✨ Rebecca Speas #AbolishICE ✨ Profile picture
She/her. Leftist Southern Harpy. Actor. Bookseller @justonemorepage. Podcaster @ACorusLine. Public historian in training.
Dec 29, 2022 57 tweets 46 min read
Just squeaking by under the wire here, but THUS BEGINS MY BEST BOOKS OF 2022 THREAD! Follow along for all the books I loved this year! ⬇️👇

Buy these fabulous books from your local indie bookstore, or the audio at @librofm, or check them out from @LibbyApp / your local library! OLGA DIES DREAMING by Xochitl Gonzalez (@Flatironbooks)

I read this for the @ABAbook's #IndiesIntroduce list this past winter & it's still the best book I read all year. It's wise, warm & witty, touches on race and wealth to diaspora and family while keeping you turning the page Image
Dec 29, 2021 41 tweets 36 min read
Alright fam THE TIME IS NIGH

for my traditional BEST BOOKS OF 2021 thread

prepare your butts

and your wallets

to shop local

to shop indie

to shun B*zos

and make your Bookish Auntie Speas proud A quick rundown:

-First I'm gonna share the 2021 releases (if you don't see your faves, I promise it wasn't b/c I didn't like them, it was b/c I didn't read them yet, and I will bear that shame into 2022 😂)

-After that is non-2021 releases

For muting purposes: #SpeasReads
Dec 28, 2019 60 tweets 56 min read

It's that time again: Old Crone Rebecca's yearly thread of her BEST BOOKS OF 2019!

As always, each book will have a blurb, a cover image, buy links from @justonemorepage if possible, and a @librofm link if I particularly enjoyed the audiobook! @justonemorepage @librofm Just a rundown of how this is all gonna work:

I'm going through all of my fave 2019 releases, probably taking a snack break, and then going through all my fave books I read that did NOT come out in 2019!

Also I will inevitably be interrupted, so have patience, friends!
Dec 29, 2018 74 tweets 61 min read

Here's how this'll work: Each book I mention will have a blurb, a cover image, buy links from @justonemorepage wherever possible, and a @librofm link if I particularly enjoyed the audiobook.

HERE WE GO BUCKLE UP KIDS WICKED AND THE WALLFLOWER by @sarahmaclean: My favorite book of the year, and my fave of Sarah's books. Thrilling, passionate, sexy as hell, incredibly moving, and a heroine that is EVERYTHING to me. Do yourself a favor and pick this up immediately.

📕: tinyurl.com/y7s37exx