Soulful 7 6 Profile picture
Raphael / J'aime l'Église Orthodoxe, le Rite Occidental, les Saints Francs, Old English, les Québécois et la Monarchie. My Views ≠ Views of the Western Rite.
Jan 29 28 tweets 9 min read
Saints who belonged to the inner circle of Charlemagne, shared his beliefs, or were his admirers. A Thread 🧵

Question: What beliefs of these Saints differed from Charles? What beliefs render him a heretic but render the following people Saints? (Read before answering) His wife, St. Hildegard of Vinzgau, had her relics elevated in 963 & was therefore canonized pre-schism as a Saint. Image
Mar 25, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
The reason why the RW lost & continues to struggle in the culture war is because the Right identifies itself as reactionary, always seeking to contrast itself with the Left whilst relativizing what it means to be Right Wing. In doing so, the RW concedes to how the Left … 1/15 🧵 Image frames the discourse. The Left of course openly attacks the Right but they do so by their own standards and while pushing a utopian worldview of their own, which many seculars find compelling.

The Right meanwhile can’t settle on a vision to positively affirm, instead … Image
Mar 25, 2023 21 tweets 9 min read
A Short Thread 🧵- An exchange between Fr. Stephen Hatherly & Dr. Julian Joseph Overbeck concerning the Western Rite.

Two converts to the faith who became bitter rivals in their visions for a future English Orthodox Church and the state of Orthodoxy in the West.

1/21 Contextual note: Overbeck had recently sent a letter to the synod of Moscow with the aim of restoring the Western Rite through the Moscow Patriarchate.

Featured below: Dr. J.J. Overbeck.
Jan 12, 2023 77 tweets 29 min read
🧵 Mega-thread / The Life of Blessed Denis Chambault
The Miracle Working Benedictine Saint of the Western Rite.

By yours truly.
(Sources will be featured in the last tweet, DM me if you desire a PDF) Blessed Denis Chambault, known to the world as Lucien, was born on the 22nd of January, 1899 AD, in
Paris, France. He was the son of a French father, and an English mother, and raised in a non-religious household.
Jan 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
My Catholic ancestors made a forest without roads with 8 month long winters into liveable soil, built schools, built hospitals, venerated their church's saints from around the world while also emphasizing love for their own native saints from France and New France, spent their... Image time going to church multiple days a week, doing processions in the streets, chopping wood for heat, had bare-minimum 12 kids, and prayed the rosary without ceasing, and in return my Orthodox neighbours who watch 10 hour Livestreams, obsess over dead empires & ... Image
Jan 3, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The WR won't "fix" Orthodoxy, however the idea that "needing" something is directly linked to sufficiency is arbitrary & a rhetorical slight of hand to discredit the WR, it poisons the well. Was 4 Gospels necessary instead of 1? Was the faith "insufficient" prior to Constantine? Fr. Patrick Reardon touches upon the question of "What can the WR contribute to Orthodoxy?" in this talk:…
In it he rightfully points out the fact that the Chrysostom Liturgy is distinctively pre-chalcedonian, meaning that all the theology found therein is
Dec 30, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
The idea that the Western Rite is an inauthentic "reconstruction" or as I saw it called earlier, a form of "necromancy", is foreign to historic Orthodox conception of restorationism. Restoration is the norm in Orthodoxy, not a fringe idea unique to the WR. Here are some examples: St. Jonah of Novgorod, witnessing that his local traditions were being supplanted and replaced, sought to restore them into normative practice.… Image
Nov 25, 2022 30 tweets 15 min read
An impromptu thread to clarify some things regarding the Western Rite for my Eastern Rite brothers and sisters, so as to avoid confusion and scandal.

🧵 Two Philosophies: Antioch & ROCOR's Vision for the Roman Rite. ImageImage Please note before I begin that this thread is not an extensive list of responses to every critique of the Western Rite, however, it is intended to address common objections such as "Why do the WR flatten their eucharist into wafers?" & "Why do some venerate the Sacred Heart?" ImageImage