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Citizen Journalist Co-Founder: @RevBlackNetwork
Tanya Metaksa Profile picture Mike Skyers Profile picture Chief18753 Profile picture the_PeoplesWill Profile picture 5 subscribed
Apr 18 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
UFC fighters failed to unionized, in fact many fighters are scabs who actively fought collective bargaining

The result has led to UFC fighters being by far the lowest paid athletes in term of revenue sharing. While boxers make millions for title fights, UFC fights after paying their team and other expenses often make less than accountants

I remember Gray Maynard made like 40k fighting Frankie Edgar for a world title once lmfaooo. Boxers make MILLIONS

All this so Dana White and UFC execs can be hundred millionaires

This is what libertarian economics led for UFC fighters and some still praise it. Absolute pathetic cuck behavior There are countless stories about UFC fighters who are still forced to work full time because they make pennies

It’s a giant thing in the MMA community the poor pay they get. Despite that many of these knuckleheads still shill for capitalism. It’s unbelievable
Apr 11 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This video been bothering me for some time

Why do we behave this way?

Why do we treat politicians like celebrities? This guy is a corrupt piece of shit responsible for war crimes and killing innocent people with drones but the workers are geeked at meeting this guy

Americans are so fucking cooked man. The bootlicking mentality towards power is too strong This celebrity culture around politicians make me sick.

Why are they even so giddy to meet him? Excited you are being used for PR?

Americans are so pathetic
Feb 12 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
We’ve been protesting for months now and our government is still helping Israel bomb children. All our protests did NOTHING to stop the massacre in Rafah

Just like we protested police violence in 2020 but 2023 was the deadliest year ever

Can we have a seriously conversation on how peaceful protest doesn’t work. You’ve been fooled into using a tactic the establishment approves of

Peaceful protests only work on an enemy with a conscience The Vietnam war wasn’t ended by peaceful protests

It ended because America got their ass kicked. Our ruling class doesn’t give a fuck about protests
Jan 21 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Taiwan saw what the United States did to Ukraine and was like “hell nah” Image West melting down because they can’t get Taiwan to “Ukraine” itself

Even their pro west president has repeated the fact that he supports the status quo and peace with China Image
Oct 20, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Black Power Media launches an unhinged smear on RBN despite all the time we spent uplifting their work

I challenged them to debate their smears and they declined

They are spineless cowards who I will expose tomorrow

Lying about black radicals for liberals is a new low These are the same fake mfs who just had me on their stream 2 months ago with nothing bad to say. Nodding their head to everything I said

They are weak mfs who talk shit about you behind your back but smile to your face in person They are fucking snakes
Oct 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
The claims of Palestinians raping Israeli women with no evidence is a long time propaganda technique used by the west in order to get people to blindly hate the enemy we about to commit atrocities against

They used the same technique in Syria, Iraq and currently accusing Russians of mass rape

They don’t provide evidence, they just use the racist assumption of Americans that will always believe the our enemies are savages while we wage war the proper and kind way

Just like they do with everything, the claims that Palestinians and Russians are using rape as a weapon is pure projection from the United States.

Nobody is responsible for more sexual violence than the U.S. military and it’s not even close

Jul 17, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
RBN has been banned on youtube for 2 weeks

This is our second strike

Youtube found an old video of ours and gave it a strike, so we don’t even know what we said

This is a sign that youtube is trying to get rid of us for good so RBN won’t be around much longer This is absolute bullshit. This video was over a year old and we have no idea what was said

Youtube searching for a reason to censor us. We knew this was going to happen because we push third parties and our Ukraine coverage
May 14, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The illegal immigrant has nothing to do with the fact that capitalists exploit black labor

They have nothing to do with our communities being over policed

Decolonize your mind and stop allowing capitalists from pitting the black community vs the other. Our enemy is the same Image Instead of fighting for liberation y’all out here tap dancing for crumbs and then blaming the illegal immigrants

The people “siphoning financial resources away” are the capitalist class

I hate these cowardly black people too afraid to punch up at the real problem Image
Feb 12, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Remember when Katie Porter, AOC, and the boutique left were pretending Biden was expanding the IRS to go after rich people 🤣 Image Katie Porter and the boutique left was leading the charge about lying to people about Biden’s intentions with the IRS

These people are dangerous
Nov 20, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Every single one of these black mayors sold black people out to real estate developers and the prison industrial complex

The black misleadership class is the biggest threat to black lives Image The reason why I don’t spend all my time bitching about Republicans is because politics is mostly local in terms of impact on our lives

Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t governing us

It’s these Black Democratic Party capitalists who continue to sell us out
and destroy our lives
Oct 29, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Me trying my best not to comment on the Paul Pelosi story so I won’t get banned All i’m going to say is the ruling class endorsed this kind of violence on us using their fascist police force and around the world with their violent wars

Just saying
Jul 31, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Breaking Points is live blaming China for escalating war with the U.S.

Their rationale is China increasing their military meanwhile the U.S. has 800 military bases

They also claim Pelosi and the west can do whatever they want

Breaking Points is imperialist media bruh this shit is unhinged

According to these imperialists the U.S. can punch over and over again but as soon as China draws a red line THEY are in the wrong. Unbelievable

They even admit the west is demonizing China because of their rise but China is supposed to accept that?
Jul 31, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
“If you vote third party you are sabotaging Democrats”

Good. In fact I hope I am the single vote that causes them to lose. How about that you shameless cop lovers Jim Crow Joe is literally proposing a new Crime Bill that spends more than the original Crime Bill

They literally learned nothing from their “mistakes”. In fact Democrats are doubling down. Fuck this party y’all deserve Trump
Jul 30, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Blue MAGA in a nutshell Image So many Blue MAGA liberals sent me unhinged racist replies because I refused to vote for Jim Crow Joe
Feb 14, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I said Big Pharma should write a check to everyone who was injured by the vaccine and the vaccine cult immediately was like, “well statistically the chances of you being injured is low”


If the number of vaccine injured is low then Big Pharma should have no problem paying up There were people actually arguing against this like Big Pharma isn’t making $1k per second on the vaccine and couldn’t afford it 🤣
Jan 29, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Shitlibs really believe that Joe Rogan is doing more damage to this country than Joe Biden 🤣 I think Rogan is a dipshit but imagine being more upset at him than you are the ruling class of this country

People are so fucking lost
Jan 16, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Get the vaccine to protect you and your family but if you don’t we are going to traumatize the shit out of you and your children

What the actual fuck is wrong some Democrats right now? This is crazy The vaccine protects you so get it or we will ruin your life! I truly don’t understand this logic
Jan 16, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Hasan Piker is a socialist who legit doesn’t even know what mutual aid is 😂

No wonder he was terrified to invite me on after criticizing the General Strike Summit

This guy is a fucking fraud and an absolute moron Hasan Piker called mutual aid “American” “capitalistic” and claimed it was based on individualism

This guy is a fucking shitlib. I would dismantle and expose this charlatan that is why his fans was terrified at the idea of us debating on his show
Jan 14, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I think if Trump won in 2020 he would be the one advocating for vaccine mandates and vaccine worship culture while the liberals opposed him with “anti vax” talking points

The MAGA cult would go with whatever he says. They would sell taking the jab as your patriotic duty 😏 Trump loves the vaccines and been trying to get his supporters to take ownership of the vaccine. America is such a partisan shithole doubt me if you want but I promise you the roles would be reversed if Trump won
Aug 4, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
“Nina Turner lost because of dark money groups and shady election tactics”

Ok? Did y’all seriously not see this coming? The establishment was caught off guard by the squad but now knows how to defeat us electorally

What is the plan to overcome this? Yelling at activists? Lol People keep bringing up dark money like it’s a profound and deep political analysis 😂

Heads up, this is going to happen EVERYTIME a progressive runs in a high profile race. This is why we’ve been telling y’all attempting to take over the Democratic Party is a fool’s errand
Aug 4, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Nina Turner lost because the weakness of the Squad turned off alot of people on the left so they didnt support her

This is why politicians not supporting their base has dire consequences “Nina actually lost because a ton of dark money gave Shontel Brown the win”

Are y’all new to politics? What the hell did y’all think would happen? Lol

You need a strong enthusiastic grassroots base to overcome that and Nina did NOT have that because the Squad killed enthusiasm