Vickie Somers #TeamCanada #CanadaGuards #ProCanada Profile picture
Standing UP For Canada. #WomenAgainstPoilievre
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Oct 28, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read
A poorly educated group of Millennials founded a spin-off of the Campaign Life Coalition in 2016. One of the founders worked for the CLC. I say they are poorly educated because they can't consider beyond their fanaticism. Image In 2015, Golob drove a van with an X drawn through a photo of PMJT on the side before the election. This group is another source that started the negative ugliness that we're seeing on our streets. We have seen candidate signs marked & destroyed in every election since.
Oct 24, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Another threat that we overlook is the "religious" attempt on our democracy. Canadians are aware that the anti-choice dictatorial groups have a political party, called the "Christian Heritage Party" (CHP). Image The CHP along with the Campaign Life Coalition are the sources who are behind the interference in maintaining our education to world standards.

Oct 15, 2023 15 tweets 11 min read
2015-current CPC and sources manipulating Canadians.
We start with Andrew Scheer as the leader of the CPC. Image Khadr case - The CPC manipulated Canadians into getting them to think that we had a choice and we didn't have to comply with a negotiated legal settlement. By the way, Fed's got the settlement down from $20m.

Oct 1, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
A 🧵Stephen Harper in the PMO 2006-2015

In 2005, Stephen Harper did a fundraiser for the
CASJAFVA, a radical group that promoted hate against the gay community. Image In Harper's speech to the CASJAFVA, he outlined plans for a broad new party coalition that would ensure a lasting hold on power.
Sep 18, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
How Canada's governance went from good to CPC bad. The 🧵 started in the 1960s, however, this extreme right-wing manipulation goes as far back as the Social Credit Party with Bill Aberhart and Ernest Manning. Short overview: Aberhart was Alberta's 7th premier. Known as Bible Bill due to his bible radio sermons. Bill incorporated fascism into his sermons. Ernest Manning was in his caucus. When Manning became the premier he continued the radio sermons.
Aug 9, 2023 17 tweets 6 min read
How Canada's governance went from good to CPC bad. The 🧵starts at the 1960s, however, this extreme right-wing manipulation goes as far back as the Social Credit Party with Bill Abernathy and Ernest Manning. Short overview: Abernathy was Alberta's 7th premier. Known as Bible Bill due to his bible radio sermons. Bill incorporated fascism into his sermons. Ernest Manning was in his caucus. When Manning became the premier he continued the radio sermons.
Jun 17, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Canadians, imagine for a moment, that you and your team were serving the country through the worst of times that the younger generations have experienced. While you and your team are working non-stop to get the entire country through these worst of times, you were continuously... lied about, and that every issue was being used to spread misinformation/disinformation about the issue and the protocols of proper processes. In addition, you have colleagues, not on your team, rage farming in order to radicalize/polarize the citizens who are prone to commit
Jun 16, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Note ⬇️ Image Image
Mar 21, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
What the CPC is doing IMO, is attempting to get the Liberals to publicize the measures they took in 2018 to strengthen our system against foreign interference. Also, IMO, the CPC wants to ensure that their foreign partners are still capable of interfering in our elections. Every CDN can trust that any interference would always be for the CPC and other r-w parties.
Mar 20, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
In this podcast, there was a point made that part of the reason this angry movement against the world is occurring is that people need something to believe in.
Top Political Analyst WARNS of MAGA THREAT in Powerful Interview | The W... via @YouTube It's why we're seeing people gravitate toward false religious sects, joining anti-movements, etc.
It made me wonder about that because I know that the only thing anyone needs to believe in, is themselves.
Mar 19, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
The video below addresses what is being done to education by the fascists that got into government through the republican party. Canada's current right-wing parties want the same, make no mistake about that.
We should discuss our education through the generations because the curriculum does need to be updated and enhanced.
I'm a baby boomer and the curriculum that bored me during grade school was a) religion b) history, and c) social studies. The reason for the boredom was ...
Mar 14, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
What have we done to our government, fellow citizens?
Why are we allowing the Federal CPC parties to run an election campaign during the serving of an elected mandate that we gave the Liberals? The opposition parties are not serving. They are just campaigning, and we're paying their salary for their misuse of their time and our time. The opposition parties are to support the elected mandate, debate the implementation process, and assist in getting the work done.
Mar 3, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
I'm going to try and point out a few things that so many didn't pick up on. First, remember why we rallied against Stephen Harper. Note the video provided and read the signs.
Remember all the harm that the Harper terms did to all of Canada, and yes, that includes you, Alberta.
In 2015 we elected the Liberals in order to undo a lot of that damage, but we forget that Harper's party is still in our government running sabotage.
Mar 2, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
🛑Stop the noise! Stop reacting to this attempt to gaslight the populace that China's attempt on our democracy was successful. This is a play right from the GOP handbook that the CPC was trained on. We know it really is an attempt to change the focus off of Doug Ford's corruption and the fascism supporting CPC. The question every CDN needs to ask is why would CSIS leak to Robert Fife who was at celebrations for Tamara Lich?
Mar 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
In today's Toronto Star, another article about the teacher who decided to be disrespectful not only of themself but everyone.… In the podcast, starting at the 1:04 mark, it's stated that the incident was set up by Rebel News, and the "teacher" was in on it.
Feb 25, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Reminder: Germany is a Nato member. Let them deal with Christine Anderson when she's brave enough to return home. Now though, we see she's here to incite a psychotic group of people who were already incited by Maxime Bernier, Randy Hillier, UCP and the CPC, and propagandists. Not to forget the hired manipulators to keep the hate, fear, and disinformation/misinformation circulating online, and of course, the purchased bots. Anderson should have her Canada tour canceled, then be put on a return plane to Germany immediately.
Feb 15, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
Let's look back at the Ontario 2018 election. Where people were manipulated by Jeff Ballingall, and his garbage sites Canada and Ontario Proud. Remember, Ballingall was involved in the protest against Kathleen Wynne and the Liberals. Wynne's election pitch would have served all of Ontario and every Ontarian well. She had doable solutions to serious issues that wouldn't have cost us all our provincial funds.
Dec 28, 2022 17 tweets 7 min read
Due to the comments I was seeing about Rosie Barton's year-end interview with our Prime Minister, I took the time to listen to it. I muted Rosie some time ago because she lost my respect. I noted the following: a) she wasn't letting the PM's answers register with people before she'd hit with some snark comment; b) she kept alluding to people not having problems with his policies, that it's him they have a problem with (she did this a few times), and
Dec 2, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
#TrudeauWasRight There are people who have frustratingly decided to reiterate what the people who were lured by Canada Proud, Ontario Proud, Spencer Fernando, TNC (Lawton, Malcolm, pundits), and the r-w conservative parties are saying about PMJT. He's polarizing, ...1/10 he's divisive, he's a lightweight, he's gone too far to the left, etc. They spew hate with the ugliness of the r-w, claims of virtue signaling, he's lost touch, etc. Then they say that PMJT shouldn't have said this ⬇️ 2/10
Aug 11, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
🧵to remind every person in Canada that the CPC is not in our government to serve our country or the citizens. They are still carrying out the bastard intention of Stephen Harper's Reform Party, and that includes the heavy involvement with the Plymouth Brethren. They've spent a few decades dumbing down the right-wing voter base. Now, Maxime Bernier gathered up the Libertarians, (PoiLIEvre is currently drawing them back to CPC). Note that Bernier isn't attacking PoiLIEvre. Randy Hillier was used in helping draw in the fanatics.
Jul 11, 2022 18 tweets 5 min read
#ProCanada A reminder to everyone that the right-wing social media resources hire actors to pretend that they are progressives and not regressive. I'm coming across many that just don't have the conviction of being a progressive individual. They plant subliminal messages. Such as "Trudeau won't be the PM next election" and "I'm not a fan of Trudeau, but..." or "the Libs have been in for 3 years, they are stale now, they have nothing more to offer".