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Social Safe Kids is a UK Facebook Group facilitating social meet-ups for families who are trying to stay safe from Covid 🇬🇧. We are Social & Safe
Sep 23, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A little poem I wrote.

You may laugh & sneer,
You may even jeer,
‘Covid is Over!
Masks aren’t welcome here!’

Let me say, I see you.
I see your sideways glance.
I’d love to be able to educate you;
Given half a chance. You may just get a runny nose
And feel ‘off’ for a week or two,
But what you see is not what you get, when Covid’s through with you.

Covid is sneaky & silent,
It infects your heart & brain,
It slowly wrecks your blood vessels, of every artery & vein.