Dr. Soji Adeyi Profile picture
Author | President, Resilient Health Systems | Faculty @JohnsHopkinsSPH | Former Director @WBG_Health & @GlobalFund | Board @lastmilehealth | Golfer | Fan @LFC
Jul 8 12 tweets 2 min read
New: on African Vaccine Manufacturing! Policy incoherence & opacity surround the R21 Malaria Vaccine. We identify pathways to end-to-end capabilities & a Scorecard for rigor & transparency. Thx @Prof_Yadav_SCM, @rajpanjabi, @wilfredmbacham @PLOSGPH. #AVMA doi.org/10.1371/journa…
Image On the R21 #vaccine, there is hype without clarity on what continental policies & external commitments should optimize for -- despite the strategic perils of African dependence on external manufacturers. #africa #manufacturing @gavi @SerumInstIndia @AfricaCDC @gatesfoundation
Sep 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Specifying & Fixing 4 Cardinal Defects of #GlobalHealth #charity: insular presumption of superior wisdom; abdication of duty of care; pontificating outside circle of competence; & irrational escalation of commitment. New @GlobalHealthBMJ. @seyeabimbola
Image Defect number 1: Insular presumption of superior wisdom. Exhibit @gavi #covax #CovidVaccines @ACTAccelerator
Dec 13, 2022 14 tweets 13 min read
Diamonds are forever, but #COVAX & @gavi, poster children of (Northern) narcissistic charity & (Southern) dependency, should exit the stage.@sarajerving @DevTodayJournal @TheLancet @paimadhu @CKyobutungi @seyeabimbola @WALETOM @BillGates @GaviSeth @WHO @raj_devex. Thread: Institutional malpractice:“If ever there’s an enquiry into how this happened, we can find Covax culpable. We were misled.” That was @_AfricanUnion Envoy Strive Masiyiwa on #Covax. milkeninstitute.org/video/covid-va… @sarajerving