Shannon Morse Profile picture
Content Creator 📸 Owner @ Morse Code Creative Also @SailorSnubs 🔗 🧵 🦋
Feb 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I miss seeing my infosec friends on Twitter. Most of them left for Mastodon (totally understandable given twitters terrible business practices), but if using social media as a content creator, leaving twitter is much harder to do (in my case, it's my second biggest platform), Mastodon is neat, personally love that it's decentralized, but it's hard for the average user to find people. Discoverability is low. I had an infosec person recently link me to a profile she thought was mine (it wasn't) but I couldn't even see it unless I logged into my real one
Feb 27, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
A lot of folks saying it's fake, but that's not entirely accurate.
I used to work as a manager at a Domino's Pizza. This was rolling out after I left, but my old GM let me make some pizzas while visiting my hometown a while back.
It runs on a system called PULSE - When the phone CS puts in the order, it goes to the prep line, then bake. That part is automated based on usual time.
But the prepper can control it with the keyboard under their monitor. Depending on which order they're on, they can hit a key to mark it as prepped.
Feb 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Blocked immediately if you tell me this is a good thing when non-techy people don't even know where to find the settings, nor know that other 2fa options even exist.

So many ex just by looking at the trending tab. Security is convoluted, even the stuff us nerds take for granted. I DO NOT HAVE the time or energy to contribute to arguments where people say we're "blowing steam" or we need to "calm down".

I'm in my 30s. I'm tired. I've been talking about this shit for 15 years.
Feb 18, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read

There is a FREE option in the settings that you can use! 🧵 I don't use iOS so I'll show you some things you can do on Android, but generally this info will be relevant for both devices.

Go to the App store on your phone and find yourself a 2fa authenticator app. Google Authenticator and Twilio Authy and my favs.

These are FREE!
Feb 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Wow good thing I'm doubling down on 2FA videos this year since Twitter is making stupid fuckin decisions.

Debunking myths about hardware keys in this thread 🧵🔗 And if your response is "but sms 2fa bad!" Yeah, I hear you but also read this thread by @RachelTobac first dear God don't @ me.

Feb 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Our @Dyson is no longer sucking air through the hardwood and carpet attachments, but the regular cylinder works fine. Anyone know why? No blockage, pins look clean. Really odd problem, but makes our 3 yr old Dyson basically useless for vacuuming. @AskDyson is it normal for vacuums to stop sucking air through the hardwood and carpet attachments but work with all the other ones?
Feb 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My local post office lost one of my 1099s, and it's the last one I need to file my taxes.

I signed up for USPS informed delivery to track my mail, and everything else has already been delivered, the only piece missing is this one 1099 from 4 days ago. I've already contacted the company and requested they just send it electronically (I file all my taxes electronically anyways, so it would save me time), but I'm so annoyed that I'm still missing one of them.
Oct 31, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Hey women and minorities who got verified early on to defend against online harassment campaigns, it's cool, we'll just have to pay $20 a month now to prove to companies and brands that we are who we say we are. Thank you for thinking of us, El0n!
Oct 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I hate that I constantly have to defend my security / privacy advice whenever I post a video.

Infosec dudes, stop 🛑. Y'all are so fuckin exhausting. My videos aren't for you, they are for you to send to your mom/sister/grandpa/whoever. I get that you always wanna be right but I'm not about to recommend that your momma jailbreak an android phone just to de-google it. Go watch another channel for that kinda video (like Hak5). Not my channel.
May 17, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Several women (and men for that matter!) replied to this thread about their own experiences with contractors who’ve had access to their home or personal information and using that to make unwanted and unsolicited advances on the women who hired them. It’s important to point out that this isn’t a one time thing. This kind of shit happens all the time to women, and it’s incredibly violating to our personal space and privacy. It’s unprofessional and disrespectful.
May 16, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
I need to tell y’all how fucking shitty, uncomfortable, and uneasy I feel right now because the man who has been working on our basement drywall decided to send me an unsolicited selfie tonight?! He had my number so I could unlock the door for him whenever he was working. I immediately sent the company owner a screenshot of the selfie and told him the man is not welcome back in my house. And I won’t step foot anywhere near the drywall contractor, my husband will deal with him if he shows up.
Apr 25, 2021 17 tweets 5 min read
It’s true though, @YouTube is doing the world a disservice by banning or flagging channels that teach hacking.
Hacking, at its core, is not a criminal act. And YouTube needs to stop forcing educators to move to different platforms. @YouTubeCreators We appealed a flag on the Hak5 channel because we link to the HakShop, where we sell products that even GOOGLE ITSELF uses (I know, I spoke on the WiFi pineapple at their SF office and met several google cyber security employees).
Aug 6, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
A big creator channel may get fast ticketed support, but us smaller channels would be screwed if this happened, so here's a thread I'll provide on security techniques. Should I make a video on the topic too?

Tldr: Sim swapping to take over YouTube accounts and run bitcoin scams. This isn't the first channel to be hit. It won't be the last. But hopefully some of these prevention techniques will save a few channels. Plz retweet as you see fit. I'm here to help in the replies as well. I CANNOT help with hacked accts. Only youtube can do that.
Dec 30, 2019 29 tweets 6 min read
19 days 18 days.
Oct 9, 2019 17 tweets 4 min read
So, northern California is experiencing a #poweroutage right now due to the #pgeshutoff . They gave 800,000 households/ businesses one day notice. The power outage "may last" up to five days. This is a monopolistic company that has the power to basically do whatever they want. The CEO is the highest paid government worker in the US.…
Jul 7, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Hey let's talk about the term Lolita!

You've likely heard it in two connotations:

One being the western emphasis on sexualized kids, derived from a book from 1955. I won't go into the details. It's triggering and gross. Wikipedia it if you want. 🤮 It's trending today because of the Epstein case. Also gross. Also won't go into it.

The second meaning is derived from Japanese fashion culture. The term Lolita fashion is used to define cuteness and innocence with Victorian era and Edwardian era inspired clothing.
Mar 5, 2019 17 tweets 4 min read
Seriously. Fuck this guy. I should be thankful to live in this country? Let me educate you on some stats, my boi. The life expectancy in the US is lower than many first world countries:…
I can expect to die at a lower age because I live here. If you're female, chances are you'll live a little longer than males, but not by much. Peep the source links on this one.
Feb 7, 2019 21 tweets 5 min read
While I was on my epic vacation of a lifetime down in New Zealand, there was a motherboard article that came out describing a Facebook group that posted misogynistic and hateful things towards targeted women and allies of said women. (Con)… This happened on the same day as my keynote speech at LCA. That's why I tweeted that it was a great day. Because my keynote went great and these horrible people were finally being ousted.
Nov 8, 2018 23 tweets 5 min read
Last night 11 people plus the shooter died at a bar in California. Look at Twitter trends for the details. It's horrifying. But here's a thing - I'm seeing a lot of tweets about how "California has stricter laws so strict laws won't stop gun violence".
Our CA gun laws are garbage My hubs and I bought a Beretta m9 about two years ago or so. It's a nice gun. We googled gun shops in the area. Found one about 15 minutes away that had it in stock so we could hold one and test the safety and loading.
Oct 20, 2018 19 tweets 4 min read
Omggggg, here I'm sitting, minding my own business eating a bagel and drinking my PSL at LAS, and this group of moms who are heading home from their vacation are discussing their home alarm systems and asking each other what the PIN code is. One says "isn't it 1234?" And the other goes, no, it's "07xx". I know because I saved it in my notes. Then she plays on her phone and says "see I saved it on October 10".
Aug 3, 2018 23 tweets 7 min read
I've been getting a lot of questions from women (and some men!) who are going to defcon for the first time this year. First off, congratulations! It's a really great environment to learn and make friends! Since I've been answering the same qs for many, here's a thread of tips: I'm heading to #defcon @defcon and @DianaInitiative only this year because I'm finalizing a keynote and working on a super secret thing for Saturday. I don't have the capacity to also go to #BlackHat2018 and #BSidesLV so will sadly be missing those :(