Thread: They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.
Sep 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Don’t just break up the states from the Union.

Break up the states from the states.

Decentralize everything. For example. There is no reason PA should not be broken up into 8 sovereign nations.